DOH: Pennsylvanians Must Know Signs and Symptoms of Sepsis, a Life-Threatening Blood Infection Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Harrisburg, PA – Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine today urged an increased awareness about sepsis, a serious infection that is the most common complication observed in severe cases of COVID-19 and can lead to life-threatening complications and death.

“Sepsis was among the most common reasons for hospitalization in the state last year,” Dr. Levine said. “As we have become better at addressing sepsis, we have seen hospitalizations and mortality rates decrease. It is essential that health care providers, public health and loved ones all are aware of the seriousness of sepsis, and what should be done if you think you have this serious infection.”

Sepsis is a blood infection that attacks the body’s own tissues and organs. It happens when an infection you already have, either in your skin, lungs, urinary tract, or somewhere else, triggers a chain reaction throughout your body. If left untreated, sepsis can quickly lead to tissue damage, organ failure and death.

Because sepsis can occur after an infection in the lungs, it is the most common complication observed in severe cases of COVID-19. However, a recent survey by the Sepsis Alliance found that only one third of adults know that sepsis is a complication of COVID-19. In addition, significant disparities exist in terms of sepsis awareness, with only 49 percent of black individuals surveyed aware of the meaning of the term, “sepsis.”

Each year in the United States, approximately 270,000 individuals die of sepsis. Eighty percent of these deaths could be prevented with rapid diagnosis and treatment. Approximately 1.4 million people in the United States survive sepsis each year.

Pennsylvania’s medical professionals continue to battle sepsis through several different methods, including early detection; best practices; new initiatives; comprehensive education; and defined data and analytics.

“Even though we are making progress in battling sepsis, there is still a lot of work to be done,” Dr. Levine said. “We are continuously working to find ways to increase awareness and treatment of this disease, which is why it is essential that all hospitals have evidence-based protocols in place. We are committed to protecting the health and well-being of all residents by continuing to create a greater public understanding about this disease, while encouraging individuals to advocate for and self-educate about key preventive strategies to combat sepsis.”

There are four ways to get ahead of sepsis:

  • Prevent infections – talk to your doctor or nurse about the proper steps you can take to prevent infections that can lead to sepsis. It is essential that you take good care of chronic conditions and get the recommended vaccines.
  • Practice good hygiene – remember to wash your hands and keep cuts clean and covered until they are healed.
  • Know the signs and symptoms – it is imperative that you are aware of the signs and symptoms of sepsis. Signs may include a high heart rate or a fever, shivering or feeling very cold. Symptoms of sepsis may include a combination of feeling confused or disoriented, having shortness of breath, being in extreme pain, or having clammy or sweaty skin.
  • Act fast – get medical care immediately if you think you have sepsis or have an infection that is not getting better or is getting worse.

More information on sepsis can be found on the Department of Health’s website at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Pennsylvania Requests Additional Assistance for All SNAP Recipients Following Federal Court Ruling

Secretary of Human Services Teresa Miller answers questions from the press.Governor Tom Wolf announced that people with intellectual disabilities and autism and the providers of support services for these vulnerable Pennsylvanians will receive $260 million in CARES Act funding to help continue to provide services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gov. Wolf was joined by Department of Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller, who outlined to details of funding allocations. JUNE 15, 2020 – HARRISBURG, PA

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) has submitted a request to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that would extend additional Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funds to all SNAP recipients. The request follows a ruling by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania stating that the USDA misinterpreted the law permitting additional payments by requiring states to limit additional distributions to certain SNAP recipients.

“As the nation continues to face the COVID-19 pandemic, access to essential needs like food is more important than ever to help keep people healthy and mitigate co-occurring health risks,” said DHS Secretary Teresa Miller. “I am hopeful that the USDA will help address this need and permit Pennsylvania and other states to extend additional support to some of our lowest-income residents as we continue to navigate this time of crisis.”

A monthly SNAP benefit is based on a household’s income resources, and the number of people in the household. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) authorized additional payments to SNAP recipients based on federal and state disaster declarations for COVID-19. The USDA interpreted this to extend only to SNAP recipients who do not currently receive the maximum monthly benefit for their household size. Households not currently receiving the maximum monthly benefit have received a supplemental payment to increase their monthly SNAP benefit to the maximum monthly payment for their household size, but the USDA said that households who were already getting the maximum monthly benefit were not eligible to get additional payments under the FFCRA. This interpretation was challenged in the Eastern District Court by Community Legal Services.

