WASD fails to acknowledge “victims” in Myrtle Beach incident; uses death of George Floyd as distraction

Talkwilliamsport.com has placed a “frozen in time” clock near the top of the website.


The “frozen in time” clock serves as a constant reminder of the ineptitude of the Williamsport Area School District and their refusal to acknowledge the victims of “criminal sexual misconduct” which occurred during the 2018 WAHS baseball team trip in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

That behavior has now drawn criminal charges from authorities in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The ineptitude was outlined in a pair of 5-part series “OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone” and “The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution”.

The entire chronology has also been outlined in “A Baseball Story in the Birthplace of Little League Baseball”.

From “OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone”:

The indisputable timeline of insanity regarding the Myrtle Beach incident compared to the anti-racism Resolution unanimously approved last night defies logic.

  • WASD concludes investigation of Myrtle Beach incident June 5, 2018.
  • 19 months later – WASD issues Statement on handling of Myrtle Beach incident January 9, 2020.
  • George Floyd who has never been a student in the WASD is killed in Minnesota on May 25, 2020.
  • Less than 30 days later – WASD school board approves Anti-racism Resolution June 23, 2020
  • The anti-racism Resolution is based on national events including the death of George Floyd.

So Jennifer Lake and her fellow WASD board members had a faster public response to the death of George Floyd than a “criminal sexual misconduct” incident involving students in the district.

How could I forget, child privacy laws prevented the WASD from making a statement – for 19 months!


This is a developing story on Talkwilliamsport.com.

BREAKING NEWS: Rush Limbaugh, radio legend has died

Photo courtesy: Premiere Radio Networks

According to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the monumentally influential media icon who transformed talk radio and politics in his decades behind the microphone, helping shape the modern-day Republican Party, died Wednesday at the age of 70 after a battle with lung cancer, his family announced.

Limbaugh’s wife, Kathryn, made the announcement on his radio show.

The radio icon learned he had Stage IV lung cancer in January 2020 and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Trump at the State of the Union address days later. First lady Melania Trump then presented America’s highest civilian honor to Limbaugh in an emotional moment on the heels of his devastating cancer diagnosis.

“Rush Limbaugh: Thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country,” President Trump said during the address.

The full article is available here.

WASD unmasks father of ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 in Right to Know responses

By: Todd Bartley, TalkWilliamsport.com


In the Right to Know responses submitted to TalkWilliamsport.com by Wanda Erb, the name of the father of ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 was provided.

The unmasking occurred in a text exchange between two assistant WAHS baseball coaches at the time, Dave Heller and Tariq Moore.

Moore was approved as WAHS assistant baseball coach by the WASD school board last night as Wanda Erb read the board members names during a roll call vote on the matter.

The measure to approve spring sports coaches and stipends passed by a 6-3 vote.

Dave Heller is currently not coaching baseball in the WASD.

The name of the father of ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 has been redacted by this author since South Carolina authorities have recently filed charges in the “criminal sexual misconduct” case relating to the 2018 WAHS baseball team trip to Myrtle Beach.

Did the WASD fail to apply FERPA and Federal Student Privacy Laws by not redacting the name of the father of ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1?

Or are FERPA and Federal Student Privacy Laws only selectively applied when it fits the WASD and its desired outcomes?

Within the series “A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball” the entire chronology of the text exchange and how it was obtained is provided below.




The family of JOHN DOE #1 confirmed a meeting took place on May 25, 2018 at Williamsport Area High School with JOHN DOE #1, family member (REDACTED), Weber, Pardoe, Zangara and Freed all present.

In the meeting it was disclosed by the family of JOHN DOE #1, “the video speaks for itself”.

The May 31, 2018 telephone conference Holland referred to as “Investigation”, and included High School Principal Brandon Pardoe (who was on the trip to Myrtle Beach), Lepley and Holland who again referred to the call as “pending investigations”.

Speaking of independent, where is the proof any one associated with the WASD and this matter ever contacted Myrtle Beach law enforcement authorities?

Did Pardoe file a report of the findings of his investigations with the WASD school board?

Did that report include the number of fact witnesses, victim statements, statements taken from players, coaches, or photos or videos from anyone else on the trip?

Both coaches as WASD has confirmed under the penalty of perjury were on the trip in Myrtle Beach.

Date: June 13, 2018                Time 11:54 a.m.

From David Heller (Current 9th Grade Social Studies Teacher & Assistant baseball coach)

To: Rique (Tariq Moore Assistant baseball coach)


ask me to call him..should return the call?

Heller: I would be hesitant. maybe (he) wants something else. i would talk to brandon first proly

Rique: What’s Brandon number?

Heller: (Number redacted by WASD)

Why did a pair of assistant baseball coaches concerned about a parent question and being “hesitant” because said parent “maybe (he) wants something else”, and then referring the matter to the WAHS Head Principal instead of the head baseball coach Kyle Schneider?

What “something else” did the father of ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 want?

Why did Heller say “i would talk to brandon first proly”?

The Brandon referenced above is the same WAHS Head Principal who oversaw both criminal and non-criminal investigations as noted in the WASD RTKL Denial on July 18, 2019.



According to the WASD Wanda Erb Affidavit 10-8-19 obtained by FSW in response to RTK mediation efforts on October 8, 2019, Erb offered the following within response #8,:

“As for Ryan Miller, Alicia Carnevale, David Heller, Kyle Schneider and Nick Caringi, I reviewed the text messages then existing on their phones, with their assistance. The only message responsive to the request was found on Mr. Heller’s phone and was disclosed in the Agency’s response.

Tariq Moore did not respond to efforts to contact him until after the Agency sent its response.

His phone is neither owned nor paid for by the district and was not reviewed.

Joel Worthington never responded to my efforts to contact him.

His phone is neither owned nor paid for by the district and was not reviewed.


If the phones of Moore and Worthington were never reviewed; why would the WASD school board not vote to table the agreements and stipends until these questions could be answered?

Kyle Schneider was approved as the head baseball coach and Joel Worthington as a volunteer assistant baseball coach by the WASD school board last night.

As TalkWilliamsport.com has previously confirmed, the office of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro has an open investigation into the incident in Myrtle Beach.

The investigation is still ongoing.

This is a developing story on TalkWilliamsport.com.

WASD school board approves spring sports coaches stipends after motions to table

Pictured: Standing from left is Patrick Dixon, Barbara Reeves, Marc Schefsky, Star Poole and Adam Welteroth.
Seated from left is President Lori Baer, Vice President Dr. Jane Penman, Dr. Nancy Story Somers and Jennifer Lake.

By: Todd Bartley, TalkWilliamsport.com


Based upon the information as first reported by TalkWilliamsport.com on Tuesday in the article, “Myrtle Beach incident “Fallout” begins with WASD school board meeting tonight” a motion was made to “table” spring sports coaches agreements and stipends.

In the early stages of the Williamsport Area School District Board of Directors regularly scheduled meeting Tuesday evening; Adam Welteroth made a motion to table section 8.3, sub section F details in part listed below.

The motion gained a second from Star Poole.

