
“Big” Billy Kinder

Big Billy Kinder is a native Texan. Born and raised in Palo Pinto County, Billy like many native Texans, was hunting and fishing from the very age that he could safely shoot a gun or cast a hook. That starts real early around here! From Crappie and Bass in the native lakes around home to Sailfish in the Atlantic, gulf species, and Pacific spear fishing, “it’s all a fish and a hook and a bait and the Good Lord’s gifts that make each adventure so special.”

Deer, quail, and turkey were all major influences in Big Billy’s youth. They still are! “Hunting Texas quail is still my favorite!” As a youngster, he would listen for a whistle and walk them up, but for the past twenty years he’s been behind some of the best bird dogs in the country! “Since my first trip behind well bred and trained dogs, that has been my passion!” Big Billy has grown his love of these dogs into champion field trialers and tremendous upland bird hunters. He has hauled his dogs to championship field trials and tremendous hunts from coast to coast and border to border. His champion Brittany, Bear won the 2010 National Shoot to Retrieve Regional Championship.

Radio is where most Texans know Big Billy. It has been his entire career, and for twenty years he was the afternoon drive voice of 96.3 KSCS. (The Big 963) The Country Music Association (CMA) said that Big Billy was one of the top five country music jocks in the nation due to his on air performance, community involvement, and top ratings year after year. After a stellar country radio career, Big Billy is combining his love for the outdoors with his history and success in radio. In the summer of 2009, Billy and his wife, Robin started Kinder Productions, Inc. which now produces the number one rated radio outdoor talk show, Big Billy Kinder Outdoors, in the Dallas/Fort Worth Market, Big Billy Kinder Outdoors. The power-house radio station WBAP 820AM & 96.7FM quickly saw the potential for an outdoors show with a camp-house friendly, lifestyles format. Big Billy Kinder Outdoors premiered on December 12, 2009 and took the station from twenty-ninth in the market to number one in the market, Saturdays-5:00am to 6:00am in just a few brief months. The show now airs on sixteen different radio stations across North Texas with more on the way. Kinder Productions, Inc. is honored to announce that Big Billy will now be heard across the nation distributed by the Salem Radio Network beginning in July 2013. Listeners can enjoy a radio show customized to their hunting and fishing passions as they are up early on Saturdays heading out to the woods and waters. Big Billy has hosted such greats as Jim Zumbo, Craig Boddington, Walt Garrison, Johnny Rutherford, Governor Bill Clements, T.Boone Pickens, Jim Shockey, Michael Waddell, Jase Robertson and General Chuck Yeager…all great men in their field and great men of the outdoors.

Also, a Freshman All-American for TCU football; Big Billy loves sports. He is devoted to his wife, son and granddaughter. Billy loves this community and was recognized by the State of Texas for his “Kinder Kids” radio program, which for the past 19 years, has reached the community looking for families to foster and adopt children who have suffered abuse and neglect across the surrounding nineteen counties. You will be hard-pressed to find someone who loves the men and women in our military and first-responders more than Big Billy.

No matter how great the hunting, fishing, and outdoor excitement has been-no matter how wonderful the people in my life, “nothing can come close to replacing my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Christ was the only perfect example of a man. He was very God, made man-amazing, and so is His eternal grace. I look at His life and then take a close look at my heart, and life, and see how short of heaven I fall. I thank God for his simple plan of salvation, and for accepting a simple man like me!!

For more information on “Big” Billy Kinder and Big Billy Kinder Outdoors, visit http://www.bbkoradio.com/.