WASD school board approves spring sports coaches stipends after motions to table

Pictured: Standing from left is Patrick Dixon, Barbara Reeves, Marc Schefsky, Star Poole and Adam Welteroth.
Seated from left is President Lori Baer, Vice President Dr. Jane Penman, Dr. Nancy Story Somers and Jennifer Lake.

By: Todd Bartley, TalkWilliamsport.com


Based upon the information as first reported by TalkWilliamsport.com on Tuesday in the article, “Myrtle Beach incident “Fallout” begins with WASD school board meeting tonight” a motion was made to “table” spring sports coaches agreements and stipends.

In the early stages of the Williamsport Area School District Board of Directors regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday evening; Adam Welteroth made a motion to table section 8.3, sub section F details in part listed below.

The motion gained a second from Star Poole.

There was no discussion, followed by a roll call vote on the motion to table:

No votes: Penman, Baer, Schefsky, Dixon, Lake

Yes votes: Reeves, Somers, Poole, Welteroth

Motion failed (5-4)

Interesting to note, neither Dr. Bowers, WASD Superintendent nor WAHS head principal Brandon Pardoe were able to articulate when the spring sports seasons actually begin when asked by school board members.


Welteroth then made a motion to remove section 8.3, sub section F from the Omnibus and asked for a seperate vote.

The Ominibus motion to approve the remaining agenda items was approved (9-0).


Jane Penman then made a motion to approve 8.3, F with a second from Marc Schefsky followed with no discussion and a roll call vote.

Yes votes: Penman, Baer, Schefsky, Dixon, Lake, Poole

No votes: Reeves, Somers, Welteroth

Baer abstained from the vote on Dana Smith, under track coaches.

Motion carries (6-3) to approve Section 8.3, sub-section F.



F.The following spring sport coaches at the respective schools for the 2020-2021 school year at the salary rate in accordance with the agreement by and between the Board of School Directors of the Williamsport Area School District and the Williamsport Education Association (pending completion of all appropriate paperwork*)

Payment of stipends for these positions may be modified or withheld in the event that the activities for which stipends are being paid are curtailed or do not occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other conditions beyond the District’s control:

Williamsport Area High School Baseball

Head Coach: Kyle S. Schneider (4) $5,320

Varsity Assistant: Tariq C. Moore (5) $2,800

Varsity Assistant: Gregorey P. Robertson (5) $2,800

Varsity Assistant:Patrick G. Vollman (2) ++$2,380 [++Booster Funded Position]

Volunteer: Joel A. Worthington —

Volunteer: Jeremy E. Reidy —

The full agenda can be found by clicking the provided link.

From the article, “Myrtle Beach incident “Fallout” begins with WASD school board meeting tonight”:

“Schneider, Moore and Worthington were identified by Wanda Erb on behalf of the WASD as coaches being on the staff and in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in March 2018.”


The meeting has adjourned and moved into executive session currently being held virtually.

This is a developing story on Talkwilliamsport.com.