The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – PART II

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part II of V

By: Todd Bartley

In what can only be characterized as a race to finish first in local wokeness; the following is the first in a series dedicated to uncovering the deliberations which occurred within the Williamsport Area School District school board members and administration in the days leading up to the release of the “Anti-Racism Resolution.”

The exclusive information contained in these reports was garnered through the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law from the Williamsport Area School District by

From the unredacted information obtained by; WASD board member Jennifer Lake first broached the topic with fellow board members and WASD Superintendent Timothy Bowers on June 11, 2020.

What follows are the deliberations in chronological order and the parties noted in their own words.

Editor’s Note: “Greg” is Greg Hayes, Director of Public Relations/WASD Education Foundation


_________________Forwarded message _____________________

On June 15, 2020, 11:07 PM

From: <>

To: Nancy Somers <>, Jennifer lake <>


Subject: Statement

“Hi Nancy and Jenn, 

The first statement is the one I shared during our facilities/finance meeting. The second statement in blue is after Greg made a few edit changes this evening. I also included the links below that can be included to help families have conversations with their kids. Please let me know what you think. Tim”

The safety of our schools and our community is rooted in a foundation of mutual respect and trust for all. Recent world and national events have highlighted many inequities, bias and views of racism throughout all society – our community included. Here at WASD, we believe the diversity of our school community is out greatest strength. We support all our students and families. We will continue to work with students and our schools to address areas where we can engage, educate and empower our students.

We recognize that the media coverage of recent rallies, events and protests have and will undoubtedly cause questions from children. We know there are no clear answers to many of them. However, we encourage our families to use the resources below to develop a meaningful dialogue.

We stand with our students and families of color. We are listening to their concerns, questions, and perspectives and we want to reassure the that we are committed to making changes in our system that ensure their safety and wellbeing. As a school district, we cannot ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation, and we will do our part to promote and advocate for institutional change in our schools.

Together, we can work toward creating a better tomorrow.



The safety of our schools and our community is rooted in a foundation of mutual respect and trust for all. Recent world and national events have highlighted many inequities, bias and realities of racism throughout all society – our community included. Here at WASD, we believe the diversity of our school community is our greatest strength. We support all our students, faculty, staff and families. We will continue to work with students and our schools to address areas where we can engage, educate and empower our students.

We recognize that the media coverage of recent rallies, events and protests have and will undoubtedly cause questions from children. We know these questions and their answers can be difficult and we encourage our families to use the resources below to develop a meaningful dialogue.

We stand with our students, our faculty, our staff and our families of color. We are listening to their concerns, questions, and perspectives. We want to reassure our beloved students, faculty, staff and families of color, that we are committed to making changes in our system that ensure their safety and wellbeing. As a school district, we cannot and will not, ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation, and we will do our part to promote and advocate for institutional change in our schools.

Together, we can work toward creating a better tomorrow.

Editor’s Note: Multiple resource links were provided.


On June 16, 2020, at 5:14 AM, Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“Would like your input on this before I respond to Tim. N-“

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


On June 16, 2020, at 2:06 PM, Barbara Reeves (REDACTED) wrote:

“Hi Nancy. Sorry I’m just seeing this. I’m sure you’ve moved forward already. Barb”

Sent from my iPhone


On June 16, 2020, at 2:16 PM, Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“No I haven’t. Would love your opinion.”

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


_________________Forwarded message _____________________

On June 16, 2020, 2:14 PM

From: Barbara Reeves (REDACTED)

To: N Somers (REDACTED)


Subject: Statement

“Ok. I’m sure he’ll catch the typo in the first paragraph of using the word out and not our. I think the main thing is that the support needs to extend beyond the students and families. WASD needs to stand with it’s staff as well. Companies like H&M, Starbucks, Macy’s, etc. have unapologetically distinguished their support for the black community. I guess the safe way is to say people of color.

While other minorities have experienced racism, this is a black & white issue. 

No other race has been looked at as less than a man.

The only way to gain that value back is to say what it is.

That’s all I have.

Thanks Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone”


On June 16, 2020, at 5:02 PM, Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“I think Jenn’s edits improve the statement even further.

I agree it would be good to get this statement on the website sooner rather than later. Also agree it should not be in a format that invites comments.

It is a statement of fact.

I really appreciate your efforts on this (Tim and Jenn) as well as Greg’s help and Barb’s thoughts.


The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part III of V is forthcoming.


Previous article links:

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part I

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part II

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part I

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part I of V

By: Todd Bartley

In what can only be characterized as a race to finish first in local wokeness; the following is the first in a series dedicated to uncovering the deliberations which occurred within the Williamsport Area School District school board members and administration in the days leading up to the release of the “Anti-Racism Resolution.”

The exclusive information contained in these reports was garnered through the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law from the Williamsport Area School District by

From the unredacted information obtained by; WASD board member Jennifer Lake first broached the topic with fellow board members and WASD Superintendent Timothy Bowers on June 11, 2020.

What follows are the deliberations in chronological order and the parties noted in their own words.


On June 11, 2020, 7:31 PM Jennifer Lake (REDACTED) wrote:

“Hello Board, 

On Monday, I took a call from a district parent who brought to my attention the picture that the Sun Gazette used on the front page to highlight Williamsport’s Graduation. Unfortunately, the image the Sun Gazette chose to use of the vehicle included a political slogan written on the poster on the front of the vehicle. I have no idea if the editor realized it was there or not, or how it affected others saw the picture. I only know how it affected the parent that called me and those in her sphere of influence.”

EDITOR’S NOTES: has been unable to identify the “district parent” noted above. Additionally, the photo eluded to has been obtained by The sign reads as follows:




Lake continued:

“This parent brought to light their disappointment that for a district like WASD with a large minority population of students (I think it’s about 36%???) we have not put any statement on our website in response to the recent racial injustices happening around the country. I admitted to her that my mind had been on graduation and then recovering from all the graduation festivities that I had not even thought about it.”

