On Friday, Evangelical Community Hospital updated their current guidance on COVID-19 and their response.
Temperature Screening
Effective Monday, April 6, 2020, everyone entering Hospital facilities, including off-site locations, will undergo a temperature screening before entry is permitted.
Changing Alternative Testing Site Hours
Effective Monday, April 6, 2020, the Hospital’s alternative testing site for COVID-19, located behind McCann School of Business in the Plaza 15 Shopping Center along Route in Lewisburg, will be open 9 am to 6 pm daily.
Additional Visitor Limitations
To further adhere to the state’s stay-at-home directive and to help control the spread of COVID-19, Evangelical’s restrictions on visitation are tightening.
The Hospital will no longer allow patients arriving at Donehower-Eisenhower Pavilion for Imaging and Laboratory services to be escorted by a visitor. Exceptions will include patients in wheelchairs, those who need assistance walking, children under the age of 18, and any patient with cognitive impairment. In those situations, one visitor is allowed with the patient and cannot be showing any signs of illness.
The same restrictions apply to Urgent Care and all outpatient offices.
The Emergency Department will no longer allow any visitors. Anyone accompanying a patient to the ED will be asked to wait outside of the facility in their vehicle.
Visitation has also been limited to one parent for any patient under the age of 18.