URGENT: Mayor Slaughter Forms COVID-19 Advisory Board

Tuesday afternoon, Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter announced the formation of the Mayor’s COVID-19 Advisory Board.

“In response to the needs of the greater community, I created the Mayor’s COVID-19 Advisory Board. This board of key stakeholders will identify the impact, needs, and a path forward for Williamsport.

The board will determine how the City can best respond and assist as we navigate COVID both in the short-term and long-term. Their advice will help guide us, help the City make the necessary changes it may need to make, and help this administration find the extra resources to do the work. We were going to develop an advisory board to work on strengthening our community and economy even before the pandemic hit us; this crisis has pushed that to the forefront.

The public will be invited to participate in broad discussions about how to expand our mercantile, manufacturing and service industry base in the most effective ways while building resiliency.”

Stay tuned to News talk 104.1 & 1600 WEJS and talkwilliamsport.com for developments on this story.