Under the FFCRA, Pennsylvania has been approved to extend additional SNAP benefits to certain SNAP recipients since March and can continue as long as federal and state disaster declarations related to COVID-19 remain in place. However, due to USDA’s guidance that this additional benefit is only to go to households not currently receiving the maximum monthly benefit, 40 percent of SNAP households have not received additional SNAP benefits – meaning the lowest-income SNAP recipients are receiving no additional SNAP benefit.

DHS previously requested authority to extend additional benefits to all SNAP recipients in April but did not receive approval. Since then, Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary Miller have, on multiple occasions, asked the USDA to reconsider this interpretation and Congress to specifically extend this additional support to all recipients in future relief bills.

Pennsylvania resubmitted this request due to the continued economic insecurity and the need to help all Pennsylvanians – particularly those in low-income situations who face barriers to essential needs security – keep food on the table during the public health emergency. Food insecurity can greatly impact a person’s health, and individuals with poor health are much more susceptible to complications or a worse prognosis if they contract COVID-19. Helping people meet this essential need is just one way of protecting public health during the pandemic and period of economic insecurity.

If the plan DHS has submitted to the USDA is approved, households that receive the maximum monthly SNAP benefit would receive a supplemental payment equal to 50 percent of their monthly payment. DHS is requesting authority to retroactively authorize this payment back to March 2020 and through October 2020 to align with supplemental payments issued to households not receiving the monthly maximum benefit.

“Our actions in the weeks and months to come will shape not just our response to this pandemic, but also the world we will accept when COVID-19 is no longer a threat. If people are going without essential needs like food now, this will affect their health in both the short and long-term,” said Sec. Miller. “Expanding support for all SNAP recipients, as we believe Congress intended in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, will help us ensure vulnerable Pennsylvanians served by SNAP like seniors, people with disabilities, low-income and working people, and children have what they need to meet essential needs and stay healthy and safe as the pandemic evolves.”

SNAP helps nearly 1.9 million Pennsylvanians by providing money each month to spend on groceries, helping households have resources to purchase enough food to avoid going hungry. SNAP is our country’s most important and impactful anti-hunger program. For every meal provided by a Feeding Pennsylvania food bank, SNAP provides nine. While SNAP is intended to be a supplemental program, during this pandemic and its historic unemployment, resources are strained, particularly for our lowest-income Pennsylvanians. SNAP ensures that individuals and families are able to have enough to eat while also supporting grocers, food retailers, and agricultural producers across Pennsylvania.

Applications for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other public assistance programs can be submitted online at All Pennsylvanians experiencing financial hardships due to the pandemic, a lost job, or a change in income are strongly encouraged to apply and see if they qualify for assistance with food, health care, and other essential needs.

For more information about food assistance resources for people around Pennsylvania impacted by COVID-19 and the accompanying economic insecurity, visit the Department of Agriculture’s food security guide.

To learn more about SNAP and other DHS programs, visit

L&I Launches UC Chatbot and New Employer Live Chat Capabilities, Giving Greater Accessibility to UC Claimants and Employers

Harrisburg, PA – The Department of Labor & Industry’s (L&I) Office of Unemployment Compensation (UC) has updated its UC Live Chat feature to include a virtual assistant to provide immediate assistance in general questions and guidance on UC-related information. In addition, UC has expanded access so that employers can now ask questions related to their business accounts.

“The upgrades to the UC Live Chat and the introduction of the new chatbot provide added convenience and communication options between UC claimants and staff,” said Secretary Oleksiak. “The addition and upgrades to the chat feature provides better customer service to claimants, expedites claims processing, and helps reduce call volume to UC Service Centers (UCSC). We are proud to unveil these new resources, which we hope will have a significant positive impact for UC claimants and employers.

The UC Live Chat capability was launched to assist claimants last summer. The feature provides a virtual means of communication for claimants to ask questions, provide information, and have claims concerns addressed by UC staff. Since its launch, the feature has hosted more than 300,000 UC Live Chats with claimants.

The virtual assistant can provide responses for nearly 450 questions regarding UC claims and will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If the chatbot is unable to assist with general UC queries, users can request being transferred to an agent for additional assistance.

UC staff has also created two additional chat options specifically geared toward assisting business customers. Employers can now use UC Live Chat to engage with the Unemployment Compensation Resource Center (UCRC), which handles employer issues.  Employers can now get answers to UC-related questions regarding their business accounts, including Monthly Notice of Compensation Charges, Relief from Charges, the Shared Work program, and more.

The new employer chat option will be available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. UC Chat Live will be available from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.  The new UC chatbot will be available 24/7 to provide virtual assistance.

Visit and select “UC Live Chat” on the icon bar to start a chat.

