Congressman Keller slams Biden for dismantling American energy while greenlighting Russian pipeline project

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) today made the following statement in response to President Joe Biden waiving sanctions related to the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline:

“One of Joe Biden’s first moves as president was to undermine American energy independence by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and the thousands of good-paying jobs it supported. Now, less than two weeks removed from a Russian cyberattack that crippled the American energy supply chain and led to fuel shortages up and down the East Coast, President Biden caved to Vladimir Putin, granting Russia his approval to move forward with its pipeline project. This hypocrisy illustrates just how little the Biden administration cares about American energy independence, good-paying jobs, and affordable energy. President Biden is not anti-pipeline, just anti-American pipeline.”

Congressman Fred Keller stands with Israel, takes legislative action to back ally


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) recently supported various legislative initiatives to reaffirm his commitment to investing in Israel’s sovereignty and its people, including signing onto a letter to President Biden urging the administration to take actions to weaken Hamas and co-sponsoring a resolution that condemns Hamas’ transgressions against Israel.

In the letter led by Congressman Michael McCaul (TX-10), Keller called on President Biden to maintain U.S. security assistance to Israel and move to sanction Hamas for using civilians as human shields.

“We must work together to help our ally defend itself from Hamas and other threats, and to cut off the support to Hamas that enables it to kill and injure Israeli and Palestinian civilians,” the letter reads. “These attacks clearly demonstrate the critical importance of our security assistance to Israel, as agreed to in the 2016 U.S.-Israel Memorandum of Understanding. We urge you to uphold this commitment, and we continue to oppose any reductions in funding or added conditions on security assistance, which would be detrimental to Israel’s ability to defend itself against all threats, including the current assault.”

Read the full letter here.

Congressman Keller also co-sponsored Congressman Jeff Van Drew’s (NJ-2) resolution that recognizes Hamas’ actions as war crimes, reiterates the group’s designation as a terrorist organization, and expresses that the United States must continue to support Israel’s fight against terrorism.

Find full text of this legislation here.

In case you missed it, last week Keller co-sponsored a resolution introduced by Congressman Carlos Giménez (FL-26) that denounces the acts of terrorism committed by Hamas and reaffirms support for Israel.

Find full text of this legislation here.

On supporting Israel, Congressman Keller made the following statement:

“The terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians illustrate the need for America’s bipartisan support for the State of Israel. Unfortunately, some Democrats have continued to waver rather than joining the majority of Congress in coming to the aid of our strongest ally in the Middle East and the only democracy in the region. Hesitating to support Israel at this critical juncture not only jeopardizes its security—it sends a dangerous message to America’s strategic partners around the globe. The United States must reaffirm our support for Israel and work swiftly to aid its people.”

Congressman Keller echoes voices of residents after Gov. Wolf extends Disaster Declaration reached out to Congressman Fred Keller for a comment in the wake of Governor Wolf extending the Covid-19 Disaster Declaration for another 90 days this afternoon.

The extension came just 48 hours after a majority of Pennsylvanians voted to limit the power of the Governor as it relates to these types of declarations.

Congressman Keller provided this exclusive statement to

“For the past 14 months, Governor Wolf has made his every decision without the consent or consultation of the people’s representatives in the General Assembly. This week, the people made their voices heard and, as a consequence, the governor’s authority to unilaterally make these decisions will soon be gone.”

Governor Wolf is term limited and cannot run for Governor again. The gubernatorial field of contenders is quickly filling up on both the Democrat and Republican tickets.

Yaw Calls Latest COVID Emergency Declaration the First Step to Returning Checks, Balances

Photo Courtesy PCN

(HARRISBURG) – State Senator Gene Yaw issued the following statement after Governor Wolf renewed the state’s COVID-19 emergency declaration for 21 days:

“As we wait for the final election results to be certified, today marks the first step to returning checks and balances to the Commonwealth’s long-term emergencies.  We are now operating under the rules established when the people of Pennsylvania voted to amend the state Constitution. 

“The General Assembly is now receiving information from Governor Wolf that had previously not been shared. That information allows us to make better informed decisions as we move forward to implement the will of the people. 

“I will work with my colleagues and the administration to ensure that the Commonwealth continues to be eligible to receive the federal funding that is supporting our economic recovery from COVID-19 and other valuable programs, which are relied upon by Pennsylvanians.”