This parent pointed me to many districts across the country that have put out public statements acknowledging the horrific deaths of those like Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd (among others) and acknowledging a country wrestling with issues of prejudice and racial discrimination. I have read a lot of these statements and I will provide links to them below.

I, for one, would like to see us put out a statement simply acknowledging the times we are in and offering a statement of support of all students as as well as our commitment to do our part as a school district to continue to examine and eliminate institutional beliefs, policies, practices and teaching that perpetuate racial disparities in achievement.

I’m writing to request we do this wondering what you all think. This isn’t political. This isn’t in support of or against Black Lives Matter. This is about our student population and doing our part to respond to the hurt. Here are some resources to read. Please let me know your thoughts.”

CHSD 218 Officials Send ‘Black Lives Matter” Letter to Families

“We want to say with emphasis: “Black Lives Matter,” Dist, 218 officials say in letter to parents”

‘A turning point’: California education leaders speak out about racism and police brutality”

“This current crisis must be more tan a teachable moment; it must lead to real change, education leaders say”

“West Chester Area School District Statement on Racial Injustice – MyChesCo”

“WEST CHESTER, PA — Dr. Jim Scanlon, Superintendent of the West Chester Area School District, released the following statement on racial injustice:”

Jennifer Lake, PCC

Dwell Orphan Care, Executive Director



On June 11, 2020, 3:31 PM Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“I was equally disappointed in the Sun Gazette choice of picture for graduation coverage. Cynic that I am, I assumed it was a purposeful choice by the editors.

I would love to see us put out a statement in favor of racial equality. Perhaps we could include information about the number of our teachers and staff who participated in the Walk for Peace. Nancy”

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


From the cell phone text records of Dr. Timothy Bowers on Thursday, June 11, 2020, either 6:03 PM or 8:03 PM

Timothy Bowers to Jane Penman and Lori Baer:

“Hi Jane and Lori we now have two board members pushing me to release some sort of statement about the civil unrest that is occurring. I am not sure that’s a good idea right now sometimes it’s more important to be silent and listen then put out a statement inviting opinion. If we were in session and dealing with unrest within our buildings I would feel differently. What are your thoughts??”

In a text message reply attributed and identified as being from Jane Penman:

“Unfortunately, In my opinion, it’s tough to separate this issue from politics. Obviously, it’s not our place to release a political statement, however, if the statement is directed (illegible) limited to just supporting (illegible) students and staff, it would be okay. Also, I don’t see this as a press release, but rather a statement on our website. Is that what you were thinking? Or are you thinking of a press release. Also, don’t we already have an anti discrimination statement?”

Bowers responds to Jane Penman:

“Definitely not a press release. If anything something simple on our webpage. Yes we have anti discrimination statements on almost everything we do.”

Bowers supplements his response to Jane Penman:

“In my opinion our actions are more impotent than our words. We rearranged last Friday’s professional development plans just so our faculty, staff and administrators good participate in the walk. We did not require our employees to register so we don’t know for sure ow many people participated but I saw several there.”

In a text message reply attributed and identified as being from Lori Baer, she states:

“So could it appear on our website as Nancy suggested with a short informative piece about district participation in the walk?”

Penman in a subsequent text:

“You are right, the participation in the walk speaks louder than a philosophical statement.”

Bowers answers:

“Maybe. I will play with that idea tomorrow. Hard to focus on that right now with Greg leaving us and trying to get graduation and retirement videos done. We are also trying to finish up building several surveys to collect data so we can build this crazy health and safety plan both for overall school districts and specifically for athletics. These plans are unbelievable and some of the guidelines will be impossible to follow.”

Editor’s Note: “Greg” is Greg Hayes, Director of Public Relations/WASD Education Foundation


Lori Baer chimes in with the following:

“Sorry I am late to the conversation. I agree we should not do a press release. I do not know what Nancy recommendation but did see Jenna email. I feel we need to be non political and sensitive to our minorities along with not making it about our police. A fine line for sure!”

Penman responds:

“I don’t envy you. Thanks for providing great leadership through this difficult time and situations.”

Baer responds:

“I echo Janes sentiments… thank you!!!

Bowers answers both Baer and Penman:

“Thank you. I appreciate the support you both provide me. It’s very comforting to know you are both always willing to talk through these tricky decisions. I think next year is going to be challenging for sure. We will need a solid plan that our community will support but I am confident we can do that!!”


On Wed, June 12, 2020, 1:38 PM Barbara Reeves (REDACTED) wrote:

“Thank you Dr. Bowers for sharing that information. This is a rough one for me. While the statement will not be in support of Black Lives Matter, I hope we can all agree that black lives matter!!! I am not attempting to cause a debate or to insinuate in any way all lives do not matter, because they do. We are all created equally by the Creator. This is just a time that people of color need the world to acknowledge that they value their lives. This is especially true for colleagues, friends and acquaintances. My husband and I have had to sit at our table and have “the talk” with our son; not about sex but about what to do (and not do) if you are stopped by a police officer. We’ve told him, these are your rights. However, at the end of the day, we want you to come home. He has recently shared more stories of all the times he’s been stopped while in school at U Albany for stupid infractions. He just shared how he was told by certain young ladies in middle school and high school that they weren’t allowed to like him because of what their parents said. This is heartbreaking. He’s always been a well-rounded kid, honor roll, star athlete, and just a flat out gentleman. Yet, young Caucasian girls were taught that he’s not good enough because of the color of his skin!

