Pardoe: “I have this under control”, Weber lied to ADA Yates, – Exhibit C

Also, while reviewing the MBPD file, the affiant observed the following. MBPD Detective Porter wrote the following occurred on 9/28/2018 when he spoke with Lycoming County Assistant District Attorney Jeff Yates:

“Mr. Yates informed me that he knows the Chief County Detective William Weber and spoke to him after reading the article. According to Mr. Yates, Detective Weber also had no knowledge of these allegations. As of this time there is no known victim to speak to.”

On 6/23/2020, the affiant called and spoke with Jeff Yates. He confirmed that he was an assistant District Attorney in the Lycoming County Office in 2018. He also said he was in charge of juvenile cases. The affiant explained to him this investigation.

The affiant told him what Detective Porter of the Myrtle Beach Police Department documented in his report in regards to Yates saying that he spoke to Weber after the Bartley news article was first published.

The affiant told Yates that Porter documented he said that

Weber had no knowledge of the allegations in the article.


The affiant asked Yates if this was accurate, and Yates responded: “Yes.”


Yates said that the news article came out and he spoke to Weber, asking Weber: “Are you hearing anything?”

According to Yates, Weber responded: “No.”

Yates also said Detective Porter called after that.

It should be noted that Todd Bartley’s first news article on this case came out on 8/24/2018. 


Detective Porter spoke to Yates on 9/28/2018.


Weber was notified by CYS of the Child Line on 5/18/2018,

and Weber started an investigation after this

along with Brandon Pardoe, the high school principal.


On 6/24/2020, the affiant interviewed the juvenile male victim #1 and his mother. He confirmed what was on the video and what happened to him. he also said that the juvenile male suspect #1 sat on his head as well. This victim was angry about what happened to him; he did not consent to it at all and he did not think it was funny.

This victim indicated that he was called derogatory names

when he was at school the following week

by people who had seen the video of what happened to him.


This contradicted what Weber wrote in his “report ” on 10/8/2018.


The affiant next addressed the meeting this victim had with the school officials during the last week of May 2018. His mother was present for his meeting, as were Pardoe and Weber. The victim told then what happened and who was involved.

The victim gave them names, what happened to him, and they took notes.

According to the victim’s mother:

“They promised me they would get back to me…

they promised they would question people involved and they would get back to me.”

As of today,

none of them has ever contacted the victim’s mother.


The affiant asked the victim if, at any point, did he tell the school officials above, including Weber,

that what happened to him in Myrtle Beach was a prank and he was fine with it.

The victim said, “No.”

The victim’s mother said: “No, not at all.”

The victim’s mother’s calls were never returned.


On 7/1/2020, the affiant interview the juvenile male videographer.  He confirmed that he videotaped what happened to the juvenile male victim #1 on the video.

This juvenile male also said that, about a week or two before school had ended that year, he got called to the office. He said he was taken to a room in which Mr. Pardoe and maybe others were.

This juvenile male was asked about the trip, and he told them what happened.

When asked how this meeting ended, this juvenile male said he was told he was suspended from the team for two games.

Pardoe also indicated to the juvenile male videographer that they had to they dealt with a consequence. He said the juvenile male suspect #1 was suspended for two games as well.


The juvenile male videographer’s mother said that

Pardoe came to her house.

He (PARDOE) told her:

“please don’t ever talk about what happened..

I have this under control…

“When the affiant asked her if Pardoe said anything about law enforcement or police being involved, she said he said:

“It’s not gonna go anywhere, not to worry about anything..

you have nothing to worry about…

I’m just here to apologize for not having him play in two games.”

The affiant asked if Pardoe ever told the juvenile male videographer that the Myrtle Beach Police were going to be notified.

This juvenile said: “No.”


His mother said Pardoe said:

“…not to worry about anything…

nobody’s getting involved…

don’t worry about it…I have this under control.”

This juvenile male also said that

Weber never interviewed him.


EDITOR’S NOTE: At this writing WAHS head principal Dr. Brandon Pardoe is still employed by the Williamsport Area School District.





PART XXXIX – Exhibit D” – is forthcoming.

This is a developing story on


Weber and Pardoe never called the Myrtle Beach Police Department – Exhibit B

Picking up where Exhibit A left off.

On 10/3/18, biographical checks on students from this high school were printed out and were present in this file. These checks were on the juvenile suspect #1 and the juvenile male who shot the video.

The next thing in this file was a Lycoming County District Attorney’s Office report completed and filed by Weber on 10/8/18. Weber documented on this date that he received the initial complaint from CYS in mid may of 2018.

He referred to the complaint as a “you had ‘tea bagged’ another youth.”

He also wrote:

“I told C & Y that I would look into the matter due to my familiarity of WAHS and the baseball program

since my son played and I attended the tournament for 3 years.”

He wrote that he contacted the principal, Brandon Pardoe, and advised him of the complaint. he wrote:

“I told Mr. Pardoe that I had no jurisdiction about what happened in Myrtle Beach,

but would assist and make referrals if need be.

I also told him I was aware of the trip

and what usually goes on during the annual trip.”

Weber also documented in his report the meeting with juvenile male victim #1 and his mother on 5/30/18. Weber wrote that this victim didn’t feel that the video was shared much, that nobody said anything to him at school and he did not feel that the video was passed around.

Weber wrote: “…there was no referral to be made.”

Weber ended his report with:

“Clearly this was a hazing/bullying issue that the school properly handled.

This report was written based on my limited note taking and my memory from may 2018.

I did not prepare a report at the time.”


So far, at this point in the timeline based on what was in Weber’s file, he did no reports on his investigation with the Williamsport High School baseball team.


He maintained a file, but he never notified the Myrtle Beach Police Department,

which was the law enforcement entity with jurisdiction in this matter.

Instead of notifying the MBPD in May of 2018, the MBPD had to contact Weber on 9/28/2018. When they did, Weber completed his first report.

In this report, Weber did not document the sodomy allegations involving juvenile victim(s) that were received by the Lycoming County CYS, and which Weber had a copy of the CYS supplemental report.