On Tuesday, Pennsylvania voters passed the two amendments to the state Constitution that were designed to improve the way the state responds to future emergencies. One limits an emergency declaration to 21 days unless the General Assembly approves a longer duration. The other clarifies that the governor will not be able to unilaterally veto legislative action that ends the declaration.

The stakes in legal case between the Commissioners and Lycoming County Controller just went up

Photo: Lycoming County Commissioners Rick Mirabito, Scott Metzger, Tony Mussare, Administrative Manager Lycoming County Commissioners, Eileen Ebner and Lycoming County Controller, Krista Rogers.

By: Todd Bartley

On April 26, 2021, the Lycoming County Commissioners filed a “Motion for Contempt” against Lycoming County Controller Krista Rogers.

The motion seeks; two reassigned employees to relocate to Office of Budget & Finance, cease and desist from performing payroll, accounts payable and general ledger functions through the Controller’s office and transfer those functions to the Office of Budget & Finance.

It also seeks attorney fees and costs from the Controller.

Senior Judge John B. Leete from Potter County will hear from the parties on Wednesday at 1 p.m. in a Lycoming County courtroom.

This is a developing story on


Lycoming County Commissioners taking unilateral action this morning
Caught in the Middle
Commissioners issue press release in response to reporting
Was the injunction filed by the Lycoming County Commissioners against the Lycoming County Controller even necessary?

Was the injunction filed by the Lycoming County Commissioners against the Lycoming County Controller even necessary?

Photo: Lycoming County Commissioners Rick Mirabito, Scott Metzger, Tony Mussare, Administrative Manager Lycoming County Commissioners, Eileen Ebner and Lycoming County Controller, Krista Rogers.
By: Todd Bartley
If the duly elected Controller of Lycoming County performed the necessary functions to facilitate payment of accounts payable and payroll earlier this week and by not doing so (under the law) could lead to her removal from office; why was an injunction even necessary?
The background of the story stems from a long running battle over the financial operations of Lycoming County and who is ultimately responsible.
As the court filings indicate; Krista Rogers, Lycoming County Controller believes she has the authority.
Conversely, the Lycoming County Commissioners also believe they have the “ultimate responsibility” over the operations and finances of Lycoming County.
So on April 20, 2021, the Lycoming County Commissioners filed a civil lawsuit against Lycoming County Controller Krista Rogers over fiscal operations of the County.
Under the banner of “ultimate responsibility” the Lycoming County Commissioners filed an LCC TRO motion against Controller with the Lycoming County Court of Common Pleas citing the “threat” Rogers in her capacity as Controller would remove her “ceremonial signature” thus kicking off a cascade of events potentially leading to bills and payroll not being paid.
That scenario has not occurred.
By the standard the Lycoming County Commissioners have outlined, at any point in time they could potentially seize control of any other duly elected Lycoming County official’s department under the “ultimate responsibility” banner and potentially set off a cascade of litigation, all at taxpayers expense.
An example, would be the Office of Prothonotary; if the Lycoming County Commissioners believed the functions and responsibilities of that office were not being performed to their satisfaction; under the “ultimate responsibility” banner, changes could take place in that department as well.

In fact, what has occurred since the filing of the injunction and lawsuit which will have a hearing in front of visiting

Senior Judge John B. Leete from Potter County next Wednesday at 1 p.m. is a public war of words between the parties involved.
In response to the actions taken by the Lycoming County Commissioners, on April 20, 2021 at 2 p.m. – Lycoming County Controller Krista Rogers issued the following statement:
“In response to the action taken today by the Lycoming County Commissioners. Their statements are gross misrepresentations of the facts. This is not about training or alleged mistakes they claim were made, it is an abuse of office and has been a conspiracy to subvert the law since December of 2019. They have been trying to figure out how to take these duties, and positions, away from me since December 2019 when they started paying their solicitor, again, on this issue after they decided to follow the law in May of 2019. What they are doing goes against PA State law, and is the biggest waste of Lycoming County taxpayer dollars. I have tried to talk to them about training and working together under the law now I will have to wait and see what their filing says.
Just this week my office has corrected two errors where employees would have been paid out more than would have been proper, according to policy, based on improper information given to employees by the HR department and the Commissioners’ office.
I have, and will always, stand up and fight for the taxpayers of Lycoming County to make sure the Commissioners do not create a shadow government where they can spend money with no checks and balances.
Krista B. Rogers, Lycoming County Controller”
That same day the Lycoming County Commissioners Rick Mirabito, Scott Metzger and Tony Mussare issued a press release in response to reporting which reads as follows:

