Staff Reports
Williamsport, PA – This past Saturday Susquehanna Bank Park at Historic Bowman Field hosted the annual Backyard Brawl Baseball Tournament featuring Hughesville, Montoursville, South Williamsport and host school Williamsport. But there was one thing missing as the photo indicates, an American Flag displayed in right center field.
Prior to the consolation game, Talk WilliamsportRadio Williamsport Owner and General Manager made an on-air demand that an American Flag immediately be brought to the field and displayed. This call to City of Williamsport officials went unanswered. So Bartley took matters into his own hands as his wife and son brought an American flag to the field.
“It was my intention to have my son who is a Boy Scout run that flag up the pole as he has so proudly done so many times as a Cub Scout and now a Boy Scout, Bartley said.” However, the plan hit a snag when it was discovered the pulley system is under lock and key and only accessible by City workers. So the entire tournament was played without a flag or a National Anthem.
According to Bartley, “my late grandfather served in the Korean War and my father and uncle served during the Vietnam era, having lived in the shadow of Oceana Naval Air Station, Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point Air Station plus a long family history in scouting it is completely inexcusable for anyone in the City of Williamsport government to not take responsibility for the most visible American Flag within the city limits. It is an absolute slap in the face to all that have served our great nation.”
Today, an Talk Williamsport staff member provided a photo of American flag now displayed at Susquehanna Bank Park at Historic Bowman Field.
City of Williamsport officials had no comment for this story.