Weber wrote a letter to (MBPD) Detective Porter on 10/10/18.

He wrote about (Second Mandated Reporter – NAME REDACTED BY AUTHOR), allegations and then wrote:

“I checked with the school district and from their investigation,

what (NAME REDACTED BY AUTHOR) reported never occurred from their interviews.”

The affiant reviewed the police reports from the Myrtle Beach Police Department concerning this investigation. The affiant confirmed that the MBPD first was notified about the aforementioned allegations on 9/28/2018 from reporter Todd Bartley seeking a comment.

The MBPD was never notified by Weber or Pardoe.

The affiant also observed the following in the Lycoming County District Attorney file. The affiant saw a copy of notes with no date on it.

The notes read in part:

“School district was aware in Myrtle Beach…

Brandon told kids to get rid of images…


(juvenile male suspect #2’s name) – nephew -…

(juvenile male victim #2’s name) had penis across face suck it up parents said…

(juvenile male victim #3’s name)-penetrated by (juvenile male suspect #1’s name)…

(juvenile male suspect #2’s name) holding him down…

Coach Miller aware of it….

(juvenile male videographers’ name) was videotaping – (juvenile male suspect #1) was ringleader.”





PART XXXVIII – “Pardoe: “I have this under control”, Weber lied to ADA Yates, – Exhibit C” – is forthcoming.

This is a developing story on

OAG search warrants and report excoriates Weber, Pardoe, Miller and WASD – Exhibit A

Josh Shapiro, PA Attorney General (top left), Brandon Pardoe, WAHS Principal (top middle),
Ryan Gardner, Lycoming County District Attorney (top right).
Willie Weber, former Lycoming County Chief Detective (middle left),
WAHS Teacher & Miller girlfriend Alicia Carnevale and
former WAHS Baseball Coach Ryan Miller (middle right)
Fred Holland, WASD Solicitor (bottom left),
Sean McCann, WAHS Athletic Director (bottom middle)
and George Lepley, criminal defense attorney (bottom right)
The following is the result of a nearly 40-months long investigation
into the Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip
to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the spring of 2018.

This story is graphic and contains details related to multiple indecent sexual assaults.

The author and editor of this story have made the editorial decision to not publish the names of the individuals under the age of 18 at the time of the incident who have been clearly identified as committing these acts in this case they were recently formally charged with a crime in South Carolina.

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball



PART XXXVI – “OAG search warrants and report excoriates Weber, Pardoe, Miller and WASD for their roles in the

2018 Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina investigation.”


By Todd Bartley, exclusively obtained the Office of Attorney General search warrants that became unsealed when Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro failed to charge those involved in the cover-up of the criminal behaviors engaged in by students on the 2018 Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Shapiro has his sights set on the Governor’s mansion in the next election cycle, he is also a father.

From the Affidavit of Probable Cause seeking a search warrant for the “Files/Records Pertaining to the 2018 WAHS Baseball team Myrtle Beach Trip” (including cell phone records) of WAHS head principal Dr. Brandon Pardoe filed on September 24, 2020 by (NAME REDACTED BY AUTHOR) OAG Special Agent and signed by Lycoming County President Judge Nancy Butts.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Juvenile male victim #1 – is black, juvenile male suspect #1 – is white.

Between 3/23/18 and 3/30/2018, the Williamsport Area High School baseball team attended a tournament in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. At some point during that week, a video was shot from inside one of the hotel rooms for the players.

The affiant watched this video and observed that

the juvenile male victim #1 was asleep on a couch when

the juvenile male suspect #1, a teammate, appeared

to have put his penis in the face of the sleeping victim.


On 5/18/2018 a Lycoming County Children and Youth Services employee (NAME REDACTED BY AUTHOR), saw this video. He reported this to Matt Wood of CYS. Both (REDACTED) and are mandated reporters.

Wood did a Child Line report and he notified William Weber, then Chief County Detective for Lycoming County who worked out of the Lycoming County District Attorney’s Office.

Weber notified the high school Principal Brandon Pardoe.

(NAME REDACTED BY AUTHOR) provided the video to CYS:

this video was in the file at the DA’s office.


Also observed in the DA’s file were notes. These notes were dated 5/30/18. These notes were about a meeting with the juvenile male victim #1 and his mother. These notes also indicated that the victim was shown the video, and it was written:

“(juvenile male suspect #1) admitted he did it”.


Also, in this file next was a phone message on 9/4/18 for Weber to call a woman. Part of the message read:

“Kids were asked and instructed in Myrtle Beach

to delete any videos they may have taken.”


The next document in the DA’s file was a print out email dated 9/28/2018. It was from Detective Tiffany Whitmire of the Myrtle Beach Police to Williams Weber.

She asked Weber to contact her concerning an investigation he assisted with about an assault in Myrtle Beach involving  the Williamsport High School baseball team. She wrote: “We need the information reference this investigation.”

She asked for reports, interviews, data, etc.





PART XXXVII – “Weber and Pardoe never called the Myrtle Beach Police Department” – is forthcoming.

This is a developing story on

UPDATE: Lycoming County DA Ryan Gardner statement regarding Detective Weber

By Todd Bartley,

On Wednesday morning, September 29, 2021 Lycoming County DA Ryan Gardner issued a press release containing a statement regarding Detective Weber.

The same statement was exclusively reported by yesterday.

The statement is provided below in its entirety.


District Attorney’s statement regarding Detective Weber:

Upon arrival to the office Tuesday, September 28, I was provided with a copy of the Attorney General’s Sealed Search Warrants in the Myrtle  Beach/Williamsport Baseball matter. I immediately requested a meeting with Detective Weber.

During this meeting, Detective Weber informed me that he was retiring, effective immediately.

Today is Detective Weber’s 40th anniversary as a law enforcement officer.

Ryan Gardner
District Attorney
Lycoming County

This is a developing story on

BREAKING NEWS: Detective Weber retires on 40th anniversary in law enforcement

Photo provided by YWCA as Detective Weber is awarded for his work of assisting victims of sex crimes over his career.