“We offer these thoughts in response to the Controller’s attempt to politicize our recent personnel actions. As Commissioners, we have dedicated ourselves to providing efficient and effective government functions to the taxpayers of this County. That was our sole motivation for transferring a few employees and their related functions back to the County’s fiscal department (now called the Office of Budget and Finance), where they were capably handled for years.

It is an unfortunate reality that these functions were and are not being performed timely or competently under the Controller’s supervision. In fact, repeated errors in basic things such as processing payroll and continued failures to produce reports and year-end entries on time evidenced this poor performance.

Two years ago, the Controller argued that the now transferred functions should be placed under her jurisdiction. The Commissioners agreed to do so with the expectation that the transfer would be seamless and have no effect on County government and County taxpayers. Plainly put, that expectation has not been fulfilled, despite the two years the Controller has had to absorb the functions and debug any problems.

And so it has become apparent to the Commissioners that they need to transfer, at least for now, these functions back to where they were capably handled for many years, to protect the County, its employees, and its citizens. The Controller claims that this action is illegal, but the Commissioners believe otherwise. While the courts may need to resolve that contest, what is beyond dispute is this — the transferred functions that were not competently handled by the Controller will now be done well and timely.”

On April 22, 2021, the Lycoming County Controller’s Office posted the following to its Facebook page:
“The office has completed payroll for Lycoming County Employees, and accounts payable for this week. The accounts payable, approved by Commissioners on Tuesday, was reduced by $46,651.92 due to a corrective action taken by Human Resources on the PA Unemployment Compensation invoices originally submitted for payment. Original PA Unemployment Compensation invoice total, $111,110, amount being paid $64,458.08.
All processing was completed for both payroll and accounts payable before noon today.”
One of the grievances listed by Lycoming County Commissioners Rick Mirabito, Scott Metzger and Tony Mussare in the court filings was Krista B. Rogers, Lycoming County Controller failed to file the 2019 Lycoming County Annual Fiancial Report with the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).
In fact, as the (exclusively obtained by 2019 Lycoming County Annual Financial Report reflects on its cover page; it was time stamped as received by DCED on April 19, 2021, the day prior to the filing of the injunctive relief and lawsuit against the Lycoming County Controller.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Updated 4:55 p.m. Friday, April 23, 2021 with DCED confirmations.
When reached Friday by, Casey Smith, DCED Communications Director, provided the following; “The 2019 Lycoming County Audit was received on 4-19-21.  The 2019 audits were due July 1, 2020. The 2020 audits are due July 1, 2021.”
If the financial operations of Lycoming County have gone uninterrupted and may in fact be more streamlined within the Office of Lycoming County Controller Krista Rogers even with having multiple employees moved to the Office of Budget and Finance this week, only one question remains.
Was the injunction and subsequent lawsuit filed by the Lycoming County Commissioners against the Lycoming County Controller even necessary?
Lycoming County Commissioners taking unilateral action this morning
Caught in the Middle
Commissioners issue press release in response to reporting

Senator Yaw Encourages Participation in “National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day”

Photo Courtesy PCN

20th “National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day” to be held on Saturday, April 24th

 HARRISBURG – State Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23) today announced that the 20th Semi-Annual “National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day,” sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), will be held on Saturday, April 24th, 2021, from 10AM-2PM.

Residents living throughout Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Union counties are encouraged to participate in the pharmaceutical “spring cleaning” by taking back expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Safe disposal drop-off locations are located in every county and can be found by going to the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs website, click here.

“National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day” events continue to remove expired and unused opioids and other medicines from Pennsylvania homes.  During the October 2020 Take-Back Day event, 189 Pennsylvania law enforcement agencies collected 36,949 pounds of unused or expired medications from 209 collection sites across the state.  Since the inception of the program on September 25th, 2010, over 597,120 pounds of medications have been returned and destroyed in Pennsylvania.

