Accreditation and best practices have been common suggestions for improvement in
Keller’s law enforcement listening sessions
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) on Tuesday applauded President Donald Trump’s Executive Order’s focus on implementing accreditation and best practices among law enforcement agencies.
The Executive Order signed Tuesday afternoon focuses on credentialing and certification of officers and departments, information sharing so that bad police officers can be held accountable, and incentivizing co-responder programs to add a non-law enforcement component to some emergency situations.
The credentialing and certification component has been a common theme of discussion in Congressman Keller’s law enforcement roundtable listening sessions in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District. Last Thursday, the Sunbury Police Department discussed their work with accreditation and noted that it allows general guidelines and the implementation of best practices to fit local particularities.
On the Executive Order, Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) made the following statement:
“As Congress moves forward with considering law enforcement improvement legislation that focuses on use of force guidelines and de-escalation procedures, I hope to see accreditation provisions that allow for local police departments to implement best practices in a way that fits their individual communities. I applaud President Trump for making this a focus of the Executive Order he signed today.
“We have heard from law enforcement agencies that national police standards that take a one-size-fits-all approach are simply unreasonable. While Republicans and Democrats in Congress continue to discuss law enforcement improvement legislation, I will work to make sure our police have the tools, training, transparency, and accountability needed to provide law and order while ensuring equal justice for all.”