HAPPENING NOW: Lycoming County Commissioners Work Session at 10 a.m.

Live at 10.m. Tuesday morning the Lycoming County Board of Commissioners will be conducting the regularly scheduled Commissioner’s Work Session on Tuesdays in a Virtual format due to the current COVID-19 crisis and its associated risks.

An online audio link is found here.

Members of the public are highly encouraged NOT TO ATTEND these meetings in person as to limit the size of the meetings to less than ten people as per Federal and State guidance to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  County Staff that are working remotely will join by conference call to brief their respective action items and or participate.

County Staff and Members of the public may utilize www.Lyco.org to access: the “Commissioner’s Meeting” that is live-streamed on YouTube, Meeting Agendas, and to provide Public Comment and ask Questions. Additionally, Members of the public may sign in to the YouTube video to provide public comment on agenda items only at the beginning and general public comments at the end of the meeting.

Lycoming County Board of Commissioners Agenda 3-31-20