The following is the result of a nearly 40-months long investigation
into the Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip
to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the spring of 2018.

This story is graphic and contains details related to multiple indecent sexual assaults.

The author and editor of this story have made the editorial decision to not publish the names of the individuals under the age of 18 at the time of the incident who have been clearly identified as committing these acts in this case they were recently formally charged with a crime in South Carolina.

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball



PART XXXV – “Detective Weber retires on 40th anniversary in law enforcement”

OAG search warrants and report excoriates his behavior and role in the

2018 Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to 

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina investigation.


By Todd Bartley,

Willie Weber Lycoming County Detective was not criminally charged by Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shaprio in connection to the cover-up of the “criminal sexual misconduct” of a WAHS baseball player during the 2018 team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The reason, “The OAG was unable to determine whether any attempt to ‘cover-up’ the conduct occurred in Pennsylvania due to the failure of the District Attorney’s Office to create, implement, and enforce any policies governing the conduct of county detectives.”

Earlier this year, the Horry County South Carolina Solicitor filed criminal charges against ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 in the case after an exhaustive multi-year investigation conducted by the Myrtle Beach Police Department and in conjunction with the Office of PA Attorney General.

On Tuesday, Weber retired as a detective in the Office of Lycoming County District Attorney Ryan Gardner.

Gardner was contacted for this story and offered the following comments:

“Upon arrival to the office Tuesday, September 28,

I was provided with a copy of the Attorney General’s previously sealed search warrants

in the Myrtle Beach/Williamsport baseball matter.


I immediately requested a meeting with (Lycoming County) Detective (William) Weber.


During this meeting Detective Weber informed me that he was retiring, effective immediately.

Today is Detective Weber’s 40th anniversary as a law enforcement officer.”

Ryan Gardner, District Attorney Lycoming County exclusively obtained the unsealed OAG search warrants yesterday.


Weber has been a central figure in the 2018 WAHS baseball team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina case; based on information contained in the OAG search warrants:

  • Weber took the lead on behalf of the law enforcement upon receiving the Childline call referral in mid-May 2018
  • Failed to file a report in a timely manner after receiving the Childline call referral in mid-May 2018
  • Failed to notify authorities of the incident in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  • Failed to provide video evidence of the incident to authorities in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for 5 months
  • His involvement in meeting with JOHN DOE #1 and his family and failure to follow-up
  • Meeting with the attorney for ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1, WASD principal Brandon Pardoe and WASD Solicitor Fred Holland
  • Failing to involve WASD School Resource officers in the “criminal” and “non-criminal investigations”
  • Mislead then Assistant District Attorney Jeff Yates
  • Once contacted by law enforcement authorities in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina continued to mislead them


In April 2021, Weber was awarded by the YWCA for his work assisting victims of sex crimes over his career.

According to the Williamsport Sun-Gazette, where editor L. Lee “Laura” Janssen announced her retirement as editor this past Saturday.

Janssen and company have barely written a word of this horrible situation. The paper she served as editor offered the following on Weber receiving his award.

Speaking before the program began, Weber stressed the importance of all the agencies working as a team in the county to try to help victims.

“We’ve got an incredible team of people that all work together on child abuse and sexual assault,” Weber said.

Weber enumerated the various groups involved in the multi-disciplinary task force that works from the moment the assault or abuse is reported right through to the trial phase.

He noted that when he was told that he was getting the award for his work, he was actually surprised.

“It’s not me, it’s the partnerships that we’ve developed and being able to work together to do it,” he said.


WAHS head principal Brandon Pardoe, fellow criminal and non-criminal investigator with Weber in the 2018 Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina investigation has yet to offer public comment on his neighbor retiring.

Little League officials have remained silent on Weber serving as a team host at the Little League World Series previously and moving forward.

This is a developing story on

OP-ED: Covid rules for thee but not for me, right Melvin Wentzel?

Todd Bartley,

The following is an opinion editorial addressing the disingenuous action taken by Loyalsock Township school board member, Melvin Wentzel.

If one thing has taught us anything during the Covid-19 pandemic era; the science changes and it can be argued based upon political motives.

Last year we all heard from then candidates who now hold elected office; the Covid-19 vaccine may not be safe since the current administration is developing it.

This year, after winning election, we are now seeing Covid-19 vaccine mandates by the same party who disparaged the very vaccine they are now mandating being taken.

Case in point, Loyalsock Township school board member, Melvin Wentzel recently voted to mask children and staff within the district. Soon after Governor Wolf followed with a similar statewide order for school children and staff.

There are emerging studies that claim masking children is doing significant harm to children. According to Neeraj Sood, PhD and Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD of the University of Southern California, Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics published “Mandatory Masking of School Children is a Bad Idea” on July 16, 2021 and it reads in part;

“Overall, it is likely that masking exacerbates the chances that a child will experience anxiety and depression,

which are already at pandemic levels themselves.”


Recently, Melvin Wentzel took to social media on September 13, 2021 with the following:

“Mike Huckabee and Newsnax are nuts!!!

Mask, vaccinate, and socially distance to be safe until the scourge passes.

Rights are not violated.”

To my surprise, in my personal social media feed, it showed photos of the wife of Loyalsock Township school board member, Melvin Wentzel attending the Penn State game this past Saturday.

Multiple photos showed up without her wearing a mask.

Multiple photos showed up with her (unmasked) around other people (unmasked) in the tailgating area (those folks vaccination status – unknown).

Multiple photos showed up with her (unmasked) in the stands with other people not wearing masks.

She does have a half-face sunburn having worn her mask at some point – just not all day as Loyalsock Township school district employees and students are required to do after the vote to mandate mask wearing by board member, Melvin Wentzel.


The takeaway, Loyalsock Township school board member, Melvin Wentzel knows what is best for your child and the staff of the district so much so his own wife failed to head his advice.

My body, my choice is also a position Loyalsock Township school board member, Melvin Wentzel has supported – until now.


So if Loyalsock Township school board member, Melvin Wentzel can vote to mask children and staff – immediately; my vote is that he resigns immediately.

Remember, my body, my choice; and the Covid-19 rules are for thee but not for me, right?