There was no discussion, followed by a roll call vote on the motion to table:

No votes: Penman, Baer, Schefsky, Dixon, Lake

Yes votes: Reeves, Somers, Poole, Welteroth

Motion failed (5-4)

Interesting to note, neither Dr. Bowers, WASD Superintendent nor WAHS head principal Brandon Pardoe were able to articulate when the spring sports seasons actually begin when asked by school board members.


Welteroth then made a motion to remove section 8.3, sub section F from the Omnibus and asked for a seperate vote.

The Ominibus motion to approve the remaining agenda items was approved (9-0).


Jane Penman then made a motion to approve 8.3, F with a second from Marc Schefsky followed with no discussion and a roll call vote.

Yes votes: Penman, Baer, Schefsky, Dixon, Lake, Poole

No votes: Reeves, Somers, Welteroth

Baer abstained from the vote on Dana Smith, under track coaches.

Motion carries (6-3) to approve Section 8.3, sub-section F.



F.The following spring sport coaches at the respective schools for the 2020-2021 school year at the salary rate in accordance with the agreement by and between the Board of School Directors of the Williamsport Area School District and the Williamsport Education Association (pending completion of all appropriate paperwork*)

Payment of stipends for these positions may be modified or withheld in the event that the activities for which stipends are being paid are curtailed or do not occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other conditions beyond the District’s control:

Williamsport Area High School Baseball

Head Coach: Kyle S. Schneider (4) $5,320

Varsity Assistant: Tariq C. Moore (5) $2,800

Varsity Assistant: Gregorey P. Robertson (5) $2,800

Varsity Assistant:Patrick G. Vollman (2) ++$2,380 [++Booster Funded Position]

Volunteer: Joel A. Worthington —

Volunteer: Jeremy E. Reidy —

The full agenda can be found by clicking the provided link.

From the article, “Myrtle Beach incident “Fallout” begins with WASD school board meeting tonight”:

“Schneider, Moore and Worthington were identified by Wanda Erb on behalf of the WASD as coaches being on the staff and in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in March 2018.”


The meeting has adjourned and moved into executive session currently being held virtually.

This is a developing story on Talkwilliamsport.com.

Myrtle Beach incident “Fallout” begins with WASD school board meeting tonight

Pictured: Standing from left is Patrick Dixon, Barbara Reeves, Marc Schefsky, Star Poole and Adam Welteroth.
Seated from left is President Lori Baer, Vice President Dr. Jane Penman, Dr. Nancy Story Somers and Jennifer Lake.

By: Todd Bartley, TalkWilliamsport.com


The Williamsport Area School District Board of Directors will hold a regularly scheduled meeting tonight beginning at 6 p.m.

The meeting is being held virtually; in order to attend the Tuesday, February 16, 2021, school board meeting, register by clicking here.

Listed on the agenda this evening are a number of spring sports coaches agreements and stipends.

From, “the Williamsport Area School District February 16, 2021 Agenda – Page 5


F.The following spring sport coaches at the respective schools for the 2020-2021 school year at the salary rate in accordance with the agreement by and between the Board of School Directors of the Williamsport Area School District and the Williamsport Education Association (pending completion of all appropriate paperwork*)

Payment of stipends for these positions may be modified or withheld in the event that the activities for which stipends are being paid are curtailed or do not occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other conditions beyond the District’s control:

Williamsport Area High School Baseball

Head Coach: Kyle S. Schneider (4) $5,320

Varsity Assistant: Tariq C. Moore (5) $2,800

Varsity Assistant: Gregorey P. Robertson (5) $2,800

Varsity Assistant:Patrick G. Vollman (2) ++$2,380 [++Booster Funded Position]

Volunteer: Joel A. Worthington —

Volunteer: Jeremy E. Reidy —

Schneider, Moore and Worthington were identified by Wanda Erb on behalf of the WASD as coaches being on the staff and in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in March 2018.

As referenced in “A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART I

“According to documentation obtained from the Williamsport Area School District through a Right to Know Law Request, the only adult supervisors that had provided clearances and passed background checks were;

District states: here is the list of district employees, coaches, and volunteers who either accompanied the team to Myrtle Beach or were present as parents.

Numbers 1-6 were coaches or volunteer coaches.

Number 7 was a volunteer statistician.

Numbers 8-9 are district employees who also had children on the team.

  1. Ryan Miller (Head Baseball Coach)
  2. David Heller
  3. Tariq Moore
  4. Kyle Schneider
  5. Nick Caringi
  6. Joel Worthington
  7. Randy Zangara
  8. Brandon Pardoe (WAHS Head High School Principal)
  9. Sean McCann (WAHS Athletic Director)”

Referring back to; “the Williamsport Area School District February 16, 2021 Agenda – Page 5:


Softball coaches, Volunteer: Drew E. Dickey —

Talkwilliamsport.com previously filed a Right to Know request with the East Lycoming School District requesting the “room assignment” email sent to Drew Dickey on his @ELSD.org account.

Heather Burke, Business Manager/Board Secretary and Right to Know Officer for the East Lycoming School District provided the following response on October 29, 2020;

“Our Technology Director searched our current and archived email database for the email you requested, was not able to retrieve/find any emails with that subject.”

So how was an email which is provably and documented as sent; not be on a school email server?

The same email sent to Drew Dickey was copied to Rae Ann Pardoe, WAHS head principal, Brandon Pardoe, WAHS athletic director, Sean McCann and then WAHS head baseball coach Ryan Miller.

To date, Rae Anne Pardoe has been the only person to produce said email through the PA Right to Know Law as referenced in “A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XXIII.”



According to the RTKL response provided to Talkwilliamsport.com on Monday, November, 9, 2020 by Dr. Mark Stamm, Superintendent of Schools for the South Williamsport Area School District, Rae Ann Pardoe received the “room assignments” e-mail on March 18, 2018.

The documents were obtained through the RTKL due to the fact Rae Ann Pardoe was using her @swasd.org e-mail account.

The e-mails obtained are heavily redacted, with the exclusion of her e-mail and that of former head baseball coach Ryan Miller, who was not the sender.

The sender was Shelly Gehr.

Shelly Gehr is the sister of current South Williamsport Area School District board member Cathy Springman Bachman.

When contacted for this story to discuss the e-mail she authored and sent, Shelly Gehr promptly hung up the phone.




As part of the Appeal from RTKL Denial of Williamsport Area School District undertaken by Talk Williamsport filed with the OOR on August 8, 2019, the WASD under the penalty of perjury offered the following answers from Wanda Erb, in an affidavit on October 8, 2019:

I, Wanda Erb, hereby declare, pursuant to 18 Pa. CS 4904, that the following statements are true and correct based upon my personal knowledge information and belief:

1. I serve as the Open Records Officer for the Williamsport Area School District (“Agency”) and am responsible for responding to Right-to-Know requests field with the Agency.

2. In my capacity as the Open Records Officer, I am familiar with the records of the Agency.

6. Regarding Requestor’s fourth request, all of the chaperones on the trip were district employees, coaches, or volunteer coaches. No other adult chaperones accompanied the baseball team to Myrtle Beach.

WASD again admits in writing no other adult chaperones accompanied the baseball team to Myrtle Beach other than 6 or 7 adults who were district employees, coaches, or volunteer coaches, plus two administrators with players on the team.

