Congressman Fred Keller votes NO on Pelosi’s HEROES 2.0

Partisan wish list is devoid of meaningful relief measures

Washington – Today, Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) voted against Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s America’s Conservation Enhancement Act, also known as “HEROES 2.0,” House Democrats’ latest effort to pass a partisan coronavirus relief bill that would defund the police, send taxpayer money to illegal aliens, and short-change America’s small businesses and workers in desperate need of help.

The House of Representatives voted 214-207 this evening to narrowly pass the $2.2 trillion proposal, after the first incarnation of House Democrats’ relief legislation, the HEROES Act, languished in the Senate. Notably, 18 Democrats joined every Republican in rejecting this partisan bill.

Earlier this week, Congressman Keller signed a discharge petition initiated by House Republicans to extend the Paycheck Protection Program and provide immediate relief to American businesses and workers.

HEROES 2.0 has been roundly criticized for its problematic provisions, including the elimination of $600 million from the original HEROES Act intended for police funding, the lack of liability protections for frontline workers and small businesses, and allowing illegal aliens to receive taxpayer-funded stimulus payments.

Congressman Fred Keller made the following statement in response to the vote:

“Speaker Pelosi’s partisan wish list is a poor excuse for coronavirus relief legislation. Instead of making a good-faith attempt to come together and pass a bipartisan solution to help the American people, Speaker Pelosi took this opportunity to insult the millions of Americans whose livelihoods have been destroyed by this pandemic, and hold negotiations hostage while peddling a radical, far-left agenda that she knows  will never pass the Senate. Even a number of Democrats rejected this proposal, which has no chance of becoming law.”

“I want to see Congress vote on targeted relief legislation that actually has a chance of getting to President Trump’s desk so that we can finally provide the long-awaited relief the American people need and deserve.”