OP-ED: Covid rules for thee but not for me, right Melvin Wentzel? is a developing story on

Dear God in Heaven John Doe #1 is black and his attackers are white

The following is the result of a nearly 40-months long investigation
into the Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip
to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the spring of 2018.

This story is graphic and contains details related to multiple indecent sexual assaults.

The author and editor of this story have made the editorial decision to not publish the names of the individuals under the age of 18 at the time of the incident who have been clearly identified as committing these acts in this case they were recently formally charged with a crime in South Carolina.

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball



PART XXXIV – “Dear God in Heaven John Doe #1 is black and his attackers are white”

Now it all make sense why they (WASD, Little League, Office of District Attorney, WBP, City of Williamsport)

could not reconcile being transparent.

By Todd Bartley,

There has been an elephant in the room since the details of the Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the spring of 2018 – JOHN DOE #1 is Black and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 is white.

On June 9, 2020 Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf was asked by this author “Governor, what is your best advice to Pennsylvanians in finding mutual understanding on the issues of race relations going forward?”

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf – June 9, 2020

“I think we have to start by making sure that we’re not in denial.

That we’ve got to recognize that there are two Pennsylvanias out there.

When you look at the criminal justice system there are two Pennsylvanias

there is one Pennsylvania for you if you are white and one if you’re not.


Who knew Governor Wolf could have been speaking of the Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the spring of 2018 – JOHN DOE #1 is Black and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 is white?

ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 was criminally charged under sexual assault statutes by the Horry County, South Carolina Solicitor. It is the South Carolina version of the Office of District Attorney.

ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 was given a pre-trial agreed to sentence equivalent to ARD in Pennsylvania as a first time juvenile offender and remains on probation supervised by Lycoming County Juvenile Probation.

ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 agreed to a diversionary program in order to avoid jail-time in South Carolina as the crime rose to that level of criminality.

Let us be clear, ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 took a plea deal so the only conclusion that can be drawn is that something more than a prank occurred in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on a school sponsored trip.

While representing ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 there is an understanding attorney George Lepley brokered a deal to keep JOHN DOE #2 and his family, quiet.

JOHN DOE #2 was the victim of a subsequent sexual assault attack on video during the same trip.


From Part III


Lepley went as far as to offer comment on the case while coaching the West End 13U team in Altoona, Pennsylvania on the Talk Williamsport Facebook page as noted on

Sunday, July 28, 2019, 1:09 p.m.
George E Lepley Jr
 This matter was reviewed by law enforcement in Myrtle Beach and found to NOT be appropriate for criminal prosecution. I don’t think you can get anymore independent than that

The same George Lepley who stayed in the team hotel in Myrtle Beach, formerly coached a son of Brandon Pardoe in the West End baseball program, authored a letter threatening the WASD with civil litigation if his client was punished in any way by the WASD.

The same George Lepley who after contending there is nothing “appropriate for criminal prosecution” may have had a hand in crafting the pre-trial arrangement for his client to avoid actual jail time in South Carolina.

Yet the WASD took the time to recognize George Floyd after his tragic passing while never using the word “victim” as it relates to JOHN DOE #1 who is Black and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 is white.

The same George Floyd, Williamsport Area School District board member Jennifer Lake and card carrying member of the local woke elite club used as the evidence to proclaim the systemic racism inherent in the same district she oversees in the aftermath of his tragic death.

As far as history and the documented record are concerned the assertion Jennifer Lake makes that the WASD is systemically racist is correct according to woke lore.

However, the distraction campaign of “Racism Has No Home Here”, is now proven to be patently false – and Jennifer Lake in her role as a WASD school board member has always known that.

What benefit is wokeism if on your watch you accept the fact a black child was sexually assaulted and you say and do absolutely nothing about it?

High profile civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump represented the family of George Floyd.


How did Jennifer Lake miss the fact that JOHN DOE #1 is Black and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 is white?

From OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone:

In 2019, Jenn earned the title of TBRI Practitioner through the Karen Purvis Institute of Child Development out of Texas Christian University.

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) is a therapeutic model that trains caregivers to provide effective support and treatment for at-risk children. TBRI has been applied in orphanages, courts, residential treatment facilities, group homes, foster and adoptive homes, churches, and schools.

Jenn and her husband, Matt, are passionate champions of caring for orphans and vulnerable children.”


Is that fact, why she failed to second a motion made by fellow WASD board member Adam Welteroth to open a third party investigation into the WASD administration and its handling of the incident and the subsequent investigation?

By failing to second the motion, could it be argued Jennifer Lake, (mother of an adopted black son and author of, “I’M A WHITE WOMAN RAISING A BLACK SON. HERE’S MY PERSPECTIVE ON BLACK LIVES MATTER.”) was engaging in systemically racist behavior?

From OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone – PART III:

In the immediate aftermath of the publication of OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone – PART I and OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone – PART II Talk Williamsport continued an even deeper look into Jennifer Lake and her ascent to Williamsport Area School Board member.

A mountain of documents and background materials have been obtained, including Lake in her own words.

What has been discovered is quite remarkable and miraculous for someone who claims to advocate for children on a daily basis.

Has Jennifer Lake sat silent on issues of race because she is just too tired?

Jennifer Lake was contacted for this story on several occasions; to date she has not responded.

In OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone – PART I, the first statement I made was, “My argument is, Jennifer Lake you missed your moment!”

In fact Jennifer we are approaching the four year anniversary of an article you posted on your own website titled


published on July 14, 2016.

The article opens, “I have been fairly quiet about recent events in our country because honestly, I just feel so tired.”

Her next line eerily foreshadows what happened to George Floyd, “I feel as if I am emotionally suffocating at times.”

She is so “tired and emotionally suffocating” she waited four years to identify what she claims is systemic racism in the WASD.

Lake: “I am a white mother raising a black son alongside raising a white son.  

This doesn’t mean that I’ll ever be able to understand what it must feel like to be a black citizen in this country these days.  

But it does mean that I have a perspective that few have.”

Lake: “I have observed friends of mine dismiss “BLM” because they want to spread the message that All Lives Matter.  