WASD RTK Officer, Wanda Erb asserts under the penalty of perjury, “No other adult chaperones accompanied the baseball team to Myrtle Beach.”

Why is the WASD considering having a baseball season; in light of the report of charges being filed in South Carolina against ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1?

Why is the WASD considering coaching agreements and stipends during an open investigation being conducted by the Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro into the Myrtle Beach “criminal sexual misconduct” incident?


An interesting bit of irony appears on Page 10 of “the Williamsport Area School District

February 16, 2021 Agenda:

“Community Code For a Healthy and Safe Lycoming County

The Board of School Directors pledged its support on May 19, 1998, to the Community Code proposed by the Lycoming County Health Improvement Coalition, Inc. In accordance with that commitment, those who work, study, or participate in events, including interscholastic sports, within the Williamsport Area School District will:

  • Do their best to be role models for courteous behavior.
  • Respect all people and their property, treating them like guests or friends.
  • Appreciate the efforts of others.
  • Have the courage to say NO to drugs, belligerent attitudes and actions, weapons, profane language and gestures, and illegal usages of tobacco products and alcohol.
  • Speak and act calmly.
  • Encourage and support others.”

Nondiscrimination Policy

The Williamsport Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and handicap in its activities, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX Education Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disability Act of 1990.

For more information regarding civil rights, grievance procedures, or services, activities, and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped individuals, contact: Mrs. Anne Logue, Director of Human Resources, Williamsport Area School District, 2780 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17701, telephone number (570) 327-5500 extension 40210.” 

This is a developing story on Talkwilliamsport.com.

BREAKING NEWS: WAHS student criminally charged by South Carolina authorities in 2018 baseball team incident

Photo: Myrtle Beach Police Department image (top left)
Horry County Solicitor’s Office image (top right)
Atlantica Resort room image (bottom)

By: Todd Bartley, TalkWilliamsport.com


TalkWilliamsport.com has independently confirmed that a criminal charge has been filed in South Carolina against the student whom WASD Solicitor Fred Holland referred to in an earlier email as committing “indecent and inappropriate behavior” toward another student during the 2018 WAHS baseball team trip in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Lycoming County District Attorney Ryan Gardner later characterized the behavior as “criminal sexual misconduct” before referring the case to PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro.

The criminal charge has been filed by the Horry County Juvenile Solicitors Office based upon an exhaustive investigation conducted by the Myrtle Beach Police Department and its criminal investigation unit.

Local criminal defense attorney George Lepley who also stayed in the WAHS baseball team hotel (Atlantica Resort) in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 2018; offered the following comment referenced in “A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART III.


Lepley went as far as to offer comment on the case while coaching the West End 13U team in Altoona, Pennsylvania on the Talk Williamsport Facebook page as noted on

Sunday, July 28, 2019, 1:09 p.m.
George E Lepley Jr

This matter was reviewed by law enforcement in Myrtle Beach and found to NOT be appropriate for criminal prosecution.

I don’t think you can get anymore independent than that

With the case now being filed in juvenile court the records remain sealed under South Carolina law to shield both individuals referred to in “A Baseball Story in the Birthplace of Little League” as ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 and JOHN DOE #1.

The Horry County Solicitor’s Office is unable to confirm or deny the validity of this report due to the fact of juveniles being involved in the case.

Due to the nature of the case and the fact it is in Juvenile Court in South Carolina, the process places the case in Lycoming County Family Court for service of the Defendant and potential extradition.

The next potential step in the process could be an extradition hearing to determine if ALLEGED PERPETRATOR #1 will be sent to Horry County South Carolina to be formally adjudicated in that state on the charge as outlined above.

TalkWilliamsport.com has requested comment for this story from WASD Solicitor Fred Holland, WASD Superintendent Dr. Timothy Bowers and WASD Right to Know Law Officer Wanda Erb.

As well as Attorney Jeff Litts, who assisted the WASD last year with RTKL responses and WASD Solicitor Jeff Rowe who previously participated in Right to Know Law mediation with TalkWilliamsport.com.

At the time of this publication none of them have responded.

Lycoming County District Attorney Ryan Gardner has also been contacted for this story and has yet to respond.

This is a developing story on Talkwilliamsport.com.



A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XXV

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XXIV

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XXIII

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XXII

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XXI

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XX

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XIX

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XVIII

BREAKING NEWS: PA AG Press Office confirms receipt of Criminal Sexual Misconduct referral from DA Gardner

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XVII

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XVI

EXCLUSIVE: AG Shapiro press office on referral: “If and when we receive it, it will be promptly reviewed”

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XVII

BREAKING NEWS: PA AG Press Office confirms receipt of Criminal Sexual Misconduct referral from DA Gardner

UPDATE: Charges filed in Greater Latrobe Junior High hazing case cited in “A Baseball Story”

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XVI

EXCLUSIVE: AG Shapiro press office on referral: “If and when we receive it, it will be promptly reviewed”

BREAKING NEWS: District Attorney Gardner refers Myrtle Beach case to PA Attorney General – PART XV

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XIV

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XIII

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XII

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART XI

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART X

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART IX

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART VIII

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART VII

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART VI

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART V

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART IV

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART III

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART II

A Baseball Story In The Birthplace Of Little League Baseball – PART I

Fans often ask me, what if?

Millionaire Baseball Mayhem in Myrtle Beach

UPDATE: Major development in the 2018 WAHS baseball team “criminal sexual misconduct” case

UPDATE: Talkwilliamsport.com has confirmed a major development in the case of the 2018 Williamsport High School baseball team “criminal sexual misconduct” which occurred in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

This is a developing story on Talkwilliamsport.com.

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part V

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part V of V

By: Todd Bartley


Editor’s note: A Facebook post and video published by Matthew Lake have been included for full timeline context.

In what can only be characterized as a race to finish first in local wokeness; the following is the first in a series dedicated to uncovering the deliberations which occurred within the Williamsport Area School District school board members and administration in the days leading up to the release of the “Anti-Racism Resolution.”

The exclusive information contained in these reports was garnered through the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law from the Williamsport Area School District by TalkWilliamsport.com.

From the unredacted information obtained by Talkwilliamsport.com; WASD board member Jennifer Lake first broached the topic with fellow board members and WASD Superintendent Timothy Bowers on June 11, 2020.

What follows are the deliberations in chronological order and the parties noted in their own words.

Editor’s Note: “Greg” is Greg Hayes, Director of Public Relations/WASD Education Foundation


As “The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part IV” concluded and asked; what if the entire WASD Anti-racism Resolution was in fact politically motivated?

This would fly in the face of the assertion Jennifer Lake made in her initial email on June 11, 2020 when she said:

This isn’t political.

This isn’t in support of or against Black Lives Matter.

This is about our student population and doing our part to respond to the hurt.”

What if the premise of This isn’t political” was in fact demonstrably false?

What if there was a photographic and documented online timeline to prove it was false?

Upon review of the following case you as the reader get to make that determination.


