Says order disregards the guidance set forth by public health officials and puts at risk our long-term economic security
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) Friday sent a letter to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf requesting that the Governor immediately rescind his March 19, 2020, order that closes the physical locations of all “non-life-sustaining” businesses.
Fred Keller Wolf Letter on Business Order
“While protecting public safety is government’s top priority, your sweeping order disregards the guidance set forth by public health officials and puts at risk our long-term economic security,” the letter reads in part.
“Therefore, I am requesting that you immediately rescind your order until such time that you can formulate a cogent plan to Pennsylvanians who are understandably panicked by your ill-prepared actions,” the letter continues. “Specifically, I urge you to ensure that businesses that can operate without jeopardizing public health remain open, employees can continue to get paid in a timely manner, and those with questions and concerns have a streamlined way to get answers from your administration.”
In the letter, Congressman Keller notes the chaos that has ensued since the order was issued with no notice and little guidance.
“Unfortunately, your order came with no notice, limited details, and insufficient explanation. It has injected chaos and uncertainty into an already trying time and placed more concerns on employers and workers,” the letter adds. “On top of all this, the order may have a devastating long-term impact on our economy. When this pandemic abates, as all healthcare experts say that it will, people will need jobs, supplies, and a way to restart our previously strong economy. Your order hinders these efforts, putting our national security—and individual financial security—at risk.”