Fast forward: I now have a grandson that is due to be born in the next 2 weeks. His father is white and admits that he is clueless concerning what his son will face while growing up. As much as we say racism does not exist, we must admit that it does. Then we must check our own hearts. Right now, if we do nothing or remain quiet, we contribute to the agenda. It’s not enough to have a black friend or a black coworker.

What have you done to support their cause?

We are talking about a people who were considered as 3/5 of a person.

How long should it take to gain the respect of the other 2/5 that makes a whole.

It’s not enough to be colorblind because that means that you do not see me! I heard a man say, we must be like a salad , not a melting pot. You can distinguish between the lettuce, the carrots, the cucumber, and the tomato. What kind of salad would it be if there was only lettuce? I wouldn’t that.

For those of you who read to the end, thanks for your time. Dr. Bowers, we are behind the 8-ball on this one. We must put out a statement that is heartfelt and not simply political, as you’ve stated.


Barb Reeves”

Sent from my iPhone


On June 12, 2020, 6:44 PM

From: Barbara Reeves (REDACTED)

To: Nancy Somers (REDACTED)

Cc: Jenn L. Lake (REDACTED); Fred A. Holland <> (WASD Solicitor); Lori Baer <>; Star Poole <>; Timothy Bowers <> (WASD Superintendent); Adam Welteroth <>; Jane Penman <>; Marc Schefsky>; Patrick Dixon <>; Susie Bigger <>; Nancy Somers <>; Barbara Reeves <>

Subject: Statement from WASD regarding recent racial injustices

“I apologize. I thought Dr. Bowers sent the last email. I still get a lot of error messages so it gets confusing how things are broken up. But thanks Jenn for the information. Barb

Sent from my iPhone”


On June 12, 2020, at 10:24 PM, Timothy Bowers <> wrote:

“Hi Barb,

Thank you for taking the time to share your insight, I certainly value your input. We have made several attempts this week to put a statement together that would send the right message of support and unity. It is very difficult to make sure we pick the right words that will not be taken out of context and turned into a statement that ends up being debated and politized. I have always felt the actions are much more important than words. Thursday June 4th less than 24 hours before a very important  professional development day was to occur for our teachers, my administration team put provisions in place so that our teachers and administration could rearrange their schedules and join the peaceful walk that occurred through our city on Friday June 5th. Many of our employees showed their support and participated the best way they could while still fulfilling their professional duties that day. I believe that action was more important than words on our webpage. I am certainly not opposed to putting out a statement moving forward but did want to explain why I have not felt that we should rush to that end. I would certainly welcome any ideas and suggestion you could provide in preparing a statement. Thanks again for your email and have a good weekend. Tim”


On June 13, 2020, 12:29 AM Jennifer Lake (REDACTED) wrote:


Thank you for acknowledging my email from Wednesday.

Making space for faculty, staff and administration to participate in the peace walk was the right call and I am really proud of our district for doing so.

As I initiated this email chain an request, I would be willing to work on a rough draft of a statement and can have that to you on Monday if that would be helpful. I know that you are spinning many plates right now. It is not my intent to add another plate. I do feel a public statement is important.

I am still curious what the rest of the board thinks of this…I’ve only heard from Barb and Nancy.

If it would be helpful for me to write a rough draft statement please let me know. I definitely don’t want to overstep…I only want to be helpful and offer some solutions. Then perhaps we can discuss in executive session after Tuesday’s board meeting?


Jennifer Lake, PCC



On June 13, 2020, 12:57 PM

From: Nancy Somers

To: Jenn L. Lake

Cc: Lori Baer; Fred A. Holland (WASD Solicitor); Star Poole; Timothy Bowers (WASD Superintendent); Barbara Reeves; Jane Penman; Adam Welteroth; Nancy Somers; Marc Schefsky; Patrick Dixon; ; Susie Bigger; Barbara Reeves

Subject: Statement from WASD regarding recent racial injustices

“Having read both Jenn’s and Barb’s emails, I would love to see what they could come up with a a statement from the district. Nancy”

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part II of V is forthcoming.

Crosscutters Unveil Schedule for Inaugural MLB Draft League Season

The Williamsport Crosscutters in conjunction with Major League Baseball have announced the 2021 schedule for the all-new MLB Draft League. The league will be the first in the country focused on top prospects eligible to be drafted during the season while giving them the unique opportunity to showcase their abilities and gain exposure to MLB Clubs and fans each year.

The Williamsport Crosscutters are joined by the Trenton Thunder (formerly of the Double-A Eastern League) and Frederick Keys (formerly of the Class-A Carolina League) along with the Mahoning Valley Scrappers, State College Spikes and West Virginia Black Bears (all formerly of the New York-Penn League) as founding members of the MLB Draft League.

The 6-team league will play a 68-game regular season (34 home & 34 away) that begins May 24 and concludes August 13 with a break in mid-July for the MLB All-Star Game and Draft. The top two teams will qualify for the league championship in a winner take-all game.

2021 WptCrosscuttersCalendarSchedule

The Cutters open the season on the road Monday, May 24 against the State College Spikes with the home opener to follow on Tuesday, May 25 at 7:05 vs. State College. Other highlights of the schedule include 7 fireworks shows and appearances by Tyler’s Amazing Balancing Act and the Inflatamaniacs. The teams full promotional schedule will be released in late April.

Home game times remain the same as in past seasons with Monday-Saturday games starting at 7:05pm and Sundays at 5:05pm with the only exception being a 1:05pm first-pitch on Memorial Day. MVP Club Season Ticket Plans and Bonus Book Mini-Plans are now available online at or by calling (570) 326-3389.

Announcements of Cutters players, manager and coaches are expected to be released in the coming weeks. Fans with questions about the new MLB Draft League are invited to visit the special Frequently Asked Questions page available at

Congressman Keller named Ranking Member of Education and Labor Subcommittee on Workforce Protections

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Keller (R-PA) announced he will serve as Republican Leader of the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, one of five subcommittees within the Education and Labor Committee.

