Staff Reports
The Pennsylvania College of Technology Athletics Department has elevated head baseball coach Christopher H. Howard to full time starting in the 2014-15 academic year. The coaching position is the first of three being changed for the upcoming year.
“As Penn College moves forward in its NCAA endeavors, an important component is maximizing the value of competing in Division III athletics,” athletic director Scott E. Kennell said. “There is probably no other area as important to the future success of our programs as quality coaching. As a result, we are thrilled to increase our support to three full-time coaches starting this fall.”
“Coach Howard has given our program a tremendous lift since his arrival to Penn College, both on and off the field,” Kennell added. “Over the years, I have been extremely impressed by his enthusiasm to work with his student-athletes and his commitment to continue the tradition of combining excellence in the classroom with competitiveness on the playing field.”
“When I was named the head baseball coach eight years ago, it was a hope of mine that this could someday turn in to a full-time position,” Howard said. “I can’t tell you what an honor it is for me to be named full time as we head in to the next phase of Penn College Athletics and our entrance into the NCAA. I am very thankful to Penn College and the administration for giving me the opportunity to do what I love on a full-time basis.”
Howard, a native of San Diego, Calif., and a former major league baseball player, will concentrate most of his efforts on recruiting and coaching in the full-time position, but will have responsibilities with game-day management of the college’s other intercollegiate programs.
“I look forward to devoting all of my professional time to building not only a strong baseball program but a strong athletic department at Penn College,” Howard added.