Please hear me when I say that I agree…ALL lives DO matter.  But that’s an entirely different issue.  

When I say Black Lives Matter, my point of reference is the unfair and often times rude treatment

that I have seen my son be subject to.  

He is only 12 and we have a lifetime of experiences like this coming for us.”


JOHN DOE #1, who is black was only 14 when he suffered the indignity of being the victim of “criminal sexual misconduct” at the hands of a white attackeron your watch.

So as the mother of an adopted black son, why has Jennifer Lake NOT publicly expressed outrage at this incident?

More from OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone:

The indisputable timeline of insanity regarding the Myrtle Beach incident compared to the anti-racism Resolution unanimously approved last night defies logic.

  • WASD concludes investigation of Myrtle Beach incident June 5, 2018.
  • 19 months later – WASD issues Statement on handling of Myrtle Beach incident January 9, 2020.
  • George Floyd who has never been a student in the WASD is killed in Minnesota on May 25, 2020.
  • Less than 30 days later – WASD school board approves Anti-racism Resolution June 23, 2020
  • The anti-racism Resolution is based on national events including the death of George Floyd.


What about fellow board member Barbara Reeves (she is black) who shared with a constituent, “it happened before I joined the board”? What if the “criminal sexual misconduct” happened to her son – would she want the WASD board members to do something?

Barbara Reeves who recently championed the cause of silencing the public as WASD school board meetings in the public comment part of the meeting. Reeves husband Marwin was just appointed and approved to serve on the board of the Williamsport Education Foundation.

Is living in the same neighborhood as several members of the WAHS administration just too uncomfortable to make any waves?

So as the mother of a black son, why has Barbara Reeves NOT expressed outrage at this incident?

By staying silent is she also demonstrating systemic racism in the WASD?

What about former WASD school board member Spencer Sweeting and self proclaimed woke movement leader – why has he remained silent on the fact that JOHN DOE #1 is Black and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 is white?

How about WASD solicitor Fred Holland (he is white) omitting in the WASD Statement from January 9, 2020 that JOHN DOE #1 is Black and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 is white?

Fred Holland who characterized the 2018 incident as “indecent and inappropriate behavior”.

Did Title IX coordinator Susie Bigger (she is white) fail to address the fact that JOHN DOE #1 is Black and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 is white?

Is this why the law firm of Saxton & Stump was just hired by the WASD regarding a Title IX investigation?

“Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits sex-based discrimination and retaliation in education.

Although Title IX is most commonly known for its application to athletic programs,

the law applies to any education program or activity that receives Federal financial assistance.”

From the Saxton & Stump website, “Hon. Lawrence F. Stengel (Ret.), former Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, is a shareholder at Saxton & Stump and focuses his practice on internal investigations, arbitrations and mediations, monitorships and receiverships.

Current Practice

As Chair of the firm’s Internal Investigations practice, Judge Stengel leads a team of attorneys who conduct fair and thorough internal investigations for corporations, educational institutions, governmental agencies, municipalities and other organizations across the country. The team is also uniquely qualified to handle Title IX investigations and sexual misconduct grievances for individuals and higher education institutions, serving as counsel or hearing officers.”


How about the former Lycoming County Chief Detective and currently employed county detective Willie Weber; who kept the video depicting ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 who is white committing “criminal sexual misconduct acts” on JOHN DOE #1 who is Black in his desk drawer?

Weber defiantly answered this author in the summer of 2018 when confronted about sending said video to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina authorities; “we’re not going to do that.”

Weber characterized the incident as “a prank”.

Was this Willie Weber at the time demonstrating systemic racism in the Office of Lycoming County District Attorney Ken Osokow?

Ken Osokow’s son previously played baseball for Williamsport High School as did a son of Willie Weber. Both sons are white.

From Part XX and an excerpt from the Detective Narrative of Glenn Porter obtained from the Myrtle Beach Police Department via FOIA request:

Mr. Weber gave me a synopsis of events that took place after this was reported to him sometime in Mid-May of 2018. (redacted by MBPD)

Mr. Weber did not initially complete a report but facilitated the handling of this incident along with the school.

At the time, Mr. Weber did not see anything criminal based on Pennsylvania standards and the the matter appeared resolved, so he did not complete a report or refer this matter to MBPD.

Mr. Weber advised me on this date, that he would complete a report and copy the video footage of this incident to mail to me at (redacted by author).


Weber sent the video to the Myrtle Beach Police Department 5-months after the initial investigation accompanied with a report that was authored in October 2018 “from memory and very few notes.”

When Weber was interviewed by the Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro he was represented by former Lycoming County District Attorney Mike Dinges.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is white.

Mike Dinges was Lycoming County District Attorney when the case of Darrick Dixon (aka Darrick Rizzo) was adjudicated. According to court records and those familiar with the case Dinges accepted the plea deal and allowed Dixon to be sentenced by President Judge Nancy Butts in a timeframe where Megan’s Law was being contested in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

Megan’s Law was subsequently ruled constitutional; however Dixon was able to escape being on the list.

According to the family of JOHN DOE#1, it is the same Darrick Dixon who reached out to them the same day as the original story in this series offering assistance. He subsequently provided the name of an attorney in Philadelphia. Using a fake e-mail account as recently as a month ago, Dixon attempted to provide false information to the family while trying to garner additional details.


In early May 2020, Ryan Gardner, Lycoming County District Attorney, referred the case to the Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. Shapiro then opened an investigation into the handling of the 2018 Myrtle Beach case. The subsequent OAG investigation found there were no rules, protocols or procedures as it relates to Lycoming County detectives.

“The OAG assumed jurisdiction of this investigation on May 27, 2020, at your request, and based upon an actual or apparent conflict of interest.  Following a lengthy and thorough investigation, the OAG has determined that insufficient evidence exists to justify any further action.  As such, we are closing our file.

As you may recall, the matter of this referral involved alleged hazing or assaults committed against minors in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 

While that location is beyond the jurisdiction of the OAG, as a result of the OAG’s investigation and cooperation with South Carolina officials, law enforcement action was taken in that jurisdiction for the criminal conduct committed there. 