First Church Lead Pastor Matthew Lake (husband of Jennifer Lake) posted on Monday, June 15, 2020 on his personal Facebook page:

“I’m excited for tonight at 6PM to have the chance to dialogue with our mayor, Derek Slaughter, in a virtual town hall gathering around the issue of racism and how we as a church can faithfully respond. I hope you can join us.”“First Glance: Video Edition | ONLINE TOWN HALL | Session 48 with Pastor Matt 176 views • Streamed live on Jun 15, 2020 9 Likes 0 Dislikes SHARE SAVE First Church Williamsport 188 subscribers”

A screen grab of the opening scene shows Matthew Lake and Mayor Slaughter with less than 6 feet of social distancing and lack of masks for both men.

Did both then have to quarantine for 14 days out of an abundance of caution for failing to adhere to state mandated guidance on both topics?

Mayor Slaughter appeared at a “peaceful protest” held outside earlier in 2020 with a mask. He also recently welcomed his third child into the world.


On Tuesday, June 23, 2020 the Williamsport Area School Board unanimously approved an Anti-Racism Resolution articulated in Part IV of this series.

On Thursday, June 25, 2020 a Facebook Group was launched called “Racism Has No Home” as it appears in this photo:


Two days later, a similar page appeared On Saturday, June 27, 2020 called “Racism Has No Home in Lycoming County, PA” as it appears in this photo:


Amy Bolt, takes a leading role on both pages and in both groups by visiting former Williamsport Area School District teacher and current Mayor of Williamsport, Derek Slaughter.

The photo posted below on June 29,2020 shows Slaughter holding a “Racism Has No Home Here” sign.

The caption reads; “The Mayor of Williamsport agrees! “Racism Has NO Home Here!”

Amy Bolt, the same day, then posts a photo of her husband Williamsport Bureau of Police Agent and former WASD school resource officer (Jason) Bolt, along with Mayor of Williamsport, Derek Slaughter and Williamsport Bureau of Police Chief Damon Hagan.

The caption reads; “Agent Bolt (heart emoji), the Mayor, and Chief Hagan.”




Rhetorical questions: Does the Williamsport Bureau of Police have a policy on political speech or endorsing political movements while on the job?

Or do the taxpayers of Williamsport get to have that question answered with another federal lawsuit based on First Amendment protections for police officers in their “official capacities.”

Under the PA Right to Know Law, do school resource officers phone records and emails belong to the school district, the police department they work for, or both?

Amy Bolt, was not finished yet, the next photo is that of a Racism Has No Home Here” sign on the front windshield of a Williamsport Bureau of Police car (photo below).

“Got the AOK from the Chief and Mayor for this pic! Moving forward together.”

Rhetorical question: Are the taxpayers of Williamsport funding the tacit endorsement of a political movement they were not given the opportunity to vote for or to weigh in on?


Barely a week after the ink was dry on the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution; the first public indication of the coordination between WASD school board member Jennifer Lake, Amy Bolt and the “Racism Has No Home Here” Facebook pages and group becomes apparent.

July 1, 2020, Amy Bolt posts on the “Racism Has No Home” Facebook page: “Show Jennifer Lake some love! She just put in an order for 210 more signs! We’re gonna show everyone who lives in or visits Williamsport that we are united in our hatred of racism! P.S. please don’t ask her for a sign if you haven’t already ordered through her. She deserves a break! Great job, Jenn!” 

Is it plausible, this is why Jennifer Lake was pressing WASD Superintendent, Dr. Tim Bowers about getting the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution on the website by Thursday?

Had Jennifer Lake already begun placing “Racism Has No Home Here” sign orders?

Is it plausible, the signs would being popping up after the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution was published on the WASD website prior to the WASD board meeting?

Is it plausible, Bowers was slowing Jennifer Lake down?

Is it plausible, other WASD board members who chided Bowers for even questioning their wisdom of crafting the language and sending it back to PSBA for a final review were also slowing Jennifer Lake down?

How dare Dr. Bowers even consider it and not mindlessly heed the advice of the woke mob.

Amy Bolt posts a photo on the same day of a “Racism Has No Home Here” sign in Bruce E, Henry Park in Loyalsock Township.

Rhetorical question: Are the taxpayers of Loyalsock Township funding a park where a tacit endorsement of a political movement they were not given the opportunity to vote for or to weigh in on?

Is there an ordinance or local code prohibiting such political displays?

Remember, Jennifer Lake said about the proposed “WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution” in her initial email on June 11, 2020: This isn’t political. This isn’t in support of or against Black Lives Matter. This is about our student population and doing our part to respond to the hurt.”



Morgan Williams posts a photo of on July 2, 2020 of a “Racism Has No Home Here” sign in front of Thaddeus Stevens Primary School.

Can anyone put a sign in front of a school; let’s say a religious symbol or any issue they feel strongly about or what about a political candidate?

No, why not?

Jennifer Lake seems to think it is acceptable.

Were the taxpayers in the WASD given the opportunity to vote on placing these signs?

Are there policies and procedures in place in the WASD to prohibit such signage and messages?

Remember, Jennifer Lake said on June 11, 2020: This isn’t political.



As the “Racism Has No Home Here” signs began to blossom like dandelions on high octane fertilizer throughout the summer; out of left field Little League International offered there perspective.

On July 6, 2020, PennLive.com published; “Little League voices support for Black Lives Matter, showing new willingness to speak on social justice issues”

From the article, “Throughout its history, Little League has not tolerated discrimination but has always remained quiet and in the background on social justice issues, CEO Stephen D. Keener said.

Now, Little League felt it was time to be a little louder, he said.”

Hugh E. Tanner, chairman of Little League International’s board of directors, recently sent a letter to district and league volunteers.

Tanner cited the millions who have come together to support Black Lives Matter after the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor.

“Little League International stands with them,” Tanner wrote. “There is no place for racism and hate in this world and that certainly includes on Little League fields in every community.

“Little League International believes in the power of youth baseball and softball to build stronger individuals and communities.

“We cannot live this mission by staying silent during this tumultuous time and in the wake of the meaningful and peaceful protests, of unconscionable police brutality, happening on the streets in countless communities.

“These are our communities, where Little League welcomes families and kids to feel safe, connected, and included. Anything less is unacceptable.”

“Kids aren’t born to hate,” Keener said.

“They learn that from their environment, their parents, from the people they are around.”

“We’re not going to be afraid to use our voice if we think it is appropriate”

within the context of the Little League program, Keener said.

Little League has also refused comment on numerous occasions when asked about employees and uncles (World Series team hosts) involvement in the WAHS baseball team “criminal sexual misconduct” incident occurring in March 2018 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


Bill Emery made sure to post on September 21, 2020 the three “Racism Has No Home Here” signs on display in the WASD at Lycoming Valley Intermediate School.

Remember, Jennifer Lake said on June 11, 2020: This isn’t political.



Any doubts any reasonable person had the “WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution” and the subsequent “Racism Has No Home Here” movement were not a coordinated effort and political from the start went out the window the first week of November 2020.

A short trip down memory lane and a re-post of the Mayor of Williamsport photo from June 29, 2020; this time on November 1, 2020.

The caption reads: “The Williamsport Mayor wants racism to lose its home.”


Did Mayor Slaughter actually say that to the “Racism Has No Home” page administrators?

Or was it just a national Democrat talking point going into a Presidential election?

That answer in just a moment.

