Congressman Fred Keller honors Korean War Veterans

Towanda, PA – Congressman Fred Keller presented Korean Ambassador of Peace Medals to 10 Korean War veterans and their families last Friday in Towanda, Bradford County, recognizing them for their service to our nation.

The Korean Ambassador of Peace Medal is an honor from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to veterans who served in the Korean War. The medal was first given by the Republic of Korea to American veterans who returned to South Korea but was later expanded to include those unable to travel.

Recipients of the medal included:

Patrick Leo Beirne – Marines, Cpl

Kenneth Edsell – Marines, Cpl

Glen Ellis Jr. – Navy, SN

Keith Spear Haight Sr. – Marines, GySgt

Earl Leroy Mayo – Army, Sgt (T)

Charles Francis Miller – Army, Sgt (T)

Silas Leo Mills Sr. – Army, Cpl

Edward Moritz – Army, Cpl

Carlton Thomas Repsher Jr. – Army, Cpl

George Frederick Webb – Air Force, AIC

Nicholas Williams – Navy, SN

As reported by Fox 56:

Roughly 1.8 million American troops helped South Korea for three years, including soldiers from Northeast Pennsylvania.

An emotional day for these veterans. Some honored today have passed away- their families here to accept their peace medals.

The Korean War is often called the forgotten war- because it was sandwiched in between World War II and the Vietnam War.

Navy seamen Nicholas Williams lives in Towanda now- he was just a teenager when he went to Korea. “It feels great. We never had nothing from Korea. We never even got recognized from Korea,” Williams said.

“When I was young my parents got divorced and I never got to thank him for his service and it’s just really special to be able to connect with people who served in Korea,” Keller said.