The Subcommittee on Workforce Protections is tasked with addressing issues pertaining to wages and hours of workers, workers’ compensation, trade and immigration issues in relation to employers and workers, and workers’ safety and health.

On the new leadership position, Congressman Keller made the following statement:

“I am honored to bring my 25 years of experience in private industry to the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections as the Ranking Member. During my time working in the factory and managing operations at Conestoga Wood Specialties, I learned the importance of ensuring our employees have the necessary tools to do their jobs safely and efficiently. Every worker is essential as we continue to recover from this pandemic, and I look forward to working with my colleagues in this new role to strengthen our workforce and get Americans back to work.”

Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC):

“Representative Keller is exactly the type of dedicated, passionate public servant this subcommittee needs. I am confident that he will bring a fresh perspective to issues before the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections as it works to ensure workers and job creators can thrive in the modern economy.”

In addition to his leadership role on the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, Keller is also slated to serve on the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education where he will work to find educational solutions for students from early learning through the high school level.

Top Pa. election official to resign after agency bungled requirement for constitutional amendment




Photo Courtesy: AP
Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar speaks Nov. 2 during a news conference in Harrisburg.
Spotlight PA is an independent, non-partisan newsroom powered by The Philadelphia Inquirer in partnership with PennLive/The Patriot-News, TribLIVE/Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and WITF Public Media. Sign up for our free newsletters.

HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania’s top election official is expected to resign her position after her agency’s staff discovered a mistake that will block voters from deciding this spring whether to allow survivors of decades-old sexual abuse to sue the perpetrators, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

The Department of State did not advertise, as required, a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would open a two-year window for litigation by survivors of child sexual abuse who have aged out of the statute of limitations for suing. Kathy Boockvar has led the agency since 2019, and oversaw a tense and difficult presidential election in a battleground state last year.

The change was a key recommendation in a blistering 2018 report by a statewide grand jury that investigated the coverup of decades of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. It is backed by the state’s community of survivors, who have been pushing for the change for nearly two decades.

The mistake means that the earliest voters can decide whether to create a two-year window is spring of 2023.

Boockvar declined to comment, and a spokesperson also did not return a call. A spokesperson for Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf, who nominated Boockvar to the $145,244 a year position, did not return a call seeking comment.

Under state law, changes to the state constitution require that a proposal be approved by the legislature in two consecutive sessions. At that point, the proposed change appears on the ballot for voters to decide.

The two-year window in the statute of limitations was first approved in the legislature’s 2019-20 session. It was just approved again last month by the House of Representatives and is expected to soon pass the Senate. The goal was to place the question on the spring primary ballot.

Before the question can appear on the ballot, however, Boockvar’s agency is required to advertise the change both times it is approved. Administration officials discovered last week that the Department of State, which oversees elections, did not advertise the proposed ballot question when it was approved in the 2019-20 session.

That means the process has to begin anew, with the legislature approving in the current, 2021-22 session, and again in the 2023-24 session.

This story will be updated.

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Lycoming County Republican Committee rebukes Sen. Toomey in letter

This morning Vince Matteo, Chairman of the Lycoming County Republican Committee made public a letter he sent to Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey. has obtained the letter and it is available by clicking Toomey Letter.

Toomey previously announced he is not seeking Senate re-election or interest in running for Governor.

Matteo shared the following on social media moments ago.

“At our meeting of January 14th, the members of the Lycoming County Republican Committee present voted unanimously to send a letter to Senator Pat Toomey expressing our strong disappointment and concern that he would call on President Trump to resign without any due process. I sent the following letter to the Senator on January 18th and emailed it on January 19th. I am making the letter public now because enough time has past and he should have seen it by now and while I have not heard from the Senator, I did hear from a staff member that the email was received (It was not an automatically generated reply). If I do hear from the Senator I will publish it here as well.”  (The letter was sent on LCRC letterhead)

The full transcript of the letter is listed below.


January 19, 2021

Patrick Toomey

United States Senator

248 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Dear Senator Toomey:

I am writing on behalf of the members of the Lycoming County Republican Committee. At our meeting of January 14, 2021 the members present voted unanimously to express to you our sincere disappointment and concern in your call for President Donald Trump to resign following the horrible action taken by rioters at the Capitol Building. We firmly believe your actions were not in the best interests of Pennsylvania or the United States. It was also not in the best interests of bringing our nation together.

We were further dismayed that you would run to CNN;  the network that spent four years continually undermining the President and pushing the false Russian collusion narrative. This betrayal by you is unexplainable and inexcusable and, quite frankly, had an air of “revenge” unbecoming your office. While it is clear you never fully supported President Trump, we expect more from our Senator.

Finally, you now claim if an  Impeachment trial is held you will review the evidence to determine how you will vote. It is hard to believe that you could judge fairly since you already played judge and jury when you called on President Trump to resign. Your obvious bias against the President may have disqualified you in the Impeachment trial.

Senator, you owe President Trump and the people of Pennsylvania an apology.



Vincent J. Matteo


Lycoming County Republican Committee

cc: Lycoming County Republican Committee

Congressman Keller urges President Biden to reconsider attack against America’s energy industry

Washington, D.C. – Today members of the House Energy Action Team—who represent districts with significant energy infrastructure—sent a letter calling on President Biden to reverse his shortsighted orders dismantling domestic energy production.

The letter highlights the important role that America’s energy industry plays in shaping national security, securing a leadership position in the international energy market, ending global energy poverty, and supporting rural economies and critical infrastructure. The letter also notes that President Biden’s actions to impede years of growth in the energy sector will eliminate millions of jobs, make the United States less secure, and stifle critical innovations in the industry.

