EXCLUSIVE: Sec. Levine on News Talk 104.1 reporting of COVID-19 case and death count irregularities

During a Thursday afternoon press conference, Secretary of Health, Dr. Rachel Levine answered questions, several of which were posed by News Talk 104.1.

However, the first few minutes were used to address the exclusive reporting of News Talk 104.1 on COVID-19 case and death counts irregularities.


News Talk 104.1 Reports:

URGENT: First 2 COVID-19 Deaths in Lycoming County

EXCLUSIVE: Lycoming County Coroner Kiessling challenges Sec. Levine on COVID-19 death reporting

EXCLUSIVE: Sec. Levine responds to News Talk 104.1 on Coroner concerns and COVID-19 funding

URGENT: Sec. Levine Wednesday COVID-19 update on hold

BREAKING NEWS: Lycoming County has 2 deaths related to COVID-19 removed from list

EXCLUSIVE: Coroner Kiessling Joins News Talk 104.1 Live at 3 p.m.

From the press briefing earlier this afternoon.


Question: With coroners on the front line of this pandemic why are you waiting until next week to hold a call with them as you stated in the Senate hearing earlier today?



Question: Are suicides related to the stress of COVID-19 being reported as COVID-19 deaths?



Question: As cities like Williamsport in the North Central part of the state prepare to move to the yellow stage of reopening, what is the guidance for churches conducting services?


According to Maggi Mumma of the Pennsylvania Department of Health Press Office:

We are continuously working to distribute more clarification on the re-opening strategies. At this time, the guidance and recommendations for religious gatherings has not been established yet. We will make sure to share once those guidelines.


Stay tuned to News Talk 104.1 & 1600 WEJS and talkwilliamsport.com for developments on this story.