Secretary of Agriculture Highlights ‘Earn While You Learn’ Agriculture Apprenticeship Opportunity

Harrisburg, PA – Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding encouraged young Pennsylvanians today to apply for an Agriculture Equipment Service Technician Apprenticeship where they’ll earn a paycheck while they learn hands-on skills in science, technology, engineering, and math. Pennsylvania will face more than 1,000 job openings in the field by 2030, as current farm equipment mechanics and service technicians retire.

“Feeding the future means we need a new generation of Pennsylvanians to enter the agriculture industry today,” said Agriculture Secretary Redding. “Apply to be an apprentice – you’ll never be without work and you can be confident you’re choosing a career that’s making an impact in your community and the world.”

The Agriculture Equipment Service Technician Apprenticeship was developed to train more than 1,000 Pennsylvanians to repair and maintain diesel machines, hydraulic systems, and electrical and system controls along with global positioning and information systems and other emerging technologies. The program is sponsored by the Northeast Equipment Dealers’ Association.

The program features both a traditional apprenticeship program and a pre-apprenticeship program. Because these programs are competency-based, these programs offer flexibilities for individuals who enter the program with pre-existing skills. Individuals can test into more advanced levels of the program or have the opportunity to focus their training on mastering more advanced skills and programming, should they have already mastered entry-level competencies.

“The equipment industry has seen enormous change, driven by technology and innovation,” said Tim Wentz, Field Director for the Northeast Equipment Dealers Association. “A constant stream of new products and improvements in performance and efficiency have enabled today’s agricultural producers to accomplish in an hour what would have taken a day, week or month not long ago. We depend on our technicians to keep everything running.”

In addition to youth looking to find a meaningful career, the agriculture equipment technician apprenticeship program is an ideal fit for veterans transitioning from active duty military service. There are more than 65 military codes – from Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy – with shared skills and competencies for transfer of skills from military to agriculture equipment technician.

“If you’re a part of the two percent of our nation who have allowed us to sleep well at night by protecting and serving, I encourage you to consider becoming the two percent who feeds us,” added Redding. “The skills are transferrable, the opportunities are endless, and the work is significant.”

Applicants to the program are accepted year-round and there are no pre-requisites for eligibility other than an interest in agriculture and technology. Apprentices will earn pay while they complete their 4,000 hours of on-the-job training. As a competency-based program, students must demonstrate their mastery of skills ranging from interpersonal communication and critical thinking to material fabrication and welding.

Apprentices who successfully complete the program will receive a U.S. Department of Labor certification as an Agriculture Equipment Technician, without the time and debt of a formal college education, and are guaranteed to be paid $17.25/hour for their first job out of the apprenticeship.  An average salary ranges from $40,000 to $60,000 annually, depending on skill and ability.

Pennsylvania agriculture is a $135 billion industry facing an aging workforce. Upcoming retirements leave the industry facing a looming 75,000 deficit in human capital. Through the Department of Agriculture’s Workforce Development Initiative25 occupations have been identified as the most in-demand in the industry in the coming years. This list includes agriculture equipment technicians among others.

Learn more about the program or apply online by visiting the Northeast Equipment Dealers Association website.


Wolf Administration Reminds Pennsylvanians To Be Counted in 2020 Census

Harrisburg, PA – Today, Second Lady of Pennsylvania Gisele Fetterman joined Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding, Executive Director of the Governor’s 2020 Census Complete Count Commission Norman Bristol Colon, the York County Food Bank, and ABC27 Hometown Hero fifth grader Miriam March to discuss the importance of being counted in the 2020 U.S. Census.

“Every Pennsylvanian counts, and we should all be counted in the 2020 Census,” said Fetterman. “So many critical services, just like those provided by the York County Food Bank, rely on a complete and accurate Census count. Simply put, more services and resources will be available to York County if more York Countians fill out their Census questionnaires.”

As of September 14, 2020, In Pennsylvania, 68.5 percent of residents have already self-responded to the 2020 Census, 2.6 percent higher than the national average. In York County, approximately 100,000 residents have not responded.

“Roads, water and sewer systems, healthcare, education, rental assistance, business loans, Cooperative Extension and broadband – the things that draw people to your area and keep them there – depend on information gathered in the U.S. Census,” said Redding, “The Census is your chance to be counted, to be heard, and to be represented fairly in Congress.”

Pennsylvania’s goal is to ensure that all residents respond to the Census, as a low response rate will impact federal funding and representation. Census data is used to decide how $675 billion in federal public funding is spent every year. Pennsylvania receives $26.8 billion annually through its 16 largest federally-funded programs, or about $2,000 per Pennsylvanian each year.