On the letter, Congressman Keller made the following statement:

“It took President Biden only 48 hours in office to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords, kill the Keystone XL pipeline, and ban drilling on federal lands—effectively wiping out four years of progress in America’s energy industry. As a someone who was born in—and campaigned on being from—northeastern Pennsylvania, President Biden should have a clear understanding of just how important good-paying energy jobs are for millions of rural Americans.

“The energy production that comes out of Pennsylvania’s 12th District is critically important in providing our nation with family-sustaining wages and affordable energy. Unless action is taken to reverse course, our energy industry will experience long-term hardships that will negatively impact our economy, national security, and the future of innovation. I urge President Biden to reconsider these harmful actions.”

The full letter is available by clicking HEAT Letter PDF.

Lycoming basketball, wrestling schedules released

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. – The Lycoming College basketball and wrestling teams will return to action during the second week of February, as the Middle Atlantic Conference (MAC) has released its first set of schedules for its return to competition for the 2020-21 season on Tuesday morning, Jan. 26.

All Lycoming athletic programs will follow the NCAA’s Resocialization of Collegiate Sport: Developing Standards for Practice and Competition during the spring semester.

Men’s and women’s basketball will return to play on Thursday, Feb. 11, along with a total of 14 women’s teams and 13 men’s teams in the conference that have opted-in for a five-week regular season with a  championship week to conclude play.

Both basketball teams will have a schedule structured with two-games a week on Thursdays and Fridays for five weeks from Feb.11 to March 12, with the men having one off week in the middle of the season. The week of March 15-21 has been designated for a championship week, however the format is to be determined and will be evaluated during the regular-season.

All games, unless otherwise noted, will begin at 7 p.m.

Lycoming wrestling will get back into action on Feb. 13, with a 1 p.m. dual meet with Wilkes, before heading to the Colonels for a pair of duals on Feb. 14 and Feb. 20. The three duals will help Lycoming meet the requirement to qualify for the postseason, which will start with the NCAA Regional.

Live streams and live stats will be available for all home events.

As the season progresses, you can stay up-to-date with scheduling changes by checking

The Lycoming swimming season is slated to start in early March, potentially culminating with a MAC Championship in mid-April. Further information on the swimming schedule will be announced at a later date.

Information pertaining to the College’s fall and spring sports, including cross country, football, soccer, volleyball, golf, lacrosse, softball and tennis will be announced at a later date.

Crosscutters Continue Affiliation with Major League Baseball in New MLB Draft League

Major League Baseball in conjunction with Prep Baseball Report (PBR) have announced the formation of the all-new MLB Draft League set to launch in 2021. The league, which will include the Williamsport Crosscutters, becomes the first in the country focused on top prospects eligible to be drafted by MLB Clubs that summer.

With the MLB Draft now being held as part of MLB All-Star Week in mid-July, draft-eligible players will have a unique opportunity to showcase their abilities and gain exposure to MLB Clubs and fans each year.

The Williamsport Crosscutters will be joined by the Trenton Thunder (formerly of the Double-A Eastern League) Mahoning Valley Scrappers, State College Spikes and West Virginia Black Bears (all formerly of the New York-Penn League) as founding members of the MLB Draft League. MLB is in advanced negotiations with a sixth club which will be announced in the coming weeks.

The MLB Draft League will feature a 68-game regular season that is scheduled to run from late May to mid-August with an annual All-Star Break centered around the MLB Draft. Players will receive unprecedented visibility to MLB Club scouts through in-person observation and state-of-the-art scouting technology, as well as instruction from former MLB players and educational programming designed to prepare them for careers as professional athletes. MLB and Prep Baseball Report will assign players and coaching staffs for each team as well as provide league administrative functions.

The Crosscutters have scheduled a special Facebook Live event for Tuesday, December 8 at 7 pm where fans can learn more about the MLB Draft League from members of the Cutters front office and have an opportunity to ask questions about the upcoming season. The event can be accessed at the team’s Facebook page, @WilliamsportCrosscutters. Those unable to view the live event can watch a recorded version of the session anytime on the Williamsport Crosscutters Facebook page.

CLICK HERE to see some Frequently Asked Questions

“We are ecstatic to have Williamsport continue to be a gateway to the Majors in the all new MLB Draft League and cannot wait for another season of Crosscutters baseball.” Peter B. Freund – President & Principal Owner, Williamsport Crosscutters

“We are thrilled to partner with Prep Baseball Report and the founding members of the MLB Draft League to create a one-of-a-kind league that will attract the nation’s top players who are eligible for each year’s MLB Draft and allow local fans to see top prospects and future big-league stars in their hometowns. This announcement continues MLB’s commitment to preserving and growing baseball in communities around the United States.” Morgan Sword – Executive Vice President Baseball Economics & Operations, Major League Baseball

“We are excited to hear about MLB’s commitment to the Crosscutters and to Williamsport and are looking forward to baseball’s return here.” Derek Slaughter – Mayor, City of Williamsport

“Ask anyone from Williamsport and they will tell you that the Cutters are more than just a baseball team. They are a cornerstone of our community, providing affordable family entertainment for our region. This partnership will bring new life to the Cutters and ensure that Williamsport remains the baseball capital of the world.” Congressman Fred Keller – U.S. House of Representatives (PA 12)

“This is really great news for the Crosscutters organization as well as north central Pennsylvania,” said state Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23). “The possibility of not having a professional baseball team in Williamsport, the home of Little League Baseball, was a major concern. Now, the MLB Draft League presents an opportunity to grow the game, while safeguarding the Cutters presence in our region. Let’s play ball!” State Senator Gene Yaw – Pennsylvania State Senate (PA 23)