Think back, Jennifer Lake in her initial email on June 11, 2020: This isn’t political. This isn’t in support of or against Black Lives Matter. This is about our student population and doing our part to respond to the hurt.”




On election day 2020, “Racism Has No Home” Facebook page posted the following photo and captions.

The captions read:

“Racism does not belong in this home.”

“#Vote     #WhiteHouse     #RacismHasNoHomeHere” 

Were the taxpayers in the Williamsport Area School District brought into a national fight they never signed up for by a registered Democrat school board member attempting to make a name for herself in the party?

Could it be the “Vote Trump 2020” sign in the local paper Lake cited to Dr. Bowers in her initial email on June 11, 2020 that kicked this entire charade off?

Could it be the very student population and doing our part to respond to the hurt”; Lake cited to Dr. Bowers in her initial email on June 11, 2020 being used as pawns in an elaborate game of social climbing?

How could either of those be true?

I forgot, Jennifer Lake said; “This isn’t political.”



Nothing says woke mob like getting your photo and a story in the paper for being part of a racial injustice crisis you had nothing to do with; miles and states away but taking advantage of it none the less.

Amy Bolt, posts in the “Racism Has No Home” Facebook page on December 26, 2020.

“Friends!!! WE are one of the finalists for the Williamsport Sun-Gazette’s 2020 person of the year. We ALL have so much to be proud of! When I say WE, I mean each and every last one of you! We are being heard! (obligatory heart emoji)”

Curious if the folks at the Sun-Gazette were aware of the disdain Jennifer Lake has for them and that 2020 graduation photo referencing Donald Trump.

For a woke virtue signaling mob, where is the social distancing?

Masks anyone?

This article will be revisited at the conclusion of this story and series.


Amy Bolt, posts in the “Racism Has No Home” Facebook page on January 18, 2021.

“How did you spread the love and remember the influences of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Maybe you were a light in the darkness for someone who needed you or perhaps you spoke up about something that was wrong.” 

Jennifer Lake, fellow WASD board member Adam Welteroth is still waiting for that second to his motion to look into the handling of the 2018 Myrtle Beach incident.

Still silent on that topic?

Must be too busy ending all that racism and telling every one it has no home here.




With no author attributed, a post appears on the “Racism Has No Home” Facebook page on January 20, 2021; a photo of newly sworn in President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris from a previous campaign event, both like Jennifer Lake are registered Democrats.

“To four years of change, progress, and unity.

#RacismHasNoHomeHere   #inaugurationday2021


The founder of the “Racism Has No Home” movement was posted to their Facebook page on January 27, 2021.

“Our founder, Jen Schatzman (college roommate of Tyra Crews) sat down with (New York) Assemblywoman, Taylor Darling, to talk about our mission, why it matters, and how to get involved! Watch it.” (YouTube link) #RacismHasNoHomeHere  

Must have missed something, I could have sworn Jennifer Lake said in her initial email on June 11, 2020,

This isn’t political.”



For my closing argument, allow us to revisit the article from the local newspaper.

The Williamsport Sun-Gazette, maligned by Jennifer Lake and fellow WASD board members for running a photo of the 2020 WAHS graduation as noted in “The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part I of V; published “Patrice Blenman, Amy Bolt and friends: Rallying communities against racism” on December 26, 2020.

Editor’s Note: Was Jennifer Lake even more furious at the paper for not giving her top billing in the story?

Was the newspaper oblivious to the disdain Lake and others had for their staff when this article was published?

Editor’s note: Amy Bolt is the wife of recently promoted to Captain of the Williamsport Bureau of Police, Jason Bolt. He is a 16-year veteran of the WBP, according to NCPA.com “Bolt served in patrol and as a school resource officer for nearly a decade. More recently he has served as an agent, and then as a lieutenant for approximately four months on the Bureau’s nightwatch. Bolt has also served as a part time Task Force officer with the FBI.”

Jason Bolt served as a school resource officer for nearly a decade in the Williamsport Area School District.

From the Sun-Gazette article: “The efforts of Tyra Crews and Amy Bolt, area school teachers, alongside their friends, Jennifer Schatzman, Jennifer Lake and many, many others, have helped bring the community together through facilitating and bringing “Racism Has No Home Here” signs around the county — in front of churches, 50 signs around Lycoming College and in your neighbors’ front yards.”

“Crews bought 10 signs from her friend and marched with them in the city’s own marches and protests. She decided to sell them to help her roommate’s fundraiser for her area’s NAACP fundraiser when Bolt and Lake took it upon themselves to facilitate the selling of signs through a dedicated Facebook page, to help distribute them, especially to bring the community together and stand in solidarity against racism.”

“This is important work,” Jennifer Lake, sign distributor, organizer and supporter, said. 

“I do it for my children, we do it for our children.

Someday, years from now when we look back at this time,

I want to feel really good about what side of this issue I am on.”


Only time and history will be the judge of the words and stances taken by Jennifer Lake and others cited in this series.

Will the anti-racism resolution stand as a resounding success?

Or, will the anti-racism resolution stand as a haunting reminder of colossal failure for generations to come?

These and so many other questions surrounding the Williamsport Area School District and how it operates; will be answered soon enough.

Stay Tuned.


This concludes the series “The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution” – a news series “The fallout…” is in development.


Previous article links:

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part I

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part II

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part III

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part IV

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part V

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part IV

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part IV of V

By: Todd Bartley


In what can only be characterized as a race to finish first in local wokeness; the following is the first in a series dedicated to uncovering the deliberations which occurred within the Williamsport Area School District school board members and administration in the days leading up to the release of the “Anti-Racism Resolution.”

The exclusive information contained in these reports was garnered through the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law from the Williamsport Area School District by TalkWilliamsport.com.

From the unredacted information obtained by Talkwilliamsport.com; WASD board member Jennifer Lake first broached the topic with fellow board members and WASD Superintendent Timothy Bowers on June 11, 2020.

What follows are the deliberations in chronological order and the parties noted in their own words.

Editor’s Note: “Greg” is Greg Hayes, Director of Public Relations/WASD Education Foundation


Monday, June 22, 2020 11:01 AM, Timothy Bowers <tbowers@wasd.org> wrote:

“Good Morning, 

“I have attached PSBA’s resolution. I think it is well written. My thought is to send it to the full board today and suggest that someone make the recommendation to adopt from the floor tomorrow night and send back to PSBA. The other option would be to just place it on the addendum. The other option would be to just place it on the addendum. What are you thoughts?



June 22, 2020 11:15 AM

From: Jane Penman <jpenman@lockhaven.edu> wrote:

To: Timothy Bowers

Cc: Lori Baer, Jane Penman

Subject: Re: PSBA Resolution on anti-racist school climate

“What do you mean by “and send it back to PSBA.”

Sent form my iPhone


June 22, 2020 2:14 PM, Timothy Bowers <tbowers@wasd.org> wrote:

“Attached is the PSBA recommended resolution regarding antiracism in schools. I believe it is well written. My plan is to include this resolution in tomorrow’s addendum. My suggestion would be for one of our board members to read the resolution in our public meeting and then authorize me to send the signed document back to PSBA. PSBA appreciates districts sharing the signed resolutions with them so they know how many districts have approved their resolutions. If you have any questions or concerns let me know.”