“Despite being in the middle of a global pandemic, Pennsylvania remains committed to encouraging residents to respond to the 2020 Census as it determines our state’s funding for the next 10 years,” said Norman Bristol Colon, Executive Director for the Governor’s 2020 Census Complete Count Commission. “We need everyone’s help to ensure that our communities receive their fair share of federal public funding and influence.

Recently, the deadline to respond to the 2020 Census has changed from October 31, 2020, to September 30, 2020. It is imperative now, more than ever, that all Pennsylvanians are counted in the 2020 Census.

This year marks the 22nd occasion of the United States Census, and commonwealth residents began receiving invitations to respond to the 2020 Census at the beginning of March. Pennsylvanians can respond online, by phone, or by mail, and this year marks the first time in history that responses can be filled out online.

“The York County Food Bank understands that a fair and accurate count is key to addressing hunger in our region,” said Jennifer Brillhart, President & CEO of the York County Food Bank.  “The 2020 Census provides a chance to shape our nation’s future and we encourage everyone to participate.”

The Census questionnaire is confidential and straightforward, with questions that include name, address, sex, race, ethnicity, age, and whether you own or rent your home. The Census Bureau will never ask about your citizenship status or sensitive information like your Social Security number, bank accounts, or payments/donations. The Census Bureau will never reach out to you on behalf of a political party. Your responses to the Census are protected by law and cannot be shared with, or used by, any other government agencies. Answers cannot be used for law enforcement purposes or to determine eligibility for government benefits or immigration enforcement.

The United States Constitution requires a Census count once every 10 years and counts every person living in the United States once and only once. The results of the 2020 Census will help provide fair representation when determining congressional districts, policy, decision-making, and distribution of billions of dollars in federal funding that impacts the daily lives of Pennsylvanians over the next 10 years.

For more information about the U.S. Census, visit the PA Census website, and be sure to stay up-to-date with all of our agency news on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

City of Williamsport Trick-or-Treating

Williamsport, PA – Trick-or-treating will be allowed in the City between the hours of 6 to 8 p.m. on October 31, 2020. Any trick-or-treating is at the risk of the participants.

All such activity should be undertaken with all normal safety considerations in mind, together with the additional safeguards for the pandemic issued by the federal and state authorities such as the CDC, the Department of Health, and other agencies.

We strongly recommend wearing masks – which should not be a problem given the Halloween spirit – and observing as much social distancing as possible.

We encourage those who choose to partake to enjoy themselves but to remain safe and vigilant in doing so.

PA House Speaker Cutler confirms HB2787 set for floor vote Wednesday



With the Order to deny the STAY issued by Federal Judge Stickman on Tuesday, the PA House Republican leadership is set to bring HB2787 back to the floor for a vote to override the veto of Governor Wolf.

Contacted for this story, Mike Straub, Press Secretary to the Speaker of the House and PA House Republican Caucus Spokesman was asked to confirm if this was indeed the case “Yes, that’s the plan. Veto override on 2787.”

In an exclusive interview with, State Senator Doug Mastriano also confirmed “HB2787 is set for vote on Wednesday in the PA House and we need to be ready in the Senate at a moments notice.”

On Monday, Governor Tom Wolf vetoed House Bill 2787, which would have mandated that school fall activities be under the sole jurisdiction of local school districts.

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has been called into session tomorrow for a 1 p.m. vote.

Stay tuned to as this story develops.

BREAKING NEWS: PA House called into session Wednesday for emergency vote

The reaction to the ruling by Federal Judge Stickman denying the STAY requested by Governor Wolf has been swift.
So much so that the Pennsylvania House of Representatives has been called into session tomorrow for a 1 p.m. vote.
PA House leadership has not informed the members on what legislation will be voted on.
It is believed the vote will be on HB2787 which Governor Wolf vetoed on Monday. HB2787 would allow individual school districts to determine crowd size at athletic events. has reached out to local PA House Representatives for comment; they are currently on a conference call with the Department of Health discussing the roll out of the new contact tracing APP.

Gov. Wolf Responds to Denial of STAY issued by Federal Judge Stickman

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf answering questions from the press. Governor Tom Wolf today announced a $225 million statewide grant program to support small businesses that were impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis and subsequent business closure order. Harrisburg, PA — June 8, 2020 received the following from Lyndsay Kensinger, Press Secretary to Governor Wolf in reaction to Federal Judge Stickman issuing an Order to deny the STAY requested by the administration.