“This is GREAT news not only for the Crosscutters but for Williamsport and Central Pennsylvania together! As we just experienced this past year, a summer without local baseball just doesn’t seem like summer. Congratulations to all and I look forward to the umpire saying PLAY Ball!” State Rep. Jeff Wheeland – Pennsylvania State House of Representatives (PA-83)

“We’ve had a proud tradition of professional baseball in Williamsport dating back to the late 1800’s. It is great to hear that this tradition will continue with the MLB Draft League. I will be excited to watch draft-eligible players show off their talents and then get to see them in the MLB in a few years.” State Rep. Garth Everett – Pennsylvania State House of Representatives (PA 84)

“I am pleased to hear of the exciting news that baseball will remain in Williamsport with the new MLB Draft League. Williamsport’s long baseball history has laid the foundation for many that entered the major leagues. We look forward to continuing that tradition of having America’s past time in our backyard.” Scott L. Metzger, Chairman Lycoming County Commissioners

“We are excited to see that developmental baseball will continue here in Williamsport. From 1869 when professional baseball started to today, the sport has continued to evolve. It’s great to see that Williamsport will play a key role in this latest evolution of the sport. As a baseball fan personally, I look forward to seeing these prospects grow, develop and hopefully realize their dream of playing Major League Baseball. To me, there is no better place than the home and birthplace of Little League Baseball to foster this opportunity for these players.” Jason Fink – President & CEO, Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce


OP-ED: Getting Slaughtered

The following is an opinion editorial authored by Todd Bartley,,

When “OPINION: Campana Created Slaughter, Beiter May Pay The Price”, was published in late October 2019, it was in the context of Mayoral candidate Derek Slaughter, whom I publicly endorsed for the first time in my career.

The hope going into the election last year, was that his platform of, “transparency, efficiency and accountability” were actually firmly held beliefs and not punch lines on a yard sign or a billboard.

All of the warning signs of insincerity were there leading up to the election.

Slaughter had committed to a debate with his challenger Eric Beiter for late October at Lycoming College similar to the one held with the Lycoming County Commissioner candidates that month.

On multiple occasions leading up to the debate Slaughter gave me his word he would be there; until he decommitted in an e-mail and then went radio silent.

Was this yet another stalling tactic by a nouveau ruling class elite; by refusing to answer actual questions relating to his platform and policy positions?

As a matter of fact, stalling is the precursor to hiding.

Ironically, it was mere foreshadowing of his leadership style of staying in the bunker and shutting everything down during a pandemic.



The word transparency was on every “Slaughter for Mayor” yard sign, it was on every billboard, in every stump speech, in every garden club visit, in the hallways of the Williamsport Area School District.

Until, Mayor Slaughter was sworn into office and then transparency became opaque.

A number of Right to Know Law requests have been submitted to the City of Williamsport, Williamsport Bureau of Police and the Williamsport Area School District (WASD) seeking public records related to the “criminal sexual misconduct” case on the part of a Williamsport Area High School baseball player during the 2018 team trip in Myrtle Beach.

Lycoming County District Attorney Ryan Gardner described the recorded and disseminated on video “criminal sexual misconduct” as such; prior to referring the case to PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

At all times relevant to the 2018 Williamsport Area High School baseball team trip in Myrtle Beach, Derek Slaughter was a teacher at the school as well as a former girls basketball coach (9 seasons ending in 2016).

While preparing his final stretch run for Mayor, Slaughter accepted a transfer to teach at the middle school level.

Was this to distance himself from the investigation currently ongoing by PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro?

The fundamental question for Mayor Slaughter is, what did you know about the Myrtle Beach case and when did you know it?

There is no documentation of a ChildLine call from then teacher or current Mayor Slaughter regarding the Myrtle Beach case.

How does this lend itself to the campaign process of transparency?



On July 3, 2020, four specific Right to Know Law requests were submitted to the City of Williamsport. Included were a specific request to the Williamsport Bureau of Police and three specific requests of Mayor Slaughter.

A five-day response window was given.

On July 8, 2020, the Requesters received a notice from Janice Frank, City Clerk, City of Williamsport a 30-day extension was being requested for legal review.

Sounds transparent to me.

As the 30-day extension deadline approached, an additional 20-day extension was requested by the City of Williamsport in order to respond.

Sounds transparent to me.

Then on, August 24, 2020, the City of Williamsport finally provided responses, if they can be called that.

The responses were e-mailed to this author with a physical address listed of 1318 Winter Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.

That was not the address listed on the Right to Know Law requests.

The Office of Open Records recently determined the responses from the City of Williamsport were untimely. In terms Mayor Slaughter with his background in teaching will understand – he failed.

Based on the untimely responses, additional even more surgical Right to Know Law requests are being submitted to the City of Williamsport and the Williamsport Bureau of Police seeking public records – since the overwhelming evidence demonstrates their existence.




Attestation of Chief Hagan AP 2020-1827

As chronicled in “A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XX,

According to the WBP website“The mission of the Williamsport Bureau of Police is to ensure the safety and security of the community by providing exemplary law enforcement services.

The Williamsport Bureau of Police values the principles of honesty, integrity, honor, fairness, and respect in our interactions with those we serve. We are committed to achieving excellence in our services to our citizens through community-based, pro-active policing.”

In the first of many contradictions that will be demonstrated, when the WBP was contacted by Detective Aiesi of the Myrtle Beach Police Department (MBPD) as noted in Part XIII she said to WAHS Head Principal Brandon Pardoe, “we seem to be getting the runaround.”


The Williamsport Bureau of Police when asked about records related to the 2018 Williamsport Area High School baseball team trip in Myrtle Beach, the WBP answered “No Records exist”.

Sounds transparent to me.


How can “No Records exist”, when Sgt. Reeder is leaving voicemails with the Myrtle Beach Police Department?


The REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, Myrtle Beach Police Department authored by Detective Glenn Porter goes onto say:

On 09/28/2018

I contacted the Williamsport city police at 570-(redacted by author) and spoke with an on-duty supervisor, Sgt. Reader. he advised that he would look into this and call me back since I do not have a victim’s name.

I later received a voicemail from him saying that their department did not take a report on this (redacted by MBPD).

Listed below is an e-mail obtained from the MBPD through the Freedom of Information Act which confirms the Sergeant Reeder voicemail on September 28, 2018.

From: Tiffany Whitmire
To: Glenn W. Porter; Kerry Aiesi
Subject: FW: Voice message from (redacted by MBPD)
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018 3:09:27 PM
SRO (redacted by MBPD) with (redacted by MBPD) at (redacted by MBPD)
—–Original Message—–
From: 570 (redacted by author) [mailto:(redacted by author)]
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 3:05 PM
To: Tiffany Whitmire <(redacted by author)>
Subject: Voice message from
Caller ID: (redacted by MBPD)
Message length: 60 sec. (486 kb.)


As part of the FOIA request made by this author; the MBPD provided the voicemail they received from  Sergeant Reeder of the WBP on Friday, September 28, 2018 at 3:05 PM.


Hi, this is Sergeant Reeder with the Williamsport Police Department here in Pennsylvania. I’m trying to get a message to Officer Porter. 

Umm, he had contacted me about an incident down there over the summer or the spring.

Umm, it sounds like the uh (redacted by MBPD) who were involved in that, um go to (redacted by MBPD) which is a separate jurisdiction than ours. 

(EDITOR’S NOTE: On reason and belief it appears Sergeant Reeder inexplicably sent the MBPD Detectives to the South Williamsport School Resource Officer first.)

Umm, the officer you made contact with is (redacted by MBPD) he is the school resource officer for (redacted by MBPD) Police and he actually has some recent knowledge about that involved (redacted by MBPD) go to their school so.

We did not take a report, um, so I just wanted to pass that along and uh, the number for uh, (redacted by MBPD).

Thank you



How can “No Records exist”, when SRO Stoltzsfus is exchanging e-mails with the Myrtle Beach Police Department?

From PART XXDetective Porter of the MBPD in the REPORTING OFFICER NARRATIVE obtained through a FOIA added an entry:

I called and spoke with the School resource officer at South Williamsport High School, Officer Samar (redacted by MBPD).

Officer Samar informed me that he only became aware of this incident yesterday on 9/27/2018 from another colleague at the school (redacted by MBPD).

Officer Samar said that he had no other details but when he heard that some type of assault took place with students from the Williamsport Area High School, he placed a courtesy call to the School Resource Officer there named Jordan Stoltzfus.

When Officer Samar told Officer Stoltzfus about a possible incident, Officer Stoltzfus relayed to him that he has not heard of any such incident.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The only reason South Williamsport School Resource Officer Samar was contacted and became involved in this report is the fact that Sergeant Reeder inexplicably sent the MBPD Detectives to him.)

If SRO Stoltzfus only heard about the Myrtle Beach incident in late September 2018, how did he participate in an “investigation” in May and June of that same year?

How do WAHS Head Principal Brandon Pardoe and Lycoming County Chief Detective Weber run concurrent criminal and non-criminal investigations into the Myrtle beach incident and not involve the WASD School Resource Officer?

Could it be the idea of the fewer people know, the better?

Did attorney George Lepley ever address this in the conversations with Weber or WASD Solicitor Fred Holland leading to the letter of May 31, 2018 authored by Lepley?


Porter from the same entry: I attempted to call Officer Stoltzfus at the school number 570-(redacted by author) but was informed he had already left for the day.

I was transferred to his voicemail and left a message for him to call me back.

I also was provided an e-mail address of (redacted by author).

I sent him an e-mail requesting him to respond to me as well.


The e-mail to SRO Stoltzfus was obtained through the FOIA request of the MBPD:

Officer Stoltzfus,

My name is Detective Porter with the City of Myrtle Beach Police Department. Today I was made aware via a Talk WilliamsportArticle that (redacted by MBPD) may have taken place and filmed on Social Media (redacted by MBPD).

As of know I am not aware any such (redacted by MBPD) was reported to us by anyone.

I was informed today that you recently were told about this from another SRO but your knowledge may be limited as well.

I just wanted to speak with you (redacted by MBPD).

The link to the article is below if you have not seen it. I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach are office line at 843-(redacted by author).

Thanks in advance,
Detective Glenn Porter Jr.
Investigations Division-Violent Crimes
Myrtle Beach Police Dept.
(redacted by author)


Sounds transparent to me.


Why is Police Chief Damon Hagan preparing his pension and retirement plans during an investigation of the 2018 Williamsport Area High School baseball team trip in Myrtle Beach by the PA AG Josh Shapiro?

As the Mayor of the City of Williamsport and these types of blatant contradictions of facts, to ensure the public trust in the Williamsport Bureau of Police, should Slaughter relieve Hagan of command, pending the outcome of the AG investigation?

Sounds like a transparent move to me.

Maybe Mayor Slaughter can clarify his contradictory and non-transparent answer regarding the anti-racism movement in Williamsport and his denial of permits to other groups who wished to protest.



#3 Any messages sent or received by Mayor Derek Slaughter to/from Morgan Allen and/or Michael Orrico, captured stored or removed from any city owned electronic devices issued by the City of Williamsport or personal phone or electronic devices used to conduct City of Williamsport business, specifically from January 1, 2020 – current date. Editor’s Note: the original RTKL submission was made on July 3, 2020. 

