Wolf Admin. Selects Health Care Emergency Preparedness Vendor to Assist in Preparations for Fall Resurgence of COVID-19 

Harrisburg, PA- The Wolf Administration today announced it has selected Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) of Philadelphia as its health care emergency preparedness vendor, effective July 8, 2020.

“PHMC is well positioned to help move the commonwealth forward in its preparation efforts for future emergencies, including preparations in the case that coronavirus resurges in the fall or winter,” Pennsylvania Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine said. “We are looking forward to the opportunity to expand our existing hospital preparedness program, as well as creating an inclusive environment for all members of our health care system through our health care coalitions.”

This agreement is part of the department’s annual federal health preparedness grant.

Health care coalitions (HCC) are a formal collaboration among health care organizations and public and private partners that are organized to prepare for, respond to and recover from an emergency, mass casualty or catastrophic event. The key components include comprehensive health care membership; regional presence developed within states/territories to cover larger geographic areas; and preparedness capability operationalization through plans, exercises, trainings, response, and after-action reports.

The hospital preparedness program (HPP) is a cooperative agreement program administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that establishes a foundation for national health care preparedness.

PHMC is a nonprofit public health institute that builds healthier communities through partnerships with government, foundations, businesses and community-based organizations. It fulfills its mission to improve the health of the community by providing outreach, health promotion, education, research, planning, technical assistance and direct services.

The Wolf Administration stresses the role Pennsylvanians play in helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow, not your hands.
  • Clean surfaces frequently.
  • Stay home to avoid spreading COVID-19, especially if you are  unwell.
  • If you must go out for a life-sustaining reason, please wear a mask.

Updated Coronavirus Links: Press Releases, State Lab Photos, Graphics

All Pennsylvania residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertPA, a text notification system for health, weather, and other important alerts like COVID-19 updates from commonwealth agencies. Residents can sign up online at www.ready.pa.gov/BeInformed/Signup-For-Alerts.

For more information on other public health related issues, including  ticks and Lyme disease, or on mosquitoes and West Nile virus, visit the Department of Health website at www.health.pa.gov or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.