“Take-Back Day is an excellent way to reduce drug abuse and misuse across the board,” Sen. Yaw said.  “It’s not only about preventing people from stealing or abusing prescription drugs, but it’s also about preventing accidental use and overdose, especially by our senior population.  Further, many people are unsure on how to properly dispose of the medications, so they flush them down the toilet or throw them in the garbage.  This can lead to the medications entering into our water supply, which is a huge environmental concern.”

In 2014, Senator Yaw supported Senate Bill 1180, now Act 191, creating a statewide prescription drug monitoring program in the Commonwealth to expand upon the types of drugs already monitored and increase access for pharmacists and health care practitioners with prescriptive rights.  Since that time, he has championed several legislative initiatives, which are now law, including expanded education requirements for prescribers and limiting opioids for minors.

Learn more about “National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day” at, or by calling 800-882-9539.

For more state-related news and information visit Senator Yaw’s website at or on Facebook and Twitter @SenatorGeneYaw.

Congressman Fred Keller, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise outline energy priorities during Think About Energy webinar

Whip Scalise and Congressman Keller discuss energy priorities during the Think About Energy webinar.

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) today joined House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) for a webinar hosted by Cabot Oil & Gas to discuss current and proposed energy policies and weigh in on America’s domestic energy sector.

Whip Scalise opened the event with remarks highlighting House Republicans’ energy priorities, noting the importance of an all-of-the-above American energy approach and of harnessing our nation’s resources to produce clean, affordable, and reliable energy.

Congressman Keller followed up with insights on the positive impact that American energy independence has had on central and northeastern Pennsylvania. Thanks to domestic energy, Pennsylvania’s statewide energy sector now sustains more than 300,000 jobs, pays more than $23 billion in wages, contributes $45 billion to the commonwealth’s economy, and saves the average household $1,100 annually in energy costs.

On the event, Congressman Keller made the following statement:

“I was proud to join Whip Scalise today for a productive, energy-focused webinar hosted by Cabot Oil & Gas. America’s domestic energy has far-reaching implications for every sector of our economy. Energy producers have been outstanding partners in central and northeastern Pennsylvania, investing in local communities and generating countless downstream job opportunities. In order to sustain good-paying jobs, create prosperity for future generations, and secure American interests around the globe, we must reject and counteract policies that place a higher premium on appeasing the radical left than protecting the future of America’s energy sector.”

Republican Whip Steve Scalise:

“It was a pleasure to join Cabot Oil & Gas for today’s ‘Think About Energy’ webinar alongside Representative Keller. Our two districts demonstrate how an all-of-the-above American energy strategy has propelled our nation to be energy dominant and allowed our economy to thrive. The truth is that the Democrats don’t want to see the hardworking men and women of the Gulf and Marcellus Shale oil and gas industry succeed. Their socialist green agenda will leave American families and workers hurting and our country dependent on unreliable and unfriendly nations for energy. Instead of attempting to end American oil and natural gas production, we should embrace and utilize our abundant, affordable, and clean energy resources.”


George Stark, Director of External Affairs for Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation and moderator of the webinar:

“The state of Pennsylvania, as well as our nation as a whole, has an abundance of natural resources. This abundance gives us plenty to discuss, and it’s important to bring energy advocates and policy makers together to further the industry.” 

Whip Scalise is the leader of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT), of which Congressman Keller is also a member. HEAT is a coalition of House Republicans representing districts with significant energy infrastructure. Its mission is to promote energy policies that will address rising energy prices, create family-sustaining energy jobs, and enhance our national security by promoting American energy independence.

The full webinar is available here.

Area Legislators Secure Funding for Lycoming County Projects

Photo Courtesy PCN

HARRISBURG – State Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23), Rep. Jeff Wheeland (R-83) and Rep. Joe Hamm (R-84) today announced several significant investments for Lycoming County through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA).

“I was pleased to advocate for all of these projects approved today by the CFA,” Sen. Yaw said.  “Our legislative advocacy is strong and we are fortunate to have many good local officials who are forward thinking in planning these projects, cleaning up our environment and promoting economic growth for our region.  These investments have a positive impact for all residents.”

