Gov. Wolf: Enhanced Dashboard Launched that Highlights Demographic, Testing and Reopening Data

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf announced today that his administration launched an enhanced dashboard to pull Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 data and information together to inform Pennsylvanians. The dashboard further enhances data on demographics of cases, demographics of deaths and the reopening status.

“The more informed Pennsylvanians are, the more confident they can feel in their understanding of this pandemic and how it affects them,” Gov. Wolf said. “This enhanced dashboard provides much more detailed data, including the graphical presentation of our race and ethnicity data for both cases and race, which is essential as we work to provide data representative of all communities.”

“We have continued to work to ensure we have accurate and transparent data for Pennsylvanians as they look at the COVID-19 epidemic,” Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said. “Having all this data available on one page provides a tool where people can go for the most recent information on COVID-19 in Pennsylvania.”

The dashboard includes eight different tabs:

  • Pennsylvania case data;
  • County data – with a dropdown menu for specific counties;
  • Case data by ZIP code;
  • Hospital preparedness information;
  • Case demographic information, including cases by gender, ethnicity, age and race;
  • Death demographic information, including deaths by gender, ethnicity, race, age and deaths by place;
  • Testing information; and
  • Reopening status information.

This dashboard complements the county dashboard, available here, to provide the most up-to-date data available.

For the latest information for individuals, families, businesses and schools, visit “Responding to COVID-19” on

Currently, 33 counties are in the yellow phase of reopening, with 12 of those set to move to green on Friday, June 12. Thirty-four counties have moved to green as part of the Governor’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania.

The Wolf Administration stresses the role Pennsylvanians play in helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow, not your hands.
  • Clean surfaces frequently.
  • Stay home to avoid spreading COVID-19, especially if you are unwell.
  • If you must go out for a life-sustaining reason, please wear a mask.

Updated Coronavirus Links: Press Releases, State Lab Photos, Graphics

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