The OAG was unable to determine whether any attempt to ‘cover-up’ the conduct occurred in Pennsylvania due to the failure of the District Attorney’s Office to create, implement, and enforce any policies governing the conduct of county detectives.”


Why did Mike Dinges when he was Lycoming County District Attorney fail to implement any type of oversight measures for detectives?

Mike Dinges now serves on the Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee. “The Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee advises the Supreme Court on matters relating to the procedural rules governing actions for juvenile delinquency and dependency courts.”

Mike Dinges was the Lycoming County District Attorney when the criminal case against Darrick Dixon was brought to sentencing. Dixon served 20-months in prison for his crimes against a then 14-year old female.

Dinges stated to this author in a previous article; “Darrick Dixon should never be allowed around kids.”

What did Mike Dinges do in his handling of the Dixon case to ensure his statement would hold any weight?


Would it surprise you that Willie Weber while working under then District Attorney Eric Linhardt referred to Dixon using a racial slur? A witness to the statement who worked for the Williamsport Bureau of Police informed Dixon of the statement. Dixon then had an attorney warn Linhardt of potential civil litigation based on racial bias against his client. Weber was removed from any investigations or cases involving Dixon after that.

Weber previously shared the preceding story with this author.


Mike Dinges is the husband of Christine Dinges. Christine is the sister of WASD Athletic Director Sean McCann. Sean McCann as athletic director hired and subsequently fired Darrick Dixon as the girls basketball coach at Williamsport Area High School. Christine Dinges paid for a cell phone for  her nephew (son of Sean McCann) at all times relevant to the 2018 WAHS Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

McCann was on the Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the spring of 2018 and co-signed the Mingo Bay Classic Tournament entry form along with WAHS head principal Brandon Pardoe and WASD school board member Barbara Reeves neighborhood resident.

Pardoe was also on the Williamsport Area High School Baseball Team trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the spring of 2018.

Pardoe ran the WASD investigation into the “criminal sexual misconduct” that occurred.

From the OP-ED: Long past time for Dr. Bowers to resign as WASD Superintendent Wait, you know, like Brandon Pardoe (WAHS head principal) at the late March 2018 party at the beach house in South Carolina actually holding a beer in the presence of students he had oversight of.

The photo can also be found in Part XXII.

Pardoe subsequently waited 12 days to begin an investigation after having a CHILDLINE call made and referred to the office of Lycoming County District Attorney Ken Osokow and assigned to Chief Detective Willie Weber. Weber then informed Pardoe of the call.

Weber lives in the same neighborhood as Pardoe, Reeves and Zangara.

Sources have shared Director of Student Services Dr. Richard Poole (he is white) called out WAHS head principal Brandon Pardoe for making this a “racial issue.”

Pardoe and McCann allowed ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 to participate in District II/IV playoff games and ultimately received a gold medal as a District Champion.

Osokow, Dinges, Weber, Pardoe, McCann, Zangara, Poole and ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 are all white – JOHN DOE #1 is Black.


WAHS principal Roger Freed was brought in to assist with the investigation – he is white too and had previously served in ministry with Barbara Reeves at the church her husband is the Pastor of and where she serves as First Lady.

Freed is white.

Was the WAHS baseball coaching staff ever interviewed by Pardoe, Weber or the Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro about the “criminal sexual misconduct” that occurred?

From Part I:

District states: here is the Item 1 – Travel List Team Coaches of district employees, coaches, and volunteers who either accompanied the team to Myrtle Beach or were present as parents.

Numbers 1-6 were coaches or volunteer coaches.

Number 7 was a volunteer statistician.

Numbers 8-9 are district employees who also had children on the team.

  1. Ryan Miller (Head Baseball Coach)
  2. David Heller
  3. Tariq Moore
  4. Kyle Schneider
  5. Nick Caringi
  6. Joel Worthington
  7. Randy Zangara
  8. Brandon Pardoe (WAHS Head High School Principal)
  9. Sean McCann (WAHS Athletic Director)

The coaching staff is all white with the exception of Tariq Moore who is black. Moore has filed an Unfair Labor Practice claim against the WASD.

At the time of the trip in 2018 Randy Zangara was a WASD administrator before moving onto a position at Penn College.

Ryan Miller, 2018 WAHS head baseball coach as WASD Right to Know Officer Wanda Erb outlined in a written RTKL response falsely claimed to not be in possession of a “room assignment list”.

Wanda Erb, years later had to contradict not only Miller but herself as the WASD was always in possession of a “room assignment list”.

Wanda Erb is white.


Ryan Miller who was allegedly threatened by Rickey Stryker who is black received an immediate response from Brandon Pardoe and a letter from WASD solicitor Fred Holland banning Stryker from WASD property and facilities.


Ryan Miller is a twice convicted DUI offender and still served as a Little League World Series alternate team host in 2016 without any background check vetting.

Willie Weber is a long standing Little League World Series team host. Former WAHS assistant baseball coach Nick Caringi and long time Little League employee was also on the 2018 WAHS baseball team trip to Myrtle Beach. Caringi also played a huge role in the banquet hosted at the Little League complex in 2018 honoring the WAHS baseball team.

Jamie Joy who is the son-in-law of attorney George Lepley was previously fired by Little League after many years. Joy was also on the 2018 WAHS baseball team trip to Myrtle Beach to see his son play, the grandson of attorney George Lepley.

Little League CEO Steve Keener weighed in on the national discourse on race relations in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd,

“We’re not going to be afraid to use our voice if we think it is appropriate”

within the context of the Little League program, Keener said.

Hugh E. Tanner, chairman of Little League International’s board of directors, recently sent a letter to district and league volunteers.

“We stand with the African American members of our Little League family and are here to support you, your families, your leagues and your communities,” the letter states.
Tanner cited the millions who have come together to support Black Lives Matter after the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor.
“Little League International stands with them,” Tanner wrote. “There is no place for racism and hate in this world and that certainly includes on Little League fields in every community.