The ever transparent Mayor Derek Slaughter attestation 2020-1828 as follows:

Response #6: “For Request #3, I was unable to identify the records sought because the Requester did not provide a subject matter for the records sought within the request, and the request spanned more than six months.”

Response #7: “For Request #4, the City provided Requester, through the Open Records Officer and City Clerk Janice Frank, copies of phone logs for my cell phone used to conduct City business from January, 2020 to July, 2020, totaling 62 pages. The only information redacted from those call logs were phone numbers and the account number.” Editor’s Note: the information redacted included the very records sought by Requester.

Response #8: “My phone number associated with that account is not normally held out to the public as my contact number, so it was redacted.”

Response #9: “The incoming/outgoing phone numbers listed on those logs were also redacted because they include the personal phone numbers of others. Had the Requester asked for records reflecting calls to a specific phone number or numbers, the City could have searched these logs for records reflecting those communications. However, as requested it would be virtually impossible for the City to review the thousands of entries and cross-reference them with third-parties, in order to research and determine all of those that relate to personal numbers, and all of those that relate to public numbers.”

“I, Derek Slaughter, make these statements under penalty of perjury to the best of my knowledge information and belief as more set forth in Pa. C.S. 4904. Dated October 12, 2020.”  


So in an effort to boil this obvious act of non-transparency by the least transparent Mayor in Williamsport history, Derek Slaughter who is a college professor wants the public to believe he has no idea who calls him, or whom he calls; including his closest political advisers?

The request was quite specific indeed regarding who the Mayor speaks to regularly, “#3 Any messages sent or received by Mayor Derek Slaughter to/from Morgan Allen and/or Michael Orrico.”

And yet, Slaughter gets cute with his response, “I was unable to identify the records sought because the Requester did not provide a subject matter for the records sought within the request, and the request spanned more than six months.”

So Slaughter can identify the times he spoke with Allen and/or Orrico but must have the subject matter they discussed. Is that not why the Right to Know law exists to obtain exactly this type of information from elected officials trying to obscure it from public view?

Please keep saying how transparent you are; wait there’s more.

“My phone number associated with that account is not normally held out to the public as my contact number, so it was redacted.”

How exactly is the public suppose to reach you during a pandemic?

Your City Hall number?

As part of one of your early “public safety” measures you closed City Hall, the same City Hall you said in a candidate forum your administration would leave for a more viable location.

Those plans must be redacted from the public too.

During the campaign Slaughter authored this: “With the right leadership, we can make Williamsport a hub of business, culture, and innovation. Your voice and your vote matter. Please vote Derek Slaughter for Williamsport Mayor on Tuesday, November 5th.”

In the first year of Mayor Derek Slaughter tenure, his leadership has seen the closure of SHOP-VAC a major employer within the City of Williamsport. The loss of airline service from the airport. The potential relocation of the Community Theatre League to accommodate the “new city hall”.

The proposed move of CTL was halted when this author called Slaughter out and caused him to reverse course.




If you are not answering your City Hall number would the head if IT Chris Cooley have those called forwarded to, wait for it, your City owned/paid for cell phone?

I know, these facts are stubborn things, aren’t they?

Response #9: “The incoming/outgoing phone numbers listed on those logs were also redacted because they include the personal phone numbers of others. Had the Requester asked for records reflecting calls to a specific phone number or numbers, the City could have searched these logs for records reflecting those communications.

In fact, Requester did make that specific request by name.

Those specific numbers will be provided to the Mayor tomorrow in Right to Know Request the City then has 5 days to answer since the records have already been searched for, legally reviewed, produced and redacted.

See how easy it is to be transparent Mayor Slaughter?


Transparency from Mayor Slaughter could include the disclosure of all the calls he made to my cell phone leading into your election on his way to WAMS and then after school on his way to Penn College.

I lost count of how many times he called seeking guidance on the campaign and on issues of the day facing the City. Until he stopped calling after turning down the debate invitation.

What was it you said about what all the students kept saying about the Myrtle Beach case while you were a teacher at WAHS?

Let us leave that to the Office of Attorney General Josh Shapiro and his investigative team; since as a teacher that made you a mandated reporter.

You know, like you said after one of the many shootings in the City that have occurred during your brief tenure. Remember, the one you read about in the paper. Or was it the one you did not find out about until you woke up the next day.

You know, like you said in your press release on November 22. 2020:“We will say this over and over – if you see something, say something. Tell a trusted person you know to say something. If anyone has any information about these crimes, please come forward. Each of us is responsible to do the right thing to solve and prevent these crimes.”


There is only one thing more important to our community than see something, say something – its do something.

Mayor Slaughter and former WAHS girls basketball coach, the ball is in your court.



On April 21, 2020, Mayor Slaughter Forms COVID-19 Advisory Board as reported on this website. “In response to the needs of the greater community, I created the Mayor’s COVID-19 Advisory Board. This board of key stakeholders will identify the impact, needs, and a path forward for Williamsport.”

Chalked up to the oops I almost forgot category, and still getting partial credit for their homework albeit late on April 23, 2020 Mayor Slaughter added two more members to the Advisory Board.

The two additional members were Ron Frick, President of Lycoming County United Way and Dr. Tim Bowers, superintendent of the Williamsport Area School District.

The family of JOHN DOE #1 in the Myrtle Beach case is STILL waiting on your calls.



When the national media rolls the satellite trucks in here; you Derek Slaughter will be the Mayor of the City and an employee in the Williamsport Area School District that allowed it to happen.

So the nation and the world will then witness what “Getting Slaughtered” from a media, reputation, and quality of life standpoint looks like.

Mayor Slaughter, I just hope it was all worth it; like former WAHS high school baseball player Cody Shimp said, “sticking together until the end.”

That is what actual, “Transparency, Efficiency and Accountability” really look like in the real world.