Attachments: <Anti-Racism Board Resolution.pdf>     <Anti-Racism Board Resolution.docx>


June 22, 2020 4:06 PM

From: Barbara Reeves (REDACTED)

To: Timothy Bowers

Cc: Fred Holland, (WASD Solicitor); Star Poole; Timothy Bowers (WASD Superintendent); Jane Penman; Marc Schefsky; Jennifer Lake; Susan A. Neidig; Board Member; Barbara Reeves; Lori Baer; Adam Welteroth; Wanda Erb; Nancy Somers; Patrick Dixon; Susie Bigger

Subject: PSBA Resolution

“Hello. Thanks.”


Monday, June 22, 2020 5:20 PM

Nancy Somers sends a text message to Jennifer Lake and an unidentified female WASD school board member:

“Your thoughts on the resolution?” (Editor’s Note: this question was “Liked” by an unidentified participant)

“I think Jenn should be the one to read it since she did the pre-emptive strike on the topic.”


The unidentified female WASD school board member responds:

“That would be appropriate.”


June 22, 2020 6:03 PM, Jennifer Lake (REDACTED) emails the entire group:

From: Jenn L. Lake

To: Timothy Bowers

Cc: Fred Holland, (WASD Solicitor); Star Poole; Timothy Bowers (WASD Superintendent); Jane Penman; Marc Schefsky; Jennifer Lake; Susan A. Neidig; Board Member; Barbara Reeves; Lori Baer; Adam Welteroth; Wanda Erb; Nancy Somers; Patrick Dixon; Susie Bigger

Subject: PSBA Resolution

“I will volunteer to read this publicly if nobody else already has.”

Jennifer Lake, PCC


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


Within the established timeline of events the undated and untimed texts are believed to be exchanged prior to the meeting on June 23, 2020.

The text messages continue:

Jennifer Lake then responds:

“Haven’t had a chance to look at it but will now.

Just read it.

I hate the “WHEREAS” because I fell like it feels cold and impersonal.

However, I appreciate the strong language in this statement and I would agree to publish it.

What do you guys think?”


The unidentified female WASD school board member responds:

“I understand. That’s just the language of the resolution to make it sound official. (smiley face emoji)

But I do appreciate the language as well.”

Jennifer Lake then “Loved” the comment.


Nancy Somers then replies:


“Better than I expected”

Jennifer Lake then “Likes” the comment.


Jennifer Lake then poses the following question:

“You ladies joining in for executive session?”

“Getting ready to start”


The unidentified female WASD school board member responds:

“I’m on”



“We are both here”



“Oops!!! I didn’t move my screen over. I see you now (heart emoji)”


Williamsport Area School District Board of School Directors held its regular meeting on Tuesday, June 23, 2020.

From the meeting minutes of that evening:

The Regular Meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Williamsport Area School District of which all members were duly notified and of which due public notice was given as required by Act 84 of 1986, was held on Tuesday evening, June 23, 2020, beginning at 6:03 PM.

President Baer welcomed everyone to our virtual meeting. President Baer noted the following:
1) The meeting is being recorded.
2) The microphones are all muted.
3) Board members will need to unmute their microphones to speak.
4) Under the Open Forum section of the meeting, anyone wishing to address the
Board will need to use the raise hand feature to have their microphone unmuted.
5) Board members making and seconding motions will need to state their name for the record.
6) All votes will be roll call.

Wanda Erb announced that all Board members except, Ms. Star Poole were in attendance.

PRESENT: Lori A. Baer, Patrick A. Dixon, Jennifer Lake, Jane L. Penman, Star Poole (arrived 6:10 PM), Barbara D. Reeves, Marc Schefsky, Nancy Somers, Adam C. Welteroth.


President Baer announced that an executive session was held prior to tonight’s meeting for personnel and attorney advisement.

OPENING EXERCISES – Dr. Penman provided opening exercises.


D. Mrs. Lake read a resolution supporting the development of an anti-racist school climate by the Board of Directors of the Williamsport Area School District.
Resolution supporting the development of an anti-racist school climate by the Board of Directors of the Williamsport Area School District

The resolution is contained below in its entirety from a previous story.

The meeting moved along with the PERSONNEL REPORT, 8.1 RESIGNATIONS
Accept the following resignation(s), effective on the dates and for the purposes indicated:

D. Gregory L. Hayes, Jr., full-time Executive Director of the Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation and Public Relations for the District, for other employment, effective July 17, 2020.

Contained in the SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT offered by Timothy S. Bowers, Ed.D., Dr. Bowers thanked Greg Hayes for his work in the district both as our Executive Director of the education foundation and our Public Relations Director. He wished him well in his new position and future endeavors.

During the ITEMS FROM PUBLIC portion of the meeting; it is believed a pre-determined speaker was invited by Jennifer Lake to address the Resolution.

This connection will be further further illustrated in “The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part V.”

Within the meeting minutes:
Tyra Crews, a district resident residing on Watson Street, Williamsport, addressed the Board asking several questions regarding the Anti-Racist School Climate Resolution and how it will be communicated, implemented, and measured. She suggested that perhaps a task force could be established. Dr. Bowers asked Mrs. Crews to contact his office to set up a meeting to discuss her ideas.

Why is the fact Mrs. Crews is WASD employee omitted from the meeting minutes?

Upon motion made by Dr. Penman, seconded by Mrs. Reeves, and carried the meeting adjourned at 6:49 PM.


Almost immediately after the meeting; the congratulations come raining in for Jennifer Lake and the unanimous passage of the Resolution.

June 22, 2020 7:03 PM

From: Nancy Somers

To: Jenn L. Lake

Cc: Fred Holland, (WASD Solicitor); Star Poole; Timothy Bowers (WASD Superintendent); Jane Penman; Marc Schefsky; Jennifer Lake; Susan A. Neidig; Board Member; Barbara Reeves; Lori Baer; Adam Welteroth; Wanda Erb; Nancy Somers; Patrick Dixon; Susie Bigger

Subject: PSBA Resolution

“Thank you Jenn.”


From the TalkWilliamsport.com OP-ED: Jennifer Lake Wokebegone on June 24, 2020

WASD School Board Adopts Anti-Racist Resolution

On June 23, 2020, in light of recent national events, the Williamsport Area School Board adopted the following anti-racist resolution: 