So why did Little League International and its Board of Directors choose the death of George Floyd to say something when they had nearly three years to stand up for JOHN DOE#1 who is Black?

Little League CEO Steve Keener is white and had children who played in the Williamsport High School baseball program.


Dr. Timothy Bowers, WASD Superintendent (he is white), thanked Pardoe for the update in an email exchange in May/June 2018.

From the OP-ED: Long past time for Dr. Bowers to resign as WASD Superintendent:


WAHS Head Principal Brandon Pardoe then informs Superintendent Dr. Timothy Bowers and his secretary Susie Neidig in the evening hours of May 30, 2018 of details about the “investigation.”

Subject: FW: Meeting

Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 8:22:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Brandon Pardoe

To: Timothy Bowers

CC: Susan A. Neidig

Priority: High 

“We started the investigation with regard to the video taken on the Myrtle Beach trip after speaking with the parent and student today. I can give you more information if we could talk. I contacted the home of (redacted) who is the student that was videoed doing the act to the other student. I requested to meet with them with their son. They appear to be getting an attorney to meet as well. I would imagine that this is something that we would want to reach out to our solicitor about and update to join in a mutual meeting. I do have a recommendation for the interim until we can meet that I would like to run by you.

If we can talk tomorrow that would be great.”

Brandon Pardoe, Ed.D

Head Principal, Williamsport Area High School

2990 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

Phone: (redacted by author)

You know, the same Brandon Pardoe, Dr. Bowers thanked for updating him on an investigation that began May 30, 2018; 12 days after the initial Childline call was made.

The morning of June 1, 2018 Superintendent Bowers replied to Pardoe:

Date: June 1, 2018 6:42 AM

From: Timothy Bowers

To: Brandon Pardoe

Subject: Baseball

“Ok thanks for the follow-up”

Sent from my iPhone

An iPhone the WASD taxpayers foot the bill for.


Bowers in the WASD Statement from January 9, 2020 reads in part:

“The Williamsport Area School District does not condone inappropriate and indecent behavior.”

The same WASD Statement falsely claimed the WASD resource officers were involved in the investigation, SRO Jordan Stoltzfus and his fellow SRO  are both white. and members of  the Williamsport Bureau of Police.

JOHN DOE #1 former teammate Cody Shimp (brother of Rickey Stryker) shared a Facebook post on September 7, 2018 in light of reporting on the Myrtle Beach incident; in part he stated –

“No ignorant parents because their kid wasn’t good enough to play for the program.

They’d kill to be a part of a legendary community that sticks together until the end.”

Cody Shimp is currently a member of the St. Bonaventure baseball team and holds a leadership position as the “Atlantic 10 representative to the NCAA Division I Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), a two-year term that began July 1.”

In the aftermath of Lycoming County District Attorney Ryan Gardner confirming the case had been referred to Attorney General Josh Shapiro; the next day on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 3:08:03 PM, WASD Solicitor Fred Holland emailed Timothy Bowers, WASD Superintendent, Susie Bigger; WASD Assistant Superintendent and Wanda Erb, WASD Business Administrator and Open Records Officer regarding “Myrtle Beach.”

From: Fred Holland
To: Timothy Bowers
Cc: Susie Bigger; Wanda Erb
Subject: Myrtle Beach
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 3:08:03 PM

“Hi Tim and Susie,

I spoke with Ryan Gardner today, and he did in fact issue the press release that Bartley quoted.

I have also read it carefully, and am still not troubled by what is in the press release.

The matter is being referred so that no one will be able to question the impartiality of the person doing the investigation from this point forward.

An example of why this is wise is the fact that Willy Weber is employed in the DA’s office, and has been made one of the objects of criticism, especially in recent reports. The AG has no relationship with Willy, whereas Ryan does.

I also note that the release says that Ryan’s investigation of possible other victims or incidents did not yield anything.

I’ll be happy to chat with your further about this if you think it is necessary. However, I see no reason for any of us to respond.

Be well and stay safe!


Fred A. Holland
Murphy, Butterfield, & Holland, P.C.”

The subsequent investigation conducted by the Office of Attorney General Josh Shapiro did in fact yield information about a second victim.


Photo: Amy Bolt is the wife of Williamsport Bureau of Police Assistant Chief Jason Bolt


Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter is fully aware John Doe #1 is Black and his attacker is white. From the OP-ED: Getting Slaughtered:

The hope going into the election last year, was that his platform of, “transparency, efficiency and accountability” were actually firmly held beliefs

and not punch lines on a yard sign or a billboard.

All of the warning signs of insincerity were there leading up to the election.

Slaughter had committed to a debate with his challenger Eric Beiter for late October at Lycoming College

similar to the one held with the Lycoming County Commissioner candidates that month.

On multiple occasions leading up to the debate Slaughter gave me his word he would be there;

until he decommitted in an e-mail and then went radio silent.

On reason and belief, Slaughter decommitted so as to not face questions surrounding his knowledge of the Myrtle Beach case and the fact John Doe #1 is Black and his attacker is white.

Slaughter to this day remains silent on the case.


“The end,” as Shimp noted is upon the parties involved in failing to provide justice for JOHN DOE #1.

Education careers are now at an end, political careers are now at an end, their status in the community is now at an end.

The immediate firings of the following individuals are required:

Willie Weber (Lycoming County Detective)

Steve Keener (Little League CEO)

Fred Holland (WASD Solicitor)

Timothy Bowers (WASD Superintendent)

Susie Bigger (WASD Assistant Superintendent)

Wanda Erb (WASD Right-to-Know Officer)

Dr. Richard Poole (WASD Director of Student Services )

Brandon Pardoe (WAHS Head High School Principal)

Roger Freed (WAHS High School Principal)

Sean McCann (WAHS Athletic Director)

Susan A. Neidig

Kyle Schneider

David Heller

Tariq Moore

Nick Caringi

Joel Worthington

Randy Zangara

Jamie Joy (already fired by Little League)

Spencer Sweeting (former WASD board member)


The immediate resignations of the following individuals from their elective office are required.

Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter

The entire WASD school board Adam Welteroth, Lisa Nible, Barbara Reeves, Patrick Dixon and Cody Derr, Star Poole, Dr. Jane Penman, Lori Baer and Jennifer Lake.


The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania should open investigations into the following individuals, immediately:

Former Lycoming County District Attorneys related to the OAG finding:

The OAG was unable to determine whether any attempt to ‘cover-up’ the conduct occurred in Pennsylvania due to the failure of the District Attorney’s Office to create, implement, and enforce any policies governing the conduct of county detectives.”

Tom Marino, Mike Dinges, Eric Linhardt and Ken Osokow

Attorney Fred Holland (WASD Solicitor)

Attorney Jeff Rowe (WASD Solicitor)

Attorney George Lepley

Attorney Thom Marshall

Attorney Allen Page, IV


The current members of the WASD school board, WASD employees Brandon Pardoe, Roger Freed, Sean McCann, Wanda Erb as well as WASD Solicitor Fred Holland, Jeff Rowe, Jeff Litts, legal counsel for ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 George Lepley, former WAHS head baseball coach Ryan Miller through his legal counsel, Nick Caringi through Little League counsel (same as Ryan Miller counsel), Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter, Ryan Gardner, Lycoming County District Attorney and the Office of Attorney General Josh Shapiro were all contacted for comment on this story.

At this writing, none of the parties listed above has responded.


From PART XXIX – On Monday morning an attempt was made by this author to clarify the role of current WASD solicitor and Union County Magistrate Judge Jeff Rowe in the Right to Know Law responses at his Union County Courthouse office.

Having previously been advised by Rowe, by phone to contact his office at Murphy, Butterfield and Holland and being unsuccessful; it only seemed right to give him an opportunity to defend his actions, in-person.

Earlier today, Rowe was presented with the fact that WASD Right-to-Know Law responses include his name.

At that point, this author identified himself and the reason for being there; Rowe interrupted and said, “you are not to be doing this here; these are separate matters.”

He added; “as I said before; you need to contact my other office.” 

Author: “I have called and emailed your office as you asked me to; and no one has responded.”

Rowe responded;

“If you are not getting a response; that is our response.”


Now that EVERYONE knows the facts of this case – it is time for JUSTICE to be served for JOHN DOE #1.


John Doe #1 is Black – his attackers are white is a developing story on


The car bomber identity and his driver is well known, yet no arrests

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball




“The Car Bomber, his accomplice and identities are well known – yet no arrests by the Pennsylvania State Police”


By Todd Bartley,


On the 20th anniversary of the greatest terrorist attack on American soil in the history of the nation; September 11, 2001 it is a fitting time to revisit the single greatest domestic terrorist attack in the history of Lycoming County.

On background; from “A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball”PART XX


On August 18, 2020 just days after the publication of A Baseball Story In the Birthplace of Little League Baseball – Part XIX someone decided to fire bomb a vehicle in the driveway of the home of this author.

At just past 4 a.m. that day the family of this author made it out of the house safely.

When the call went out to respond, it was a 2-alarm call of a fully involved vehicle next to a structure.

Four different local fire companies and first responders were dispatched from Loyalsock, Montoursville, South Williamsport and Williamsport.

According to the information obtained by this author, a white accomplice used his vehicle (also identified) to pick-up the car bomber in the early hours of August 18, 2020 and drove into the neighborhood of this author.

The driver and car bomber made several passes of the house, circling the neighborhood preparing for their eventual getaway.

The car bomber then exited the vehicle on a street blocks away with the explosive device in hand.

He then made his way into the driveway of this author where he placed the explosive device under the rear of a vehicle and near the gas tank.

The explosive device then detonated and that sound awoke the four occupants of the adjacent home since it sounded like something hit the house.

When this author looked out the windows he saw flames rising from the vehicle.

By this time, the car bomber was walking back toward the getaway vehicle and driver who was parked on a street just blocks away.

(Photo of domestic terrorist car bomber after detonating his device.)

If not for the quick response of the multiple fire departments that responded the potential damages of multiple vehicles, and multiple occupied structures (homes and apartments) could have been catastrophic.

Yet, after the Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshall deemed it “arson”, there has yet to be a single arrest.

This author believes there is a potential conflict of interest in the case and investigation with an employee in the Montoursville barracks of the Pennsylvania State Police.

The case should be immediately referred out to Pennsylvania State Police Headquarters in Harrisburg for reassignment.

It is believed once the reassignment takes place, multiple arrests will be made – including the financier of the car bombing, the runner, the money courier, the driver and the car bomber.

All of whom would be facing state and potential federal domestic terrorism charges.

There are additional photos and videos that have been obtained which show the car bomber sprinting down a sidewalk after his face was seen by a neighborhood camera and in fear – he took off.

Of course, any of these domestic terrorists are more than welcome to surrender to local authorities.

This author and his family appreciate the efforts of the first responders and fully understand the immense loss of September 11, 2001 and are thankful this car bombing did not turn tragic.

Our thoughts are with those that lost loved ones on this day 20 years ago today as well as those who have lost loved ones in the ongoing war on terrorism.

This is a developing story on

Lycoming County District Attorney will not prosecute non-mask wearers

Lycoming County District Attorney Ryan Gardner announced Friday afternoon his office will not prosecute non-mask wearers in local schools.

His entire statement is provided here.


Congressman Fred Keller vows to fight Biden’s vaccine mandate


Washington, D.C. — TodayCongressman Fred Keller (PA-12) issued the following statement on President Biden’s mandate requiring vaccination for all federal employees, contractors, and private-sector businesses with 100 or more employees:

“Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate not only contradicts his previous assurances—it infringes on the most basic freedoms of America’s workers and employers to make their own health decisions regarding vaccination. This administration is trampling on the rights of 80 million private sector workers and weaponizing the federal bureaucracy to impose government-sanctioned workplace discrimination on the basis of vaccination status.

“As the top Republican on the House Education and Labor Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, I will fight these totalitarian measures through all available means. The federal government has no authority to dictate who is permitted to have a job, and Biden’s efforts to strong-arm employers into compliance will not stand.”