Jersey Shore Borough will be awarded two grants through the CFA.  The Borough will receive $78,002 through the Greenways, Trails and Recreation program to implement the Jersey Shore Active Transportation Plan.  The plan will connect the existing DCNR funded rail trail to the Susquehanna River.  This phase includes a trail connector to Allegheny Street, enhanced sidewalks, and curb ramps.  Additionally, the Borough will receive $150,000 through the CFA Multimodal Transportation Fund to assist with a streetscape project.  The proposed project will help accomplish phase one of the plan by enhancing the sidewalks, bump outs, signage, crosswalks and curb ramps along Bank Alley & South Main Street, Fountain Street and Allegheny Street, and Staver and Allegheny Street.

“I want to thank the Commonwealth Financing Authority for awarding this grant to Jersey Shore Borough for accessibility and safety improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists,” said Rep. Hamm. “As the former Jersey Shore Borough Manager, I was proud to support this project during the planning stages and now during its implementation as State Representative. Outdoor recreation opportunities are important and Jersey Shore and the Pine Creek Valley provide a world-class experience.”

“The Borough of Jersey Shore would like to thank Senator Yaw and Representative Hamm for their support of the Jersey Shore Active Transportation Plan,” said Cody L. Hoover, Borough Manager.  “We look forward to using the funds to improve the Borough and create more growth and economic development opportunities.”

In the City of Williamsport, the Economic and Community Growth Corporation has been awarded $200,000 as part of a transition of a blighted brownfield property into a multi-field, regional baseball and softball complex.  The project consists of excavation of the brownfield, construction of the site into a multi-field sports complex.  The site will be home to six fields for youth baseball and softball, and one collegiate-sized field.  Funding has also been committed through the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce.

“This multi-million-dollar development project will create new opportunities for the Greater Williamsport region to draw upon its world-renowned status as a home for youth baseball and attract thousands of new visitors,” Rep. Wheeland said.  “Given the potential impact this project could have on our community, I was happy to support this important project.”

Lycoming County will also receive a grant of $287,379 through the Pipeline Investment Program (PIPE) to extend a natural gas pipeline to serve a prospective manufacturing company in the Timber Run Industrial Park, located in Brady Township.  The extension will provide access to natural gas for future companies locating in the Park, which is viewed as a critical economic development opportunity in the area.

“Economic development is one of my top priorities as State Representative,” Rep. Hamm added. “I am pleased the Commonwealth Financing Authority approved PIPE funding for Lycoming County’s Timber Run Industrial Park. Establishing low-cost natural gas service to this site will allow manufacturers and future developers to bring high-quality, family-sustaining jobs to the area. I was honored to support this project.”

“We greatly appreciate the work of Senator Yaw and Representatives Wheeland and Hamm in securing funding for these projects here in Lycoming County,” said Jason Fink, President and CEO of the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce.  “Jersey Shore is a gateway to the Pine Creek Valley and Pennsylvania Wilds.  This investment will enhance the community for not only residents but visitors enjoying the outdoor amenities of the area.  Funding for the Timber Run Industrial Park is key to providing the necessary utilities for industries that will be developing in it.  One key resource required for Digger Specialties operations there was natural gas and now Lycoming County has the funding to get the service to them.  Our ballpark project will transform a highly visible blighted brownfield property here in the city to a heavily used baseball/softball complex that will serve local needs and sports tourists alike.  The collective work of our state legislative delegation will have great impact on Lycoming County in the years to come.”

AG Shapiro Statement on Senate Judiciary’s Vote To Pass Civil Window Statute

Please see Attorney General Shapiro’s statement regarding the passage of the civil window statute by the Pennsylvania Senate’s Judiciary Committee.

“We cannot overlook the significance of today’s passage of the civil window statute by the Pennsylvania Senate’s Judiciary Committee, and I want to thank Senators Baker, Corman and Santarsiero for their leadership. I commend our state senators for voting this bill out of committee, but now it is time to bring this vote to the Senate floor,” said AG Shapiro. “Two years ago, we heard the voices of brave survivors across the Commonwealth who suffered abuse at the hands of priests within the Catholic Church. Their righteous voices impacted change – three of the four Grand Jury reforms recommended are now law in Pennsylvania, 20 states have also passed our reforms, and 14 states began their own investigations into clergy abuse, as well as the Department of Justice. Today’s vote brings these brave survivors the closest they have been to having their day in court. Now it’s time to deliver justice and closure for those who spoke up, relived their trauma, and bolstered the system for future victims.”