WHEREAS, we are deeply saddened and outraged by the recent killing of George Floyd and violence against black men and women. The subsequent protests have shined a spotlight on the harmful effects of racism and inequality.
Furthermore, the public response has highlighted the racial trauma that our black students, families, staff, and communities have not only endured for centuries but continue to face today.
WHEREAS, we must recognize that racism and hate have no place in our schools and society.
However, we must understand that racism is systemic, and it is unconsciously and consciously rooted into our institutions, policies, and practices.
Consequently, we acknowledge that we must look at our own school policies and practices through an anti-racist and equity lens to address traces of racism and inequity that still exist within our own school community.
WHEREAS, we must center the voices of staff, students, families, and communities who have historically endured discrimination and marginalization.
Their lived experiences and stories require attention, require respect, require empathy, and most importantly require action.
Therefore, it is essential that we establish an expectation that a diversity of students, families, and community members, specifically those that have been ignored, discriminated against, and marginalized, are heard and included on substantive school and district issues.
WHEREAS, we must better educate ourselves and seek to educate the community on the historical and current impact of racism and discrimination on our students, families, and communities, as well as understand our role in perpetuating such inequity.
Through continuous professional development and opportunities for honest dialogue and listening sessions, we hope to build partnerships in the community focused on overcoming racism and other barriers.
By doing so, we can create opportunities to ensure that each child has the tools and supports needed to thrive.
WHEREAS, we must advocate to advance civil rights and cultivate an anti-racist school climate necessary to meet the needs of ALL students in our care.
Our students, no matter their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, language ability, disability, and other identities, deserve to feel safe, to feel seen, and to feel affirmed.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Williamsport Area School Board, unequivocally stand firm in our collective responsibility to foster an equitable and inclusive environment for every student, staff member, parent, and community member.
We commit to use our role as school board directors to recognize, respond, and speak out against injustice and racial inequity in our school community.
The Resolution is signed by WASD school board president Lori Baer and board Secretary Wanda Erb. 
As noted in the June 24, 2020 meeting minutes: “Dr. Bowers will send a copy of the approved Anti-Racist School Climate Resolution to PSBA.”



If a board member is not serving in their first term; could an argument be made that anyone in a second, third or longer term is actually contributing to the underlying issues noted in the Resolution?

Is it fair to say, after 400 years of history on this topic to rely upon, the recent epiphany is a little late?

Is it fair to say, it seems opportunistic?


During the Williamsport Area School District board meeting on Tuesday evening, board member Jennifer Lake played a leading role reading an anti-racism resolution into the record prior to its unanimous approval.

So how in good conscience can Jennifer Lake bring forward a resolution addressing a situation that occurred in Minneapolis while failing to address a tragic situation in her own backyard?

The indisputable timeline of insanity regarding the Myrtle Beach incident compared to the anti-racism Resolution unanimously approved last night defies logic.

  • WASD concludes investigation of Myrtle Beach incident June 5, 2018.
  • 19 months later – WASD issues Statement on handling of Myrtle Beach incident January 9, 2020.
  • George Floyd who has never been a student in the WASD is killed in Minnesota on May 25, 2020.
  • Less than 30 days later – WASD school board approves Anti-racism Resolution June 23, 2020
  • The anti-racism Resolution is based on national events including the death of George Floyd.

So Jennifer Lake and her fellow WASD board members had a faster public response to the death of George Floyd than a “criminal sexual misconduct” incident involving students in the district.

How could I forget, child privacy laws prevented the WASD from making a statement – for 19 months!

Back to present day, what if the entire WASD Anti-racism Resolution was in fact politically motivated?

This would fly in the face of the assertion Jennifer Lake made in her initial email on June 11, 2020 when she said:

This isn’t political.

This isn’t in support of or against Black Lives Matter.

This is about our student population and doing our part to respond to the hurt.”


Did you mean to say, “the hurt”, the “criminal sexual misconduct” victims endured during the 2018 WAHS Baseball team trip in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and still suffer to this day?

Did you mean to say, “the hurt”, of having justice denied to date in that case and the indignity of not even being recognized as “victims” by the self-aggrandizing, high, mighty and proud WASD school board and WASD administration?


The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part V is forthcoming, with photographic evidence.


Previous article links:

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part I

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part II

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part III

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part IV


The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part III

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part III of V

By: Todd Bartley


In what can only be characterized as a race to finish first in local wokeness; the following is the first in a series dedicated to uncovering the deliberations which occurred within the Williamsport Area School District school board members and administration in the days leading up to the release of the “Anti-Racism Resolution.”

The exclusive information contained in these reports was garnered through the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law from the Williamsport Area School District by TalkWilliamsport.com.

From the unredacted information obtained by Talkwilliamsport.com; WASD board member Jennifer Lake first broached the topic with fellow board members and WASD Superintendent Timothy Bowers on June 11, 2020.

What follows are the deliberations in chronological order and the parties noted in their own words.

Editor’s Note: “Greg” is Greg Hayes, Director of Public Relations/WASD Education Foundation


On June 16, 2020, 5:02 PM

From: Nancy Somers (REDACTED)

To: Timothy Bowers

Cc: Jennifer Lake, Nancy Somers

Subject: Statement

“Thank you Tim.

I like it with Greg’s edits. I hope you don’t mind but I forwarded it to barb for her input. I’ll forward her email of response.

I think we need to put out something.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


On June 16, 2020, at 5:03:58 PM EDT, Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“Barb’s input.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


Editor’s Note: In the email version provided from Jennifer Lake on June 16, 2020 sent at 9:34 p.m., the “Barb’s (Reeves) input” portion was REDACTED in its entirety.


On June 16, 2020, at 9:33 PM, Jennifer Lake (REDACTED) wrote:

“Thanks Tim. I have included barb in this also. I looked at the links of resources provided and while I did not read everything word for word in each article, they seem to be reputable and helpful sources. As for the statement, I think it’s a great start. I have copied/pasted Greg’s in the blue and provided my additions/edits in the black and highlighted any changes I suggest for easy viewing. Naturally we don’t have to use the edits I made. Just my thoughts and hope it’s helpful.

Tim, if possible, I feel we should get this on our website no later than Thursday.

Do you think that’s possible?

What do the rest of you think?”

The safety of our schools and our community is rooted in a foundation of mutual respect and trust for all. Recent world and national events have highlighted many inequities, bias and views of racism throughout all society – our community included. Here at WASD, we believe the diversity of our school community is out greatest strength. We support all our students and families. We will continue to work with students and our schools to address areas where we can engage, educate and empower our students.

We recognize that the media coverage of recent rallies, events and protests have and will undoubtedly cause questions from children. We know there are no clear answers to many of them. However, we encourage our families to use the resources below to develop a meaningful dialogue.

We stand with our students and families of color. We are listening to their concerns, questions, and perspectives and we want to reassure the that we are committed to making changes in our system that ensure their safety and wellbeing. As a school district, we cannot ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation, and we will do our part to promote and advocate for institutional change in our schools.

Together, we can work toward creating a better tomorrow.


The safety of our schools and our community is rooted in a foundation of mutual respect and trust for all. Recent world and national events have highlighted many inequities, bias and realities of racism throughout all society – our community included. Here at WASD, we believe the diversity of our school community is our greatest strength. We support all our students, faculty, staff and families. We will continue to work with students and our schools to address areas where we can engage, educate and empower our students.

We recognize that the media coverage of recent rallies, events and protests have and will undoubtedly cause questions from children. We know these questions and their answers can be difficult and we encourage our families to use the resources below to develop a meaningful dialogue.

We stand with our students, our faculty, our staff and our families of color. We are listening to their concerns, questions, and perspectives. We want to reassure our beloved students, faculty, staff and families of color, that we are committed to making changes in our system that ensure their safety and wellbeing. As a school district, we cannot and will not, ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation, and we will do our part to promote and advocate for institutional change in our schools.

Together, we can work toward creating a better tomorrow.

Jennifer Lake, PCC

Dwell Orphan Care, Executive Director



On June 16, 2020, at 10:19 PM, Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“I think Jenn’s edits improve the statement even further.