“The administration is disappointed with the decision and is filing an appeal. The actions taken by the administration were mirrored by governors across the country and saved, and continue to save lives in the absence of federal action. This decision is especially worrying as Pennsylvania and the rest of the country are likely to face a challenging time with the possible resurgence of COVID-19 and the flu in the fall and winter.”

The appeal will most likely be filed with the Third Circuit Court Of Appeals in Philadelphia.

Earlier in the day, SportsRadio 96.7 broke the news of the denial of the STAY.

BREAKING: A source has just told us that Governor Wolf’s request for a motion to stay in the case of County of Butler vs Thomas Wolf has been DENIED by Judge Stickman today.

The story on the STAY is found here courtesy of

Wolf Administration Launches COVID Alert PA App, Encourage PA to Unite to Stop the Spread

Philadelphia, PA – Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of the Department of Health Dr. Rachel Levine today launched the COVID-19 exposure notification mobile app, COVID Alert PA, to help fight the spread of the virus.

Available now free to smartphone users as a download from the Apple App store or Google Play store, COVID Alert PA is available in English and Spanish.

“The last seven months have shown that we are most successful when we unite against COVID-19 and work together for the common good, and I am proud to be here with Dr. Levine to announce an important new technology that will allow us to do just that,” Gov. Wolf said. “Today, we are launching the COVID Alert PA mobile app. This app is a simple tool you can use to help fight COVID-19 every day, everywhere you go. I encourage you to visit your app store and download it for free today.”

“We all play a part in stopping the spread of COVID-19, which is why I am encouraging every Pennsylvanian to add their phone to the fight and download COVID Alert PA today,” Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said. “By utilizing this technology, we can quickly notify more people who have been exposed to COVID-19. This innovative solution will enhance our COVID-19 response and give residents another tool to stay calm, stay alert and stay safe all in the palm of their hands.”

COVID Alert PA uses Exposure Notification System technology developed by Apple and Google. The app can detect if you have been in close contact with another user who later tested positive for COVID-19 and will send a notification to your phone called a “COVID-19 Exposure Alert”. If you tap on the notification, you will be given public health guidance on what to do next.

In addition, the app will provide users with the latest information on COVID-19 in Pennsylvania from the department’s COVID-19 data dashboard.

The app does not enable any location services or tracks anyone and is designed to be completely anonymous. The Exposure Notification System works by using Bluetooth Low Energy, which allows phones with the app to recognize when it is close to another phone. Proximity is the only thing measured between phones, not location.

“We are very committed to and conscious of protecting the privacy and security of all Pennsylvanians,” Dr. Levine said. “COVID Alert PA will not track your location or collect any personal information from you—it is simply an exposure notification tool. The app uses Bluetooth technology to send a notification if someone has been in close contact with an individual who later tested positive for COVID-19. This is the same technology that your smartphone uses to connect to your wireless Bluetooth headphones, or your car. The app will never ask you to turn on your location.”

Gov. Wolf and Dr. Levine were joined at the announcement in Franklin Square by Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley and Governor Wolf’s Advisory Commission for Latino Affairs Executive Director Luz Colon.

“Philadelphia has made great progress against COVID-19, but the pandemic isn’t over yet,” said Dr. Farley. “We need every tool available to control it. COVID Alert PA can help fill in the gaps in our investigations, but it only works to the extent that people use it. So, download it and activate it and help protect you and your family.”

“The biggest challenge since the pandemic has been keeping every resident of the commonwealth safe and informed,” said Colon. “That’s why we’re proud that this app is available in Spanish, so that we can extend our reach to the Latino communities through the robust translations service it provides. I strongly encourage the Latino Community to download this app and take an active role in helping protect you and your loved one during this pandemic.”

Pennsylvania has used contact tracing as a tool to stop the spread of infectious diseases for decades. COVID Alert PA app helps support traditional contact tracing processes. When the health department contacts the COVID-19 positive individual to discuss their diagnosis, learn how they are feeling and understand who may have been exposed to them, the public health representative will provide with a unique six-digit validation code to the individual to enter into the app. Once this step is completed, the app will be able to alert other app users who have been in close contact with the COVID-19 positive individual. This Exposure Alert does not reveal the identity of the COVID-19 positive individual or their whereabouts.

It is important to remember that the Department of Health also does not know the identity of app users who receive alerts—the department will only see the number of exposure notifications generated on any given date.

You can find the COVID Alert PA app in the Google Play store or Apple App store for free. COVID Alert PA is available in English and Spanish. This app is voluntary, but the more Pennsylvanians age 18 and older who adopt the app, the more successful efforts can be.

COVID Alert PA is a partnership between Pennsylvania and Delaware, along with NearForm, University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Internet Privacy Research Institute.