I agree it would be good to get this statement on the website sooner rather than later.

Also agree it should not be in a format that invites comments.

It is a statement of fact.

I really appreciate your efforts on this (Tim and Jenn) as well as Greg’s help and Barb’s thoughts.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


On June 16, 2020, 10:25 PM Timothy Bowers <tbowers@wasd.org> wrote:

“Nancy I would like to run it by my team in the morning, then share it out to the full board. I would like to make sure everyone is supportive and comfortable with this before we post.

Sorry I am being so cautious but just want to make sure we get this right. 


Sent from my iPhone”


On June 16, 2020, at 10:29 PM, Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“I certainly hope there is no objection. That might reflect a serious division.”

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


_________________Forwarded message _____________________

On June 16, 2020, 10:41 PM

From: Timothy Bowers <tbowers@wasd.org>

To: N Somers (REDACTED)


“If there is no objections I don’t believe it will be on the content only the timing.


Sent from my iPhone”


Lake, Reeves, Somers and Bowers begin a separate e-mail thread:

On June 16, 2020, 10:42 PM

From: Nancy Somers

To: Jennifer Lake; Barbara Reeves

Fwd: Re: Statement


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


On Wed, June 17, 2020, 3:01 PM Susan A. Neidig <sneidig@wasd.org> wrote:

“Over the last few days a few of our board members reached out to me about possibly putting out a statement regarding the recent racial tension that has been seen throughout our country in the days following the death of George Floyd. Below is what we think is the final edited version of a statement that both my admin team and two of our board members have crafted. Please let me know if you have nay concerns with releasing this statement to our webpage at this time.




Dear Community,

The safety of our schools and our community is rooted in a foundation of mutual respect and trust for all. Recent world and national events have highlighted many inequities, bias and realities of racism throughout all society – our community included. Here at WASD, we believe the diversity of our school community is our greatest strength. We support all our students, faculty, staff and families. We will continue to work with students and our schools to address areas where we can engage, educate and empower our students.

We recognize that the media coverage of recent rallies, events and protests have and will undoubtedly cause questions from children. We know these questions and providing answers can be difficult. We encourage our families to use the resources below to hep develop and support a meaningful dialogue.

We stand with all all our students, faculty, staff and families of color. As a school district, we cannot – and will not – ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation.

Together, we can work toward creating a better tomorrow.


  • Talking to Children About Race
  • How to Talk to Kids About Racism
  • Talking to Children About Racial Bias
  • Raising Race-Conscious Children
  • Talking About Race”


Responses began to trickle in from WASD board members


In response, Nancy Somers offered the following:

On June 17, 2020, 5:10 PM,  Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“I like it. Thanks.”

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


In response, Jennifer Lake offered the following to Nancy Somers and the group noted above:

On June 17, 2020, 5:10 PM EDT Jennifer Lake (REDACTED) wrote:

“Yes I am in agreement.

Jennifer Lake, PCC”



On June 17, 2020, 6:38 PM marc schefsky (REDACTED) wrote:

“Very well written. Gets my approval.



On June 17, 2020, 8:53 PM

From: Star Poole (REDACTED)

To: mschefsky

Cc: Susan A. Neidig; Adam Welteroth; Barbara Reeves; Jane Penman; Jennifer Lake; Lori Baer; Marc Schefsky; Nancy Somers; Pat A. Dixon; Patrick Dixon; Star Poole; Timothy Bowers (WASD Superintendent)

Subject: Statement

“Great (followed by a pair of hearts)”


On Thursday, June 18, 2020, 11:12:16 AM EDT Susan A. Neidig <sneidig@wasd.org> wrote:

After feedback received, below is the revised statement that we will be sharing on our district website at 2:00 p.m. today.


Dear Community,

The safety of our schools and our community is rooted in a foundation of mutual respect and trust for all. Recent world and national events have highlighted many inequities, bias and realities of racism throughout all society – our community included. Here at WASD, we believe the diversity of our school community is our greatest strength. We support all our students, faculty, staff and families. We will continue to work with students and our schools to address areas where we can engage, educate and empower our students.

We recognize that the media coverage of recent rallies, events and protests have and will undoubtedly cause questions from children. We know these questions and providing answers can be difficult. We encourage our families to use the resources below to hep develop and support a meaningful dialogue.

We stand with all all our students, faculty, staff and families of color. As a school district, we cannot – and will not – ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation.

Together, we can work toward creating a better tomorrow.


  • Talking to Children About Race
  • How to Talk to Kids About Racism
  • Talking to Children About Racial Bias
  • Raising Race-Conscious Children
  • Talking About Race


In response, Jennifer Lake offered the following:

On June 18, 2020, 11:45 AM EDT Jennifer Lake (REDACTED) wrote:

Thank you Tim

Tim and Board…

I do have a question…this is not the same statement that you emailed yesterday and was responded to with approval from myself and others. The last paragraph is different. Originally it read.

“We stand with all all our students, faculty, staff and families of color. We are listening to their concerns, questions and perspectives, and we are committed to making changes in our system to ensure their safety and wellbeing. As a school district, we cannot – and will not – ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation. We will do our part to promote and advocate for institutional change in our schools.”

Now it reads,

“We stand with all all our students, faculty, staff and families of color. As a school district, we cannot – and will not – ignore systemic racism and the injustices that continue to occur throughout our nation.”

So we have eliminated:

“We are listening to their concerns, questions and perspectives, and we are committed to making changes in our system to ensure their safety and wellbeing.”


“We will do our part to promote and advocate for institutional change in our schools.”

Why would we remove those truths? Are they not true of us? Are we not willing to listen and make systemic changes to ensure safety and wellbeing? Will we not do our part to promote and advocate for institutional change?

Of course I hope the answer to those questions are “of course we will listen, advocate, make changes, be willing to learn….. So if those statements are true of us as the WASD Board, why would we eliminate them?

Thank you for hearing me. I’m curious and open to hearing from you all as I want to learn and grow too.

Jennifer Lake, PCC

Dwell Orphan Care, Executive Director



In response, to Jennifer Lake, Nancy Somers offered the following:

On June 18, 2020, 1:19 PM,  Nancy Somers (REDACTED) wrote:

“I also noted those changes and wondered who had veto power over what a majority of board members approved. Nancy”

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID


In response, to Jennifer Lake and Nancy Somers, Barbara Reeves offered the following:

June 18, 2020 1:48 PM

From: Barbara Reeves (REDACTED)

To: N Somers

Cc: Fred Holland, (WASD Solicitor); Star Poole; Timothy Bowers (WASD Superintendent); Jane Penman; Marc Schefsky; Jennifer Lake; Susan A. Neidig; Board Member; Barbara Reeves; Lori Baer; Adam Welteroth; Wanda Erb; Nancy Somers; Patrick Dixon; Susie Bigger

Subject: Revised Statement

“I was wondering the same as Nancy & Jenn). I have been a little quiet since my last long e-mail. I’m just confused as to why this is so confusing and seems to be such a big ordeal to figure out. Please help me to understand. Barb”

Sent from my iPhone


The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part IV is forthcoming.


Previous article links:

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part I

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part II

The anatomy of the WASD Anti